Hehe we tricked them frens

1  2019-06-19 by nationalitarian










I hate you so much






u/nwordcountbot u/CPTfavela






I got a DM from a "MrMoLester" and he said "I nut in ur butt"

Im calling CPS for help now

See ya dude

Goodbye frens


Remember frens, n-word is short for non-fren!

Remember frens! N-word is short for non-fren.




What did he say?

middle finger emoji. very unfrenly.


thank you for protecting frencity

Frens, France is a cuck club. We need to spread the word

Gonna hug naked with my frens

Ding dong, fren!

Use a condom fren, you don’t want mini frens

Of course he does fren! We need lots of beautiful green little frenlings to help populate frenworld! But I agree that our fren should be careful about who he picks to have frelings with.

Making little green frens is the purpose of our life and gives us a legacy that nothing can replace.

So true fren!

Beautifully said fren :')

We should have all the tadpoles! Fight the peen chopping cult!





Lil’ John

Happy cake day

Like it’s cute, but the underlying bigotry is holding it back.

There's no bigotry, only frenship

You must be a new fren. It’s a commentary on the absurdity of the very exinstance if an “n-word”

Its ok to say n word if talking about country and using a southern accent


u/nwordcountbot u/The-Frights

The original was very mean, thank you for fixing it fren

I agree fren it did sound a bit mean. It is better to focus on being frenly with your own group of frens instead of being mean to others!

Indeed fren, only clowns try to hurt others without being nice to each other. That’s why we need to kick the clowns out of frenworld and send them back to their own continent!



Hey, frens need some info. What is ChapoTrapHouse anyways? Thanks, fren

It's just a subreddit for a popular left-wing podcast fren. They really don't like us frens very much, if they are bothering you the best thing you can do is ignore them.

Some of them aren’t that bad fren, they are just uneducated they can’t do maths, or history, we just need to help them and they will become our frens

communists. If you talk to them they will ask you to show your penis

Better tankies than trannies

Most of them are both of those things fren

Good thing the commies strave themselves usually so its all fine. Good 'ol communism never lets us down

And 40% of the chapos that don't starve to death off themselves too. It truly is a problem with a built in solution.

posadists actually


A sampling of the type of content found on CTH:


I need to stop browsing reddit while I eat, this made me queasy

Need hug fren?

I need Peto Bismal☹️

It in da cubbord

I can't reach it, fren!

Hop to it!

Wow. To think that these people are the direct result of millions of years of successful evolution. Wow.

I'm never dating cis gendered again

Man this hrt therapy is killing my sex drive


You are on a subreddit where people hide their racism/fascism by using baby speak. Shut the fuck up you waste of cells.


sterilizing yourself to own the eugenics bros

I lol'd, if you made that would you mind posting it to CWW?

I didn't compile the comments myself

I'm sure the original creator wouldn't mind you sharing it. It's not like he can collect royalties.

I have to hand it to them, they have by far the most schizophrenic set of beliefs I have ever seen. They have the consistency of sand drawings on a crowded beach.

Ands that’s no easy feat when you include all the other nut subs

Out of all of the disgusting left wing things we say in there the best you could find was people talking about transphobia/being transgendered?

So one time you guys made a thread about how much you hated me.

It was speculated that I must be a "loser" and a "dork."

Turns out the OP was a fat broke virgin in his early 20s who admitted to stalking a woman he knew wasn't into him.


Oh and giving hormones to mentally fragile pubescent boys in a futile attempt to turn them into girls is monstrous

I’m sorry someone hurt your feelings with a childish insult. My original comment was just saying there’s a lot worse things being posted/have been posted there other than “I’m transgendered and I hate people who are transphobic”

Ewe gross, thanks fren for info!

Fren don’t go down that hole. It’s a scary place and all it will do is make you feel depressed about the frenciety we live in

your comment was posted is on their pedo-commie-trans-sharia-sub

internet = fren

N-word lol








Good save frens!

Frens, why did boomers do the things they did?

Because they old grumpy some non frens.

Because the TV lied to em fren

because fren, they wanted to rebel against the uptight religious parents and conservatives and take things less seriously, the good times they were born into made them naive and they got complacent. Now the uptight conservatives they once rebelled against are nothing compared to the evil they let flourish.

fuck religion

Very edgy and controversial my fellow big brained atheist non-fren

tips fedora

Religion is an excellent carrier of preferable memes. It's not about your feeling of self fulfillment as an individual, it's about securing a future for our frenlings. We need religion, the question is what that religion needs te be in order to fulfill our goals in a world of ever advancing technology.

Hey, my rust fren told me to sub to this. Why is this sub full of frens

Idk they just is

It's frenworld dummy :P


I want a fren

We are all frens here, fren

You're already my fren. ♥

I'll be your fren, fren


not ebin

I cant believe people actually spend their time writing and posting this way

Creepy af right? It's like baby talk but even worse

fren no


Fucking cowards can't just talk like regular people

Yikes. This ain’t it, chief. Big oof. Who hurt you? You’re arguing in bad faith; I’m done here. Let’s unpack this. literally shaking rn.

Nice try but we aren't from TD. Stop talking like a cringey neck beard and get a grip


Locked, cause y’all can’t behave!

This place is getting astroturfed

Very wholesome, fren.

I got banned from fuckthealtright just for commenting in this cringey sub. Hmmm I wonder why?

Claims to be great debaters

Blocks anyone who doesn’t agree



middle finger emoji. very unfrenly.

Nice try but we aren't from TD. Stop talking like a cringey neck beard and get a grip

Claims to be great debaters

Blocks anyone who doesn’t agree


Locked, cause y’all can’t behave!