i dont know how this happened i want my mommy frens

174  2019-06-19 by FPKorea


Hey don't worry fren, hold my hand we'll look for her together! I won't leave you until you're safe and sound with your momfren :)

Once you start bopping there is no stopping. Regret nothing.

Did the bugaloo already start, frien?

You should've bought better gear fren. Try and get some before your bopped.

Haha he got owned so hard typical white trash little dicked dipshit filthy fuckin swine

You over done it dude, you're supposed to sound autistic.

Not like that. Be more subtle. It's obvious you're baiting.

Honestly this guy was not prepared to one man boogaloo. Shitty rifle, garbage toy optic, no plate carrier...he looks like an air soft fag with daddies rifle. Plus what was his motive, just shoot a gov building with civilian employees? Weak shit all around, glad he got one tapped by a pistol wielding mall cop.

I mean if your gonna go die might as well just take out loans sell your car do whatever so you can get like 10gs for some good cowabunga gear not like you gotta pay it back.

Who dis fren

Some loser who didnt even score any points. False flag by glowdindos?

Should've trained better fren and tried out your gear fren I see your loading with your dominant hand that's a big nono fren you probably had to because you mags are at your waistline which made them get stuck in the pouch when you tried to pull with your off hand if you had moved them up to your stomach that wouldn't have happened fren. Also you need to drill fren a good one is putting a quarter on your front sight post and walking at the ready trying to balance the quarter as long as possible fren. When you can do that try and so it faster then get a fren and race each other while doing it, it's really fun fren! Its important to be able to fire while on the move especially when alone fren. You need covering fire every time you move and if your alone you have to provide it yourself fren otherwise some rent a cop is gonna bop you fren.

Fatal front dominant corner :ppp

Probably didn't slice the tendie either fren.

You guys aren’t even hiding it anymore

Just being frenly is all.

Ethnostates aren’t really frenly mr incel

Just come out to the world, advocate for your ethnostate in public bud. You’ll feel so much better

Who would win: fren or rent-a-cop?