I made a flag for our greatest ally so they can celebrate their inclusivity. They will be so grateful about it.

415  2019-06-18 by kekfugeee


Beautiful! Time for Israel to embrace multiculturalism!

They need to be enriched with Frenly diversity!

They won't survive as a country unless they embrace multiculturalism!

Now you can also meet Muslim frens in Israel, not just Western Europe and USA!

Why don't they open their borders and give citizenship and voting rights to millions of Palestinians who are demanding the right to return to their homes? Surely such a dramatic increase in diversity would be a great strength and extremely enriching for the existing citizens.


The falafel will be heavenly!

Looks frenly to me

The frenliest.

When you don’t have enough of a brain to attempt actual political commentary. How does it feel to be a retard and a bigot?

Someone's hangry

Fren this the internet. We are all up for updoots and good time. Why be so angry. Bitterness is bad for the soul. Bitterness and hatred can only be rooted out through love. Love and food imo.

Love and food imo.





I don't understand this. If I don't want more diversity into frenworld the non-frens call me a bigot and when frens call for more diversity in Israel the non-frens call him a bigot too. Can someone explain this to me?

Who would be against diversity?


fren, why do you have to be so mean? sounds like you are a non friend.

I'm a bigot because I want a country to embrace diversity and multiculturalism? Seriously confusing me and I just don't understand

Just seen your rateme, you look like a gimp retard. Maybe gimp retard can be your superhero name because that's what you think you are, coming into these subs and yelling at everyone lmao.

You think diversity and multicultarlism is bad, and then call US bigots?

Are you suggesting multiculturalism is bad? It's our greatest strength. BOP




This is literally the guy calling you a retard. It's exactly what I pictured. Why so much self hate?

The epitome of soy boy

Open borders for Israel!

Open Borders For Israel!


Fren they say they want a majority of their kind there, but how come we can't have a majority of frens in frenworld? Why are there double standards? Makes me think they are not being very frenly...


Careful fren some people don't understand sarcasm and post it on topminds

the topminds celebrate diversity tho

I'm ok with that, it's been our greatest recruiting tool thus far.


When the mask slides off

Your unironic post just convinced me to join them! Another recruit. The frenliest!

Welcome home fren!

Someone's not very frenly

He certainly isn't.

Well sure. We recruit the frenliest folks we can find and let me tell you, business is booming.

More frens for me longnose! Yay!

Good job fren! Israel needs to be more frenly!

Jesus. What the fuck happened to you, Pepe.


is that a fucking islamic isreal finnish flag
