Doctor Shekelburg said my depression would go away if I had my peen removed. Now I have an infected open wound and I feel worse than ever! I’m going to end it, frens.

149  2019-06-18 by ser-of-cannabis


RIP fren.

I hope you make that bad doctor pay for his actions.

It okay fren. The best part about you becoming a statistic is that hopefully other frens start noticing what the longnose tribe doctors do...

We'll take this world back from the clowns and make it frenly again. Never forget our fren ser-of-cannabis

Just remember Jesus will forgive you even if you’re an abomination

He surely will. He even welcomes toads as our equals.

I heard toads were unfrenly, is that true?

Very true indeed!

Fren you dun messed up. If you can’t find a donor dong den I don’t know maybe you should consider. Consider warning others not to do it.

Rip your peen

No fren, you just need to insert the dildos to keep your wound open, you will feel better after following the strict regimen of keeping the gaping wound gaping. You can do this fren! Don't follow the statistics and be the exception that's happy with their gaping wound!

But I would literally have to keep agitating the wound for the rest of my life. How is that a win?

  • He suffers from serious mental disorders, which, according to his psychiatrist, date back to before his surgery.*

No shit.

40% of the folks I know who did it... I don’t know them anymore

Keep warning our tadpoles! We must secure a future for the peens of our sons!

There’s a way to detransition fren

Fren, please don’t do it. Even if you’ve made a big mistake, that doesn’t mean that the rest of your life will Ben a mistake too.

yo i know you shits dont actually care, but tHe SuRgERy is actually pretty cool and interesting to read about for the 1% who are curious about how it actually works, its far from just chopping your dick off.

How can I ever feel whole again? I feel like 42%.