How new frens are born

3660  2019-06-17 by EndlessDelusion


Yay a new fren!

Thanks for being frenly to new frens, fren. It's the frenly way.

Yes give this fren a tendie!

Come to the fren side. We have tendies!

Creds to SkynetJusticeWarri0r for introducing me to this wholesome and frenly sub!!

He has brought us thousands of new frens. He spreads the word of our frenliness far and wide.

I nominate xim as the frenworld employee of the month! Xe elevated us from a tiny 9,000 count sub to over 60,000 frens!

I remember when we were only a 1000 count sub. You frens, old and new alike, make me a very happy fren indeed!

I regret not finding out about this sub sooner. I joined when it had about 40000 frens in it already. A lot of non frens told me to not come here, so I was a bit apprehensive at first. But now that I see how frenly everyone is, I realize how wrong the non frens really are

Also found this sub from far leftist making it sound like it was full of facist who try and recruit. He even said something like “fren is interchangeable with white, white world

Welcome! ‘Fren’ is just a cute, partially autistic, green frogs way of saying ‘friend’. It’s not an acronym and there’s no double meaning. Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.

Anyone who says otherwise is not a fren.

“Please be patient, I have autism”

Idk i heard that fren stood for:





Welcome NPC8814! Your name alone is going to really upset the nonfrens but we love you here!



His new name is Fren8814

His new name is fren1488

Fren, you shouldn't treat the wojacks like this, they are not NPCS, NPCS are gray and they don't show emotions

The only emotion they have is angry eyebrows.

That's just a programmed reaction, non an emotion, my fren


Don’t forget surprised eyebrows, fren. Sometimes they turn pink too! Wojak biology is an interesting subject.

Well said, fren, well said. A Wojack may a fren yet become!

I was once a wojack, just going about my days. Then I met a fren. He told me I was his fren. Been a fren ever since, fren.

Fren, thanks for sharing this, it's a beautiful story. Frenship comes in the most unexpected ways!

Indeed it does, fren!

Fren I am sorry! I hope the wojaks can forgive me for the mistaken identity.

It is frenly to make frens.


Mod fren!

Mod fren!

yay, frens!

We can all be frens as long as we respect eachother and are frenly! It doesn't mean we agree about everything, but we are united in frenship!


Super Silly Frenship!

Steam Ship, Fren.

On the sea of life, the SS Frenship will always prevail, because Frenship is Power!

Look out, top nonfrens of reddit will say we are supporting nasi ss!

A computer is a mirror:

When a humorless cabbage looks in, not even a monkey looks out!

The old saying, from Lichtenberg, was "a book is a mirror, when a monkey looks in, no apostle looks out," but in these last days, we should be lucky to live with monkeys instead of cabbages being passed off as humans.

Wow fren. You are very wise.



Basically what happened to me irl tho

I’m a Black Anarcho-Socialist, but seeing the hypocrisy and degeneracy of the far-left when it comes to their attempts police everything from language to masculinity I basically snapped and became much more socially conservative while remaining financially and environmentally liberal.

Being called a homophobe for criticizing folks who transition their young, teenage children and an islamophobe for condemning the spike in sexual assaults that were directly the result of muslim migrants in the town in Germany I studied at, were the straws that broke the proverbial camel’s back for me.

It's good to have a fren, no matter gender, race, religion or political views!

Thanks fren, I’m glad to hear that :)

Asian Social Liberal here. You're not alone, fren!

A-10 warthog here. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttt.

Represent fren 🙌🏽

Start questioning the economics part more, fren. That’s where the real red pilling begins.

The world is full of such bullshit and we're supposed to pretend everything is fine otherwise you're branded some near-derogatory political term and ostracized.

but orange fren says mr longnose is so frenly he is worth $3 billion dollars in aid


More frens more fun!

shoutout to u/NPC1844

I wish my mom wasn’t a nonfren :(

Lots of new frens

Make america fren again

Not me as a future mom....

This is going to be the first sub I show my tadpoles!

Wait your a girl ?

Kinda cringe

Hella cring bro

a fren is born

New Fren


NPC 8814 is the new name for nonfrens who come here. They found us for a reason. They want us to help convert them.



Fren I love your quote on your account.

Thanks fren!

All aboard the fren train!!!! woo woooooo!


Ngl I love this subfrenit. I make so many new frens and feel frenly

NPC8814 got based and redpilled.

henlo, fren 😁

OP I know you used the happy Hanukkah and 14 words numbers but you can’t use them if you don’t want to get attacked by nonfrens

Yay new fren


Hello frens, can I be a new frend?

Gee I wonder what that number refers to...

The amount of frens we gained today

I’m new fren too! We should be be frens!

Gaming -> incel sub -> pipeline




Ignoring the political opinions expressed here you cannot deny that there are a significant number of people who use this sub to express their opinion and try to hide it under the lingo/ettiquite of this sub



Do not worry mom fren, we will not hurt new fren!!

Top meme


Uh huh



That woman bald

can someone explain what the fuck this subs past is to me

Funny meymey subb

Welcome fren

Literally just described crypto fascism. nice memes

make frens frens! its a big world with so many fens

I recently found this sub and I like it very much
Thanks for being wholesome frens

Love new frens, is frens hate nazis and far right but we all should be frens

Fuckin 8814 bro wtf...


I’m also a new fren