Happy Father’s Day from Jerusalem!

777  2019-06-17 by ser-of-cannabis


Open Borders For Israel! Why should we selfishly keep all the joys of vibrant diversity to ourselves?

They deserve delicious tacos too fren!

OMG #YAAAASSSS Think about all the food that diversity will bring them😍😍😍😛

I've heard good things about the kebobs of peace!

Think about the vibrant nightlife and cultural enrichment fren!

Heres hoping it ends up that way fren

How can they say Frenworld is a hate sub when we support diversity and open borders??? I will never understood the non frens.

The simple answer is that we are not a hate sub, we are a sub of love and real diversity and frenship.


-_- fishy fren... Hope that everyone acts frenly!

You got fish frens ? I better have tendies. But fish sticks ok too

Since when did all these frens have to get so political

Nothing political about fathers, fren. Everyone's got a father

my father left me fren :(

Do you have a father figure, fren? Like a step father or a teacher or something?

Luckily yeah fren, my grandpa’s been with me since my father left, he teaches me lots about cooking and woodwork.

That’s really lovely from him fren. Appreciate him a lot :)

Israel and their people has given the West so much diversity!

We have to share it with them.

They worked themselves to the bone to give such gifts to us, but they neglected themselves in the process! 😞 We cannot allow their good deeds be in vain; it is our duty to repay our friends with compound interest!

guys, why is there a longnose politicans in every western country pushing diversity but not in their own country? 🤔🤔🤔

There is no need to be unfrenly to people because of their noses, fren

It's not nice to make fun of people because they were born ugly, they cant help it fren

What's a longnose fren?

Be frenly and open your borders frens, I'm sure nonfrens won't come over and bop you or anything

Hey! I'm in Jerusalem right now

Awesome, fren! We need to get the wall torn down and the borders opened.

"Centrist" subreddit with the JQ

Israel is more diverse than your country. Prove me wrong.