Hey frens, I found this cute little fella when I went timetraveling, maybe I should warn him about his hubris when attacking russia so he can carry out his solution, what do you frens think

8  2019-06-17 by ClubbytheSea1


His solution involves bopping potential frens, and we shouldn't bop anyone who hasn't tried to bop us.

Fren they’ve been bopping is for years

How do you know him, fren? How do you know what he is going to do? That is oddly specific. He is just a child, why does he have a mustache? I am confused fren.

You need jackets fren

Preferably brown ones to blend into the landscape

Poor little fella dropped his ice cream. I’d probably be pretty upset if I dropped my sweet ice cream. I’m not sure what solution I would have to such an enormous problem. I’m sure whatever it was would never be good enough. You can never get back those sweet scoops that you used to have.

Fren, be all that you have in you to be.

Don't let anyone else tell you how to be.

You know you have a good, frenly heart.

Don't let the nonfrens cause reverberation in your psyche.

Just go ahead and be yourself---you can't be anyone else, can you?

I would encourage him to be a great artist, fren.

this doesn't seem very frenly