Welcome to Frenworld, officially the #1 centrist subreddit on reddit, don't believe the divisive nonfrens!

1129  2019-06-16 by FoxDieEeE


bro thats actually kinda cringe, im a democratic socailist and idk its kinda cringe

you dont sound very frenly


“Democratic socialist”

Did you read the post? This is a centrist sub

Adiós nonfren


sounds like you're a far left delusional radical, sorry but this is no place for your divisive politics, this is strictly a centrist zone, no place for fullcommunist tankies like you.

Im not a tankie, imbecile. Please elaborate how I am delusional. If anything, you're delusional.


Explain how I am delusional.

You’re a socialist, for one. That is not going to be implemented in America.

Your ideation on the rewards of hard work will be realized later in life, if you’re successful. Meanwhile, I’m not paying taxes to fund your wet dreams.


If you believe there are any sort of objective criteria for assigning guilt/innocence to humans, then you are delusional. These are religious concepts for schizophrenics.

That’s not very frenly. What you are saying isn’t true at all. Bop!

Four years ago you were 10. You're barely not a literal child. Begone.

Really going through my post history? Wow, that's fun. Also, age doesn't matter, especially when you argue with 'frens', who babble like babies.

Settle down there champ or I'm gonna have to tell your mom. Either way, b o p.

Lel, he's bragging about getting banned over in AHS right now. Said he triggered the evil nazis so it's a victory.

Christ, what a sad life that guy must live.

You are not being very frenly right now.


age doesn't matter

Run fren Jared is coming!

age doesn't matter


Alright, let me do you a favour.

Number one, you'll get to learn all about communism in school a couple years later. Someone noted below that democratic socialism is basically communism with extra steps, and it's not the best description but it covers the fundamentals of it. Put more simply, no-one is going to take it seriously here, let alone anywhere else that isn't covered from ceiling to floor with either blue and donkeys or red with hammers and sickles.

Two, that's also a very bold claim that everyone here denies the slaughter of innocent people, with no evidence presented to back that up. Personally, I'm just here for the Pepes, but the political satire and occasional dark humour is pretty good too.

Three, welcome to the internet. You create a profile on Reddit, and everyone has the right to know what your business is about when you start talking shit.

Age very much matters, at 14 your brain is not very developed.

Still a child...

Bullshit take that noise some place else.

dEmOcRaTiC sOcIaLiSt

lmfao you bozo

Sounds like communism with extra steps

bro that's kmkinda cringe and idk it's kinda cringe

saying "it's kinda cringe" twice in the same sentence without making any attempts to elaborate is kinda cringe fren

But not all centrists believe that the longnose is nonfren?

Not to be off topic, but yeah FUCK Ja Rule. Gotta be top 5 dumbest rappers of all time.

Yall gon make me lose my mind

Move fren, get out the way fren

That's Ludacris you profligate scum.

X gon give it to you, fren



Steppers steppin'

Profligate doesn’t mean what you think it means.

An excessive sinner? It's a classic quote from fallout.

Stiff competition for that

True, but I'd back his claim with evidence. Genuinely, just beyond dumb but somehow still as cocky as ever.

No, I think Fyre Festival sealed the deal

Is Jar Jar Binks a rapper? I don't like Jar Jar Binks, I don't think he is frenly.

Nonfren detected

Nonfrens getting very sneaky lately pretending to frens. My BOP is watching you.

A fren who doesn't believe that all are equal is no fren in my book

BOP radar turned to 10, fren only

Thank you fren, very cool

Frenworld de-radicalized me.

And it opened my heart.

It made me accept Jesus into my life

1 Frentrist subreddit fren

There is literally no difference between frens and nonfrens, you partisan hack

Are alt-centrist welcome here? How about radical centrists?

i have no opinion either way, but it is ok fren.

Multi Dimensional Kek

Tell my wife I said "Hello"

Everyone frenly is welcome, regardless of political beliefs.


I do not see a problem with that

I am happy to be here with fellow centrist frens

Thank you frenworld for providing a place for me


i read just before that some topretards are crying because they got bopped for calling every fren a not see for not thinking like them, they are non frens and their nonfren brains are broken

Umm, sweaty, centrists are actually neon yahtzees. Reported.

My uncle and my aunt once brought me to their yacht and it was really cool :)

Mr long-nose brought me a lil yachty, but it wasn't very frenly. Why are they giving me this?

Everyone knows FREN stands for Far Right Ethno-Nationalist!!

Etho-nationalist? I like watching ethos minecraft videos. Is there something wrong with that?


Frenworld changeed my view, now I am a fan of adelf kittler

B 0 P

Frenly Frenworld!

Frenship makes us stronger!

Strength Through Frenship.

This place sounds like it's full of retards

You must be talking into an echo chamber

I've seen some controversy on some posts, but I'm not seeing much here. Can someone explain neutrally?

It's fine. Just look for references to "the longnose," i.e. Jewish people, that should give you all the info you need.

Hush, listen.




Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a cabin in the woods. Nay, be in that cabin. Open the door and step outside. Smell nature and let the wilderness fill your lungs. Can you hear it? The pine trees in the soft breeze. The birds chirping. The soft whisper of fourteen different things.


I’m so happy to be among frens like you guis



Thanks fren

Centrists are.....? Asking for a fren

Us. Yes, very much so. We are indeed all centrists over here! #

But what is a centrist

Uh, we. As in the frogs ferns. Frens! That is a centrist. Several in fact. Mostly all of us.

Remember, frens. The only people who dislike centrists are those who seek to divide and push people apart!

Frog Republic of Entertainment and News


Finally, an institution we can trust!

Isn’t Nazism firmly right-of-center?

Frenworld is just a subreddit to be frenly, don't let evil people tell you otherwise.

What about Moderates?

Are Social Democrats (the European kind) welcome?

Settle down there champ or I'm gonna have to tell your mom. Either way, b o p.

You are not being very frenly right now.


age doesn't matter

Run fren Jared is coming!

age doesn't matter


Alright, let me do you a favour.

Number one, you'll get to learn all about communism in school a couple years later. Someone noted below that democratic socialism is basically communism with extra steps, and it's not the best description but it covers the fundamentals of it. Put more simply, no-one is going to take it seriously here, let alone anywhere else that isn't covered from ceiling to floor with either blue and donkeys or red with hammers and sickles.

Two, that's also a very bold claim that everyone here denies the slaughter of innocent people, with no evidence presented to back that up. Personally, I'm just here for the Pepes, but the political satire and occasional dark humour is pretty good too.

Three, welcome to the internet. You create a profile on Reddit, and everyone has the right to know what your business is about when you start talking shit.

Age very much matters, at 14 your brain is not very developed.