Hi frens, will it ever get better? I just want to feel important and loved

90  2019-06-15 by simedr


It will get better, fren. You got a lot of frens here who love you!

Yeah, man, you are aces with me. and don't forget that our fren Jesus loves you too, He's inspiring you to reach out and ask for help. He knows the deepest needs of your heart, especially the need to feel loved.

Thank you fren. You guys mean a lot!


It will, but only if you do something about it, fren.

I know fren. It’s just some very tough choices to make.. I was told yesterday that I have it all and shouldn’t be depressed but people don’t get to see everything behind the facade.

Kill yourself. Please.

Whoa wtf? Who hurt you?


What'd he say

Told me to kill myself and the world would be better off that way etc. pretty standard haha

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone.


Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741



I am a bot. Feedback appreciated.

Damn what an asshole

Probably a troll from subs like chapotraphouse or w/e the fuck they're called

I'm sorry about that

Youre important to you and need to love yourself. Everything else will fall into place.

I still miss her, fren. I’m in a rough spot too

It gets better guys

I feel you fren. My relationship is partly why I’m feeling like this too :(


God don't play dice with universe, fen, you are important.

Thank you fren. We all have a purpose, sometimes it’s just difficult to know what it is

I love u fren

I love you too fren. Thank you!

Nobody loves you. You are not wanted. You are worthless. Kill yourself.


whats wrong fren?

We here love you fren!

Thanks fren. Love you too!

Have you done it? Did it work? Hopefully you took my advice.

You are really coming across as a sad and desperate person. I hope you too can get the help you obviously need!

Get a pupper fren

Why would you want a poor dog to suffer?

It's not frenly to ban frens. This fren should die.

I love you fren I’m sorry you can talk to me fren