This nonfren was saying some very unfrenly things about us. I'm very sad now frens

20  2019-06-15 by TFB1215


People used to know what shitposting was. Now everything is a dead serious literal thing? What happened?


Yes there’s lots of losers and haters out there. But I don’t like giving them attention by posting them on this sub

If I make a joke about 9/11, am I a terrorist or is it plane wrong? Ignore them fren. They are confusing jokes with malice.

Plane wrong... I see what you did there


I don’t even think it’s possible to fit that many. Sounds absurd to me.

Complaining about top minds on this sub is not really frenly. We all no topminds is small pp. And btw reeeeeeeeeeeee

I've never seen a fren post any of that stuff. Very unfrenly for that nonfren to pull a longnose like pinoccio.



Plane wrong... I see what you did there