me and my new fren john are looking for his puppy, have you seen him?

3179  2019-06-14 by Shacxify


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Keanu Reeves really has infiltrated every Reddit sub

I ain’t complainin.

Youre Breathtaking, fren

The only ones still holding in are the nsfw ones, but soon, I feel he will be there, and I won't complain

Keanu Reeves is the matrix.

Nice 'naners fren!

He’s good at bopping!

wow that is one cool spin!

thanks fren i have been practicing with johnny

WOW FREN. You are tough shit!

tough as tendies, baby

i’m naming my kid that

Wow fren nice shots

Quality editing, Fren!


nice edit

That museum knife scene was the best part of parabellum.

Sweet skills fren


Wake up Samurai we got a city to burn


Woah fren you are so strong!

Most keanu posts are karma whores but this is actually put together well.


Careful fren! We don’t want you being hurt...

Man those nonfrens really want to bop you!

Just jelly of how awesome fren is!


Fren what that wite stuff cuming out of the nanner ?

I hope you’re able to help John find his puppy, fren.

Fron wick

Be careful fren! Don't get bopped!

Be careful fren

Hey mods can I be banned please? This sub is garbage and it pisses me off seeing someone as awesome as Keanu Reeves being 'adopted' by this cesspool.

It is okay nonfren, keanu still accepts you <3

that's weird, i think keanu is stale but frens reinvigorated him. i guess it takes all kinds.

haha i love kenu reave too he so nice! 😳🙂🙂🙂

Puppies are the best kind of frens

Keanu goes against everything frens stand for.

What do you mean?

Why was frenworld originally made?


cryptofascism, ban me frens

It was made as a protest against the long nosed owners of reddit.

This dude probably means that Keanu likes nonfrens.


New fren is breathtaking


Carful with those yellow guns fren

Wick does a flying flower sweep/ pendulum sweep in this scene:

Sick jump fren

Did you check the alamos basement?


cryptofascism, ban me frens