Plz healp me longnose has capterd me and has an gun

179  2019-06-14 by goldenboi123456


Tell him not too! He can't shoot you if you don't consent fren!

Start chanting β€œOne-oh-nine” over and over. I’ve heard it will melt them if you do it enough.

Fran throw change on the ground and run when he goes down to pick it up

wow oresome help fren famtastics!

good advice fren!

Thanks fren

Tell him that your tax dollars paid for his gun so you own it!!

Why is longnose like that?

Start screaming about 9 million. He will either shoot you instantly or burst into tears giving you time for escape. Win win either way.

Find a wooden door to hide behind!

Tell him to watch out



Just how him how amazing you are and he'll become your fren, fren.

Ask who made him do it? The long nose is a creature only kept in captivity.

Longnose say go bop Iran or no more pocket money!

Remind him murder is illegal!

He is illegal man

He is illegal man