Frens, I just returned from a trip around Africa and I am sad to inform you that Africa is suffering from a SEVERE lack of diversity. It appears as though minority ethnic groups not only are little in number, but are also never shown in advertising and other media. Politics are also VERY homogenous

229  2019-06-14 by Stormshade12


Clearly you didn’t drink any subtle tea while you were visiting

This is horrible news! Israel is suffering from the same issues. Maybe we could swap a bunch of people from Israel and Africa. Then they could interbreed and raise the multiculturalism levels.

Talk about 2 birds 1 stone! Brilliant solution fren! I know how much Israel enjoys multiculturalism!

They just need a lot more of it. Diversity is Israel’s strength.


Socio-economics fren.


Hey, I don’t think it’s colonialism, nor do I think that Africans are simply incapable of running society. But the people who claim that it’s due to socioeconomic factors are bullllshit.

There are a lot of reasons it’s doing so horribly today, that I can think of. And they’ve done a lot of incredible things in the past. It’s just a dark age. Europe had one, the Arabs had one, the Native Americans had one, and now it’s Africa’s turn.

but fren they got many ethnicity's like yurope has

I’m aware. But we are lumped under the umbrella term ‘white,’ so this still works

maybe fren

Haha Lesotho has weird people groups. It’s literally an ethnostate, used to be Basutoland. The people are called Basotho when you’re referring to multiple, and Masotho when it’s just one. It’s weird

Diversity is our strength

See: Canis Familiaris

Africa needs to diversify, and frens are going to be at the center of that transformation.

THAT'S TERRIBLE FREN! Someone should help them with that homogeneity problem.

The Chinese are aggressively asserting the diversity as we speak.


who let you in here

But Fren all of those places are at least 90% diverse.