A lot of frens have been asking if they can dress up how they want and still be frens. Yes! You can pretend to be whatever you want! Do what makes you happy! Using our imaginations is a good thing! I’m an underwear monster today! “Raaaargh!”

210  2019-06-13 by ser-of-cannabis


playing dress-up and pretending to be things is fun, but make sure that you never make permanent changes to your body as part of the costume! it’s not worth it, frens.

Yes. Also, don’t be upset if others don’t want to play along. It’s ok. Just play what you want and don’t worry about others.

dang this is actually rlly wholesome

Don’t worry topnonfrens will find a way to make it bad

we must protect de frens from de nonfrens by calling dem mean names

Fren, your tree house looks very nice

Thanks, fren! You’re welcome to come play anytime!

Can I come play with you frens? I'm also an underwear monster today! Let's pretend to be Frenzillas and take care of the smolfrens by beating monsters!

Of course, fren!

Thank you so much fren! I'll bring lots of tendies to share!

I m sorry fren but I ll have to disagree here. Growing up implies some sort of maturity so "dressing up to be happy" does not help you run from your problems. Hope you are strong enough to hold on and get on with it fren

We shouldn’t judge people who want to dress up as other things. It’s their right to have fun as long as it’s not hurting other people.

Whatever floats your boat fren

Eeeeeek! So scary!