Guys, I'm worried about the bees. Bees are frens but getting wiped out. I know it has to be the nonfrens fault, right?!

2002  2019-06-13 by TJLaserShepard


Wearing a veil is banned in some countries friend. Bee careful

Doesnt sound like any country I want to visit, fren.

Veils encourage non-frens to culturally enrich us

Definitely not somewhere I’ll beheading fren

A clever fren

Nice pun :)

Jesus fren, that's nasty, but that border patrol agent is a real hero

He's a hero but hopefully he drove their asses right back across the border

Sadly this bee incident means free medical care, and publicity which will attract the attention of pro bono attorneys who will ensure these illegal aliens will get to live in the US forever

and that's a good thing :D

Africanized bees are invasive and violent

True, fren. You can never relax around them.

I herd that even tho africanized bees make up only 13% of the bee population, they are responsible for over 50% of the bee stings. They are meanies and we can't let them invade our hives

around bees, never release!


African? Invasive? Violent? How can that bee?

Sum bees are nonfrens because they hert my arm

I'm sorry fren. Maybe he was just scared :(

When a honey bee stings a person, it cannot pull the barbed stinger back out. It leaves behind not only the stinger, but also part of its abdomen and digestive tract, plus muscles and nerves. This massive abdominal rupture kills the honey bee. Honey bees are the only bees to die after stinging.

Source : Wikipedia
The bee may have hurt you fren but it ended up killing itself in the process :(


They were willing to die for their frens.


Some people are not frens to the environment and that is bad for our bee frens.

They need a good bopping


It’s the lack of flowers, let’s be frens to earth and plant more!

Luckily I have 2 green thumbs, fren!

Great let’s plant them together and save the beebees!

Sounds like an awesome plan!

Some say cell phones

Some say the insecticide in the food

Bees are frens and if you have the land to raise bees you really should. Fresh local honey is very healthy and you can trade/sell to neighbors!

Yes, fren. We love bees.


But the nonfren wasps can go to Hell

Remember fren, many wasps will leave you alone if you leave them alone.

Thanks for the advice, fren.

LOL REAL fuck wasps

They’re just assholes for no reason

“Let me just go into your house and sting you!”

Fuck off with that, dumb little yellow cunts

That's a yellow jacket fren. Yellow jackets are assholes. Wasps are usually not assholes. They are just scary

If they’re yellow and black, and aren’t fuzzy, I don’t trust them



them blacks

I meant it exactly like to mean what it means, I’m talking about wasps.


But fren, wasps are just tryign to keep the flowers pretty

they don’t pollinate tho

they pollinate your mom. get nae nae’d fren

i’m going to commit suicide bombing in your moms vagina with my sperm

There a two wasps living on my balcony. They are very nice, and not aggressive at all. Mostly, they are my only frens, be nice to them :(

They are so cute and fluffy. I enjoy watching them hover around and do their flower business ;) However I get scared when wasps come around and bother me


Not wasps though, BOP BOP BOP!

All bops!

Actually bees aren't being wiped out. Their numbers haven't decreased in years. Mites were killing them. It had nothing to do with people.

Monsanto weed killer is killing bee frens fren, don’t bee misinform.

Specifically, glyphosate kills the frenly bacteria in a bees gut which makes them more susceptible to the very mites mentioned above.

I'm allergic. They can all die

I'm sorry to hear that fren and that must be scary! However it's not Mr Bee's fault! They help us have pretty flowers and fruits and also give us honey. I'm allergic to peanuts but I don't go around stabbing peanuts :) I know PBnJ sammies bring a lot of joy to people, even though I've never tried one before!

You're right fren! I apologize.

fren, pls watch bee movie


B o p

Hey i got stung by a bee today. Funny coincidence

I like bee frens

I do NOT like wasp nonfrens.

I just had to bop some wasp nonfrens. RIP in pieces

Bees (western honey bees) are bad for the North American ecosystem. They spread diseases to othet pollinator frens and america's native population of bees and othet pollinators


Sometimes there are no nonfrens. Sometimes it’s us frens who have been unfrenly, we gotta do right by our bee frens

Its hip to frick bees!

Tfw no bee gf

Big sad

You're the bee's knees, fren!

It's non-fren plants killing them. Frenly plants are ok and global warming had nothing to do with it


Don’t worry fren! Beekeeper frens have responded to the market demand for honey and have begun to conserve them on an elevated scale.

No fren would bop bees! Bees are frens, no fren would bop frens.

Save the bees frens. Plant more flowers.

Did my part, fren


anyone that destroys beehives is 1) nonfren and 2) deserving of chemical castration and bleach enema my frens

Research the killer bee fren. Diversity is good when separate but when docile bees breed with aggressive bees you get killer bees.

I guess bees can be nonfrens too

Non-frens say bee extinction is just a conspiracy theory :(

Im allergic to bee stings so I get alot of swelling but bees are important friend that must be kept alive.

Not to be a troll but people like you blaming someone else for a problem your probably also contributing to isn’t helping the problem. Maybe check what your doing before blaming other people for internet points “fren”

Sorry my frog post made you so uptight fren

No worries. Sorry if it cane off as harsh I really didn’t mean it to. Just in a bad mood. Just be environmentally conscious and spread the word (which is what you did i guess) so see ya.

See ya, man!

Bee more Frenly.

A nice man with a mushroom on his head told me big underground fungus will save bees, I hope he's right!

Help more bees🐝

Plant more trees🌲

Save the seas🌊

Shoot refugees😎

Baste fren

its the birbs fault, fren.

some non-frens are just bad to the environment, fren... that‘s why i‘d vote for Frenler today, he knew that nature and race were important.

vote conservative

protect the environment

Pick one

It’s actually the fault of pesticide companies making pesticides which bees get in their pollen and all of the bad chemicals together kill the bees

It's always the nonfrens fault. smh

We gotta save the bees to make honey mussie for our tendies

Don't believe the fake news fren.

More bees are dying each year because their are more bees alive than ever before

correct fren, we love bees. We know how to handle them with frenly care, but nonfrens aggravate them and sting them and thinks it's ok to kill our bee frens.

Fren you have been fooled honey bees are invasive

But the nonfren wasps can go to Hell


They are so cute and fluffy. I enjoy watching them hover around and do their flower business ;) However I get scared when wasps come around and bother me


Not wasps though, BOP BOP BOP!

All bops!

Sorry my frog post made you so uptight fren

Bee more Frenly.