mfw i see the detractors of frenworld making schizoposts literally frequent scat/diaper and cuckold fetish subreddits

851  2019-06-12 by FoxDieEeE


Ayyyyy, that's nasty, and it so many of them! It's almost like they have a fetish for being unfrenly.

I'm embarrassed to admit have a fetish for poop from the most pristine of lady butts but not for unfrenly.

Is it possible that some of them are too cowardly to admit their unsightliness and are therefore promoting other even worse perversions to try to gain "acceptance" by proxy?

I don't get their problem. You have to be out of you're mind to think that people aren't going to find repugnant things, repugnant but it's not like it's criminalised or something and what does it matter?

I mean what does it have to do with anything outside of someone's private life? For example, how would it relate even to employment or fulfilling some other completely different functions other than self gratification?

Makes no sense.

damn fren, i hope you will make it in life.

I already made it despite being a complete screw up. Now I want to see where I can go next. I'm thinking of making a kick starter solving honkey privilege. It'll basically be a sperm bank shipping honkey sperm to the third world so that women any and every where can ensure that from the get go their children have the best opportunities in life. Lets share the honkey privilege. Are you interested? We accept USD, GBP, bitcoin, visa, mastercard and sperm.

Always remember, sharing is caring, never forget.

The nonfrens arent sending their best!

But they are...

That is sad fren!

I'd hate to see their worst....

Their best are the diaperfurs. Their worst are the pedos(they call them MAPs).

Nonfrens are the bad kind of furry all the yiff going to waste on thier disgusting fetishes damn shame

Nonfrens eat poopoo!

nonfrens are gross

Many people have paraphilias. I don't think it's a problem until they decide to make perversion and sexual deviancy political demanding that everyone take fart in it.

This is the same logic that enables pedophilia to become increasingly accepted. When will people learn that some shit just isnt natural

That's where you're mistaken. Paedophilia, unlike other paraphilia, by definition through the disproportionate balance of power forces other to participate, specifically children. That's extremely hard to avoid. Other paraphilias while potentially gross, unpalatable or distasteful, usual involve mutual participation between two equal parties.

You don't have to like other paraphilias, you don't have to believe they're natural and you certainly don't have to be coerced or manipulated into being involved in them when the power the be decided to support some sick and twisted bizarre movement around these things. Many people would be shocked if they understood what inclusiveness has now come to mean.

The principle behind the modern rights movement is that not only will you not allowed to be grossed out by gross things, but you will be made to eat the poopoo and you'll be made to like it. No ifs, no buts, no arguments. The only way to stop this is to destroy the existing power structure.

I dont have to use fancy talk at 1am to explain that if you give people an inch, they'll take a mile.

You'll undermine yourself with that. You're not only attacking the problem but a bunch of other things.

There are however reasonable limits to tolerance and the left is pushing way beyond that. That's a problem that should be dealt with.

I'm not sure the left has any limit to the extends they'll go whether you give them an inch, a nanometer or nothing. They're so inclusive they want to include kids in their sexual depravity. I don't think you can rationalise with that depth of madness. You can only destroy it.

Finding a bigger problem doesnt take away from the one you've presented at hand. I see from your post history that you are quite active in such engagements. If only you could realize how contradictory it is that these of your ideas are as radical and unnatural as theirs.

I don't see things such as people being into cuckoldry necessarily as a problem. I do see however people being influenced or societal conditioned into getting off from their girlfriend sleeping with a black guy out of some twisted and indoctrinated sense of racial guilt. Political or racial cuckoldry is plain stupid, especially when enforced on everyone else. One white person is raised to feel guilty about being white and then demands everyone else should feel guilty about it.

I'd find people into diapers very suspect to be honest.

Of course, the reasonable person is being massively downvoted.



It is natural, to some degree. The point is that we're not monkeys and we are better than that.

No, it's literally not. We have an imprinted biological aversion to it, along with spoiled food and other things that can make us sick.

I think people are misunderstanding the definition of natural. Much like homosexuality, it occurs in nature. This doesn't make it good or useful for the species, similar to albinism being harmful but still occurring. Doesnt make it right.

fuck off pedo

Although part of the word is the same, not all paraphilias are pedophilia, in fact pedophilia is one of many hundreds.

This is b8

It might be a bit inflammatory, skating on the edge but look... I'm an intellectual and I have intellectual honesty. I'm an atheist "liberal", put in quotes because that's a synonym for authoritarian today based on the actions of those wearing the label. I'm seeing things on the TD like oh these liberal atheists are terrible and you know what? It's not entirely wrong, not by a long shot. I've had to watch Christian news to actually get some of the news of things other channels omit. It's really bad. Sure, Christian's aren't all right but they're not all wrong either. The situation is quite bizarre. When I grew up, I taught that historical examples were the worst things could get and were in decline, mostly those examples combined with the institute of the Church.

I've now realised human ineptitude is a constant. Actually Christianity I've grown a new appreciation for. In some ways the superstition can be an affliction but actually, people's own selves, have come through making the best of it, in some cases something beautiful. To me superstition, including blind obedience, is an ailment but I've underestimated the human soul. It's so strange. I thought of all the things that would be a threat it would be poor interpretations or over dependence on religious sources like the bible. I still think it's kind of BS and people are a bit vulnerable but generally, when I've studied examples of people, who grave to be good and crave what they're told to be good, even though it's neither hear nor there, do make alright from it.

I see now that human folly is a constant, it's human nature that's the problem. No cause is so noble that it's immune to people that would wield it for their own cause.

Anyway, I'm trying to impart a bit of reason and balance. I also get that people are angry, they have a right to be, but can't do anything so easily to solve the problem. If they want to down vote me so be it but I'll take one of the valuable lessons I learnt from the Christians I often headbutted with and I'll forgive them. If they need an outlet I'm happy to be that. When the powers that be put everyone in straight jacket then prance around rubbing it in our faces what they can get away with than who can blame people for cracking or having a knee jerk reaction?

It's really beyond the pale.


Why did people downvote this, this is true

He said:

I don't think it's a problem


You said:

Why did people downvote this, this is true


It's downvoted because it was always a problem.

Having a fetish isn’t a problem until you act on it in such away that’s dangerous to yourself or others

You like eating doodoo don't you fren? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

No I like hot slender feet on dudes 😏

no wonder you are trying to defend the other weirdos

It’s called sarcasm

No, it's a huge problem. What's in the hearts and minds of our people is important: it makes them intolerant toward normal, eusocial activities (like having kids) and tolerant toward degeneracy (like having kids).

look bishap he got his fist in da mans anoos

I would actually be more surprised if they didn't

show lol

The non-frens are always their very best to get us shut down, I bet £10 by the end of the year, we'll still be up and r/Against"""Hate""" Subs is still moaning about us

You'd think they'd be smart enough to just make an alt for weird fetish shit.

That's the whole thing though isn't it? There's no shame, no stigma for degenerates anymore. Furthermore, if you don't absolutely accept whatever abnormal shit they're into YOU are somehow the one with an issue. They don't hide it because there's no longer any fear of shame or judgement.

I’m into chubby furries, and even I have a little shame in saying that.

Just fucking kill yourself

You have a point

Well that backfired

Its anonymous though. I think its entirely different for people to be "shameless" about stuff they would never share IRL on the internet.

And ‘acceptance’ in this case isn’t just keeping your mouth shut about how abnormal their shit is, it’s demanding the open expression of your approval of their behavior. Hearing anyone talk about all these abnormal fetishes and sexualities as purely positive things sounds like they have a gun to their head—they know they’ll be tarred and feathered if they were to even suggest that something’s wrong with it. And you’re right, it all comes from the basis that there’s nothing to be ashamed of because they were “just born that way” and have no control over what they’re into sexually and therefore can’t be judged because of it

I don't think there needs to be. I have some degenerate comments and saved or upvoted posts on my account. One was especially attrocious so I deleted it, but overall I don't really care. I don't like to wallow in degeneracy, but sometimes I like to intellectually analyze it. It is entertaining and intriguing to explore certain degenerate ideas and fundamentally understand why they are wrong. And sometimes I get horny, too. But I am also not ashamed of mentioning my sexual fetishes in a political debate if it is relevant. For example, the stereotype that all right-wingers are heteronormative generic holier-than-thou Christians when it comes to sex. Absolutely not true. I wouldn't just scream it in public, because that would be inconsiderate, rude, and nobody cares, like I wouldn't want some scat fetishist screaming about their love of poop, so why would I do that myself? Golden rule. But society, I think, is still way too judgemental of certain fetishes and doesn't really understand them well. And I honestly can't be bothered to make an Alt-account. I have alt-accounts, of course, but those are mostly for expressing different types of political views.

But society, I think, is still way too judgemental of certain fetishes and doesn't really understand them well.

Holy shit which fetishes would that be? The more perverse the more it's celebrated. Society is entirely too tolerant of every anti-social behavior that pops up, especially when you consider that many sexual proclivities are actually treated like valid identities.

"The more perverse the more it's celebrated."

Only among far-leftists and in all of the Media, television, internet, academia, and cultural periodicals. When you actually go to a blue-collar workplace or construction site or farm/ranch in the heartland, the "salt-of-the-earth" type Americans are still very disgusted by fetish shit in general. Twitter/Tumblr isn't the real world, you know. In fact, your average normie apolitical/moderate middle class American would STILL be somewhat disgusted if some transgender nude homosexuals came strolling through their neighborhood in a gigantic poop-truck that read "scat-pride worldwide!" Most neocons and Bible belt Christians, even if they aren't "awake" on the JQ necessarily, are still universally averse to ultra-degeneracy and things like drag-queen story hour. In addition, Catholics and Hispanics/Latinos also look down on that kind of stuff, as often do religious protestant blacks, and Asian immigrants. I would say that EASILY a majority of normal Americans are disgusted by and BARELY tolerant of (some may feign tolerance because they don't want to be judged for being bigots but secretly despise it) fetish, perverse, and degenerate shit.


By saying "society is tolerant of degeneracy", you are giving in to the myth that ultra-leftists form the majority in America, which is exactly what keeps the neoliberal masses from speaking up, is the idea that everyone else is actually totally tolerant of all sexual degeneracy and they just need to man the hell up and join their peers. The truth is that very few of them are, but those that do love those things create the ILLUSION that they have the majority of America on their side, when the reality is that they don't.

Who would have imagined!!?!

With nonfrens like that, who needs frens?

All of us do, that's who.


Can u link one, fren? I need to see for myself the funny.

No fren. That could lead to brigading and that's not what frens do.

Nice detective work fren!

Non frens use the same pattern

It is quite funny, but we shouldn't kink shame fren.

Why not? If nonfrens are being bad we should point it out, fren.

They obviously don't receive enough shaming.

Kink shaming is my kink


Kinks have a place, but that place is not frenworld.

Also cuck isn't a kink, it's literally just getting off to being a beta male.

completely agree fren. As i am not doing things to your genitals what you like doesnt matter but just having a kink is okay.

Shaming people is good.

They have one guy skynetjusticewarrior who is actually obsessed with frenworld in a very unhealthy way. Writing essays with hundreds of links about frenworld almost daily..

Nobody with an actual job or school has the time for that shit right?

Is that really a guy? We've had a couple of conversations, a very unstable person. Manic even. I just always assumed it was a woman.

Oh I wouldn't know I assume everyone one the internet is a dude

How goes the ancient saying?

"There are no girls on the internet"

Still holds true.

The internet, where men are boys, women are men, and boys are FBI agents.



Oh? On God?


You can't make this shit up, I was arguing with some retard on political humor because I was bored and checked their profile. This motherfucker was posting pictures of himself in diapers and with pacifiers in his mouth. I said he was disgusting because he fetishizing babies and he called me "ignorant"....

What is wrong with these people?

Peeeeeee Yewwwww! Those nonfrens sure are stinky!

I turned off NSFW posts frens so I can’t see.

A lot of the people being downvoted when I click on their profiles it says I can’t access it because it’s NSFW

"Upside out

Inside down

False alarm the only game in town

No man's land the only game in town

Parable the only game in town"

(Grateful Dead, Passenger)

I wouldn’t be surprised if antifrens are also into DDLG and CBT, unironically.

I had to look that up. That first one......this is why God is going to burn the earth.

I'm already gripping the chainlink fence.

Don't forget your 2 million SPF sunblock, fren.

I mean, seriously. That daddy little shit is just another level of fucked.

"What do you mean I have issues with my dad"

☑️Acts like a brat

☑️Calls all men daddy during sex

☑️Can't get off without being choked

"Yeah, my dad and don't really get along"

Kink shaming is my kink

It might be a bit inflammatory, skating on the edge but look... I'm an intellectual and I have intellectual honesty. I'm an atheist "liberal", put in quotes because that's a synonym for authoritarian today based on the actions of those wearing the label. I'm seeing things on the TD like oh these liberal atheists are terrible and you know what? It's not entirely wrong, not by a long shot. I've had to watch Christian news to actually get some of the news of things other channels omit. It's really bad. Sure, Christian's aren't all right but they're not all wrong either. The situation is quite bizarre. When I grew up, I taught that historical examples were the worst things could get and were in decline, mostly those examples combined with the institute of the Church.

I've now realised human ineptitude is a constant. Actually Christianity I've grown a new appreciation for. In some ways the superstition can be an affliction but actually, people's own selves, have come through making the best of it, in some cases something beautiful. To me superstition, including blind obedience, is an ailment but I've underestimated the human soul. It's so strange. I thought of all the things that would be a threat it would be poor interpretations or over dependence on religious sources like the bible. I still think it's kind of BS and people are a bit vulnerable but generally, when I've studied examples of people, who grave to be good and crave what they're told to be good, even though it's neither hear nor there, do make alright from it.

I see now that human folly is a constant, it's human nature that's the problem. No cause is so noble that it's immune to people that would wield it for their own cause.

Anyway, I'm trying to impart a bit of reason and balance. I also get that people are angry, they have a right to be, but can't do anything so easily to solve the problem. If they want to down vote me so be it but I'll take one of the valuable lessons I learnt from the Christians I often headbutted with and I'll forgive them. If they need an outlet I'm happy to be that. When the powers that be put everyone in straight jacket then prance around rubbing it in our faces what they can get away with than who can blame people for cracking or having a knee jerk reaction?

It's really beyond the pale.