*before you were born*

2689  2019-06-12 by ser-of-cannabis


Sometimes it goes forward, hits the pole and ends up with mental issues

Yeah, like some frens end up with both, but usually don't live very long. However, non frens like to use this as proof that you can be that normally.

Imagine believing that a car crash is a normal, healthy way to drive.

I knew a transgender girl in school. (UK) she wasn’t right. She was clearly in need of help, about her identity about her being. She was not well. They aren’t normal they’re the lowest of society the transgendered. And I don’t mean that in a hateful way.i mean in the same vein as the retarded, the homeless and the mentally ill. They need slow and gradual support not someone saying be brave, roar or haphazardly given the option to give in to their psychosis after a short discussion. It’s doesn’t work like that. How awful that as a species we take the lowest of society and we thrust them into the spotlight for our own entertainment, or we parade the things we do for them as clout to show off to the rest of the normal people. We can’t seem to just humbly take care of them.

Anyway that girl transitioned. I wish the best for her and I hope her torments finally over. But I really doubt that to be true.

So many frens here with a mindset that belongs in the 50s. Maybe humans, sexuality and gender is a bit more complicated than what we first imagined? Whats wrong with that?

It's the Current Year.

Yes, it is the current year. All frens should have a more accepting and progressive mindset to compliment the fact that we don’t live in a very discriminatory and oppressive society that is hateful towards minorities such as trans-frens.

You sound Islamophobic.

I do not have a problem with all followers of Islam, but I do have a problem with the religion itself which seems to encourage discrimination against certain minorities. As with all religious text, though, the Qur’an is up to interpretation.



Dude how have u not realized where this Sub’s beliefs fall


I didn’t specify where. He just seems a little lost

Hehe. Im definitely not the one whos lost here

I know. Im all about the fren support I see here most of the time. But I find it ironic how incredibly toxic, narrowminded and judgmental it is at the same time. Im getting tired of it tbh.

then leave the sub. it's not changing anytime soon. sorry you don't agree :/

And Im sorry you are stuck in your narrowminded ways :/

TIL from Unfrens: if you don't stick things in your butt you're narrow minded.

Yes. Thats exactly what I meant. You are very smart !

Dude you’re in a sub about a frog doing dumb shit and eating tendies, it’s obviously satire

I was hoping that. But I dont think it all is unfortunately :(

Well you're wrong!

Facts = narrow minded?

Oh. Which facts are that?

There are only two genders.

I dont know

You want everybody to agree with you and make a fuss when they dont.

thats not very frenly behavior.

Just trying to educate people. But some peoples biggest fear is knowledge and changing their views. I see a lot of non frenly behaviour here too. Completely agree there

You are so narcissistic and preachy ahaha. Keep up the good work nonfren.

Will do!. Good job resorting to petty insults when you are out of arguments nonfren

Its not an insult its an accurate description of the behavior you have presented which I can safely assume is your m.o. thus taking offense to it means you know its wrong but you behave like this anyways.

Good luck nonfren

Where have I taken offense to anything? Even though I recognize a pathetic attempt at an insult when someone has nothing else left to support their argument does not mean I have taken offense. I have been called much worse by better than you.

Best of luck to you nonfren

Sorry u can't learn how to be ok with people disagreeing with u. It must be hard to make frens being so intolerant of other people's stupidity. Not everyone is smart or agrees with u, and that's ok. Being frens is about looking past other people's flaws, i'm still your fren! :)

Your post history, as well as yourself, is absolutely cringe and pathetic. That was an insult btw

you're a dumbass.

u/foxdieeee please remove this non fren

I never knew “educate” was a synonym for brainwash

Frens don't let frens cut their Willies off

Frens dont tell other frens what they can and cant do with their body

Muh body muh choice

Not if what they want to do to themselves is obviously stupid and harmful in nature. Sometimes frens are confused. They need support from their frens and a hug, not a knife to chopchop the willie.

Would I be a good fren if I allowed self harm due to mental illness? Are you sure that’s the kind of frenship you want? Sound like a non fren circle jerk to me

What happens when a fren starts slashing their wrists in the bathtub, can we tell them what to do then?

no secret messages, only nonfrens do secret messages.

from TheDuderinoAbides sent 2 minutes ago

I know cognitive dissonance is hard and you probably wont realize this: But how does it feel knowing you are contributing to people commiting suicide and making the world a shittier place? Do you even consider it?

Nonfrens answer questions with a question.

So again I ask

What happens when a fren starts slashing their wrists in the bathtub, can we tell them what to do then?



Cutting off your genitals is bad for your physical and psychological health fren.

Accepting the way you are is the first step to frenhood, we accept you that way too, fren.

Afren brother

Yikes I thought it was supposed to be frenly to all frens :(

Sexuality can be complicated fren, but not gender. You either have xy genitalia or xx genitalia. Or, if you're unfortunate, you could be born with a mutation that leaves you somewhere in between. Such a mutation is considerably rare though. Not very complicated. Gender-dysphoria is a thing, but it doesn't explain the 80 or so made up genders that nonfrens want every political and professional institution to include in censuses and such.

Well said, fren.

Genes determine sex not gender. The two are different things.

Sex, in that context, and gender are the same thing. But I'll humor you and ask how define gender fren.

Gender is the social and cultural differences between man and woman, while sex is the biological differences. It's been this way for decades now and isn't anything new.

New enough that they didn't teach that when I was in school almost five years ago. Makes sense fren. Thank you for taking the time explain that frenly and concisely. Still doesn't explain the 80+ made up genders though.

Thanks for listening fren. I'm always happy to explain. I'll explain that for you if you'd like too, although I might get some things wrong since I'm a scientist and not a sociologist.

Getting from gender as a social construct to the idea of multiple genders requires a little explaining. Going from gender is the social and cultural differences between man and woman, we can then therefore conclude that someone can choose to express more masculine or more feminine. If you were to, say, write down every single masculine trait and every single feminine trait, you could then choose which ones to express. At this point, you could classify people by how masculine or feminine they are rather than by if they present majority masculine or majority feminine. Once you get here, you realise that gender is a spectrum of levels of masculine or feminine expression, rather than a binary man or woman.

That probably sounds like a big jump to make? But society at large already does this (albeit to a lesser extent) with terms such as calling a masculine woman a tomboy or a more feminine man a twink.

Some people take the next step and decide to classify the spectrum from "most masculine" to "most feminine" into a variety of different genders. Think similarly to every colour is simply somewhere on the spectrum between red, green, and blue, but rather than calling a colour 255r,255g,0b, we give it a label: yellow. Rather than calling someone a woman who presents with a lot of masculine traits, we give them the label tomboy.

Hope that helps explain the idea behind it fren.

That's all cool, bro. Makes sense. Now this stuff became very political, lately, and people over exaggerate it to a point where the subject becomes repulsive. Also add all the mentally ill representatives the subject managed to assemble. Not cool. On top of that, there's no gain in this. The ratio of "advancing the human race"/"attention on it" is just wrong.

Isn't that what people used to call gender roles?

Gender oles is when you do the opposite, take someone's gender and assign them traits they must like. Like say someone identifies as "yellow", gender roles would be saying oh they must be 255, 255, 0 when in actuality there a whole wide range of yellows

to all frens: the sex/gender dichotomy is a natural fact, not a modern invention. It’s something we discovered about reality, not something that was memed into reality by academics with a social agenda. The way we know it is a part of human nature is because it goes back hundreds of thousands of ye-

it’s been this way for decades now

hmm, really? decades? That’s kind of curious frens, now I’m all confused :(

Sex is for sure, but gender isn't.

Definitions change all the time, it needn't be so confusing fren. Think about the earth being flat which was believed for hundreds of thousands of years but we now know that to not be true. Or that the earth was the center of the universe, or that the sun was a God. Just because something changes doesn't mean that it's wrong.

And that's only the English definitions of the word. Historically, there are references to people of a third gender dating back to the birthplace of civilisation in ancient Mesopotamia thousands of years BCE.

And the definition has changed but only to reflect the usage of the word. Historically it's been the same all along. Joan of Arc was a woman and when expressing as a man was referred to as a man. Do you think that ancient civilisations defined gender by people's genes? Did Kings require knights to be publically pantsed to prove that they had a penis before they could be knighted? No, because that wasn't how someone's gender is discerned.

There have always been feminine and masculine, fren. It is not until very recently that people said, hey, actually if you are a very feminine boy then you should give yourself a bloody front hole and after that everyone has to cal you a girls name and say “yes, that is a girl” or they get in trouble :(

I agree with you that we should look to reduce surgeries when they are unnecessary fren. That is exactly why it's so important that we separate the terms sex and gender. That way, people with Gender Dysphoria don't feel the need to change their sex to feel like the gender they present as. Going by the definition of gender is expression, someone suffering from GD doesn't need to undergo sex reassignment surgery because by changing their expression they can change their gender. This way, a person suffering from GD only needs to change what they do to relieve their stress from GD, while if you define gender as the same as sex, they may need to have unalterable and potentially life-threatening surgery for the same relief.

If your goal is to improve peoples' lives fren, then accepting that gender and sex are different is the way to go about it. To do otherwise would be extremely unfrenly.

If your goal is to improve peoples' lives fren, then accepting that gender and sex are different is the way to go about it. To do otherwise would be extremely unfrenly.

fren, I think you and I agree it is good to be frenly, and we even agree that it’s frenly to improve people’s lives. Where I think we disagree is that I’m not so interested in expensing mental energy on improving the lives of a tiny minority of mentally deranged people; I want to see the most improvement for the most people. It’s utilitarian frenliness, and imo it was common sense until, basically, the cultural revolution of the 1960s. Since then, the large majority always have to change, to adjust, to bend over backwards for the tiny minority. Everyone is forced to be exposed to stuff that makes them uncomfortable just so a handful of mentally deranged people can be comfortable. That’s the new ethos of what it is to be frenly and I just fundamentally disagree with it.

I have to strongly disagree with you there fren. Firstly it costs almost nothing for you mental to accommodate these situations. How much mental energy does it take for you to call someone by a different name? Do you not have any frens with nicknames? And this small point of debate actually has widely reaching utilitarian prospects.

Gender is a social construct built around social and cultural norms. It is fundamentally different to sex. It's pretty easy to show that there is a difference, since all that you need to do is show that the same person in two different societies is the same sex but is seen as having a different/abnormal gender. Take a woman with short hair and wearing pants and a button down shirt and show them to someone from a few hundred years ago and they assume she is a man. Take a baby swaddled in pink and show them to someone from today and someone from a hundred years ago, and they'll both assume different genders. But the person's sex has stayed the same the entire time. Therefore, it can be seen that gender and sex are indeed separate. That sex is determined by biological factors, while gender is determined by social and cultural factors.

Once you accept this truth fren, things start to change. It's not a difficult task to call someone the right pronouns or the right name, because that is how they express and hence what their actual gender is. You don't have to bend over backwards to reach that point, rather, it is just how things are. And this has wide-reaching implications on improving things for everyfren as well. Gender is a social construct, so why does child custody default to favouring women? Why are we ok with men dying in the front lines but not women? Why are men assumed to be better workers than women? Why is it that being a stay at home mum is more respectable than being a stay at home dad?

Suddenly, you realise there's a lot of issues that can be fixed here. Accepting trans frens is simply the smallest and easiest step. They make it clear for you what gender they express as, they correct you if you're wrong (usually politely), and as you said yourself fren, they are a minority so you're unlikely to encounter the issue very much. But understand that being frenly is always the best option, and that this is a small microcosm that reflect a larger reality that your utilitarian ideology can surely understand the impact of. Noone is asking for social treatment or extra rights fren, they're only asking you to treat them exactly as you'd treat anyone else: By calling them by their name and referring to them as the right gender.

Fren, he's actually not wrong.

Im not talking about sexuality or the 80 made up genders. Im talking about how people identity and view themselves as a gender.

Biological factors are not always sufficient determinants of whether a person considers themselves a man or is considered a man. Intersex individuals, who have physical or genetic features considered to be mixed or atypical for one sex or the other, may use other criteria in making a clear determination. There are also transgender and transsexual men, who were assigned as female at birth, but identify as men; there are varying social, legal and individual definitions with regard to these issues. (See trans man.)

Whether or not someone considers themselves their biological gender should be no concern to official documentation. Either xy or xx or intersex.

Ahh yes. Its all so simple! Of course!

Maybe if you were more frenly and less condescending like someone else in this thread you could have gotten your point across better.

Sometimes you have to break out the hard talk and tough love. Sorry fren :(

It's ok fren :)


Well, you're kinda dumb, and live in fantasy land fren. Sorry to tell you, but tough love and all.

I'm sorry fren, but you're not special, and lying about your gender won't make you special.

I dont really think thats what its about fren...

But it is, fren. These people are lost, trapped within their own minds. Just below the surface of conscious thought, they see that their existence is hollow.

Unable to silence their internal cries of inadequacy, they seek to shield themselves from them by becoming what society pities. To protect themselves from the harshness of normal life by becoming a perpetual dependent of others. A protected class.

But they will never be satisfied with what they find. Cursed to forever wander a barren path, they will seek their false god until it claims them. Forever lost.

you're confusing sex with gender, sex is binary ( unless you got some unfortunate chromosomes). gender is instead, according to these people, a social construct.

He's not confusing anything, both are one and the same.

Sex is biological, Gender is a word made up in the 80s by a nonfren

stuff is pretty much getting complex for no reason.

It's not a word made up in the 80s; it's just that it's around that time at which it started being used to refer to someone's sex, which was likely caused by people associating sex with eroticism and thus choosing to use another word.

Gender is not equivalent to sexuality from what I understand. This fren will not pretend to be an expert, but simply state his understanding. Gender is how we behave socially and what's expected. Our sex is determined biologically.

Granted I learned this from a ridiculously liberal university, but it does make a bit of sense. All the different genders though has taken this way too far. If you don't want to do what's expected of a man, that's fine. Same for a woman. But this movement has gotten out of control.

Please don't bop me frens :(

Thing is you’ve basically described personality and feelings. Doesn’t mean that gender is a thing different from sexuality. It especially doesn’t mean that there are more than two genders.

I don't like the concept of multiple genders. But gender as a whole is something different that our sex determined biologically. I have a biochemistry degree and the word sex is explicitly used as a descriptive term for being male or female. Not gender.

They are feelings and personality, but also general behaviors.

I want it known though that I'm not trying to be rude towards frens, but we can't live in ignorance and try to say one word means the same as another when it doesn't.

Well I disagree. I see gender as a made-up concept used to make a false distinction between biological sex and you.

People will naturally follow the behavioral traits (‘gender role’) of their ‘sex’. This is the natural order of things. You can argue semantics about sex and gender, and sure the words don’t describe the same thing, but genders correlate with their sex, no matter how a person ‘feels’ about it. Every sex has a purpose that is to be fulfilled, the body isn’t designed to understand sex changes and other modern surgeries, which is why it causes so many health issues.

Do you have any links or anything to further expand on this. I'd actually like to understand it better. I'm get a Ng Downvoted to hell for just talking.

And I treasure my karma.

This is one study that is comprehensive and almost all can agree has no agenda Here

I like how you think. Nice job

Hard to sound like a fren when regurgitating propaganda and outdated scientific misunderstandings.

It's harder to accept when you were wrong all along fren. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a psychological fallacy. But if you read further into this thread you'll see I can handle that with grace.

Gender dysphoria is a fetish. Look up autogynephilia, especially if you think you have "gender dysphoria"

Fren, this is a right wing sub

A right wing sub with few political posts or agenda. Im not the one who brought this up. Lets just keep anti-science propaganda out of this sub and all frens can get along

Pretty sure transgenderism is anti science

Hehe. No. Science is everything. Even more than alt-right. Doesnt matter what your opinion is

“Doesn’t matter what your opinion is”

— Everyone on the left ever about anything ever

No. Only when it comes to science you dont get to have an opinion

Dude, what do you think science is? Science is entirely comprised of opinions and guesses. Guesses that have been proved over time, but are constantly subject to change. Back in ye olde days, science told us that sun orbited the Earth. Somebody had the “opinion” or idea, that no, that was wrong, they did their research and they changed science. Of course, there were morons in their day and age too who believed that any opinion that didn’t match up with their definition of science wasn’t valid. Don’t be the modern equivalent of them, history won’t smile on you for it.

Science is constantly changing, sometimes it’s right, sometimes it’s wrong. Advancements in science are built off of opinions, and idiots who try to suppress the opinions of others do nothing but make themselves look stupid and stop the progress of science toward reaching the Truth.

So be careful what you say, fren, and please don’t be an nonfren and try to repress the freedom of speech of others.

Repressing others? Oh thats rich. Lol. Wow you are dense:

Let’s look at the definition of opinion: Opinion- “A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.”

Science is the process of gaining knowledge through hypothesizing, observation, experiment, or otherwise gaining evidence that will either cause a hypothesis to be thrown out or become more supported. it is, in fact, the exact opposite of an opinion.

Science is based on knowledge and investigation. Its an extremely weak argument to suggest science is ‘just' one more opinion at the end of the day. So no.

Thank you for playing. I think we are done here.

Science fren here! Gender stuff is simple biology but who says someone can't get surgery to become happy? Sure there's some mental issues but hey, whatever floats their boat.

Unless you force it on children and forcefully normalize it, then there's a problem.

If anybody tries to discredit this tranny shit their careers will be ruined by the leftist mob. Real scientific. Same thing goes for talking about race; you either toe the "we're all equal" line or lose your career.

The fuck does that even mean

Bop yourself

no u

No you both

No just him, actually

No just you

Definitely not


Maybe try not normalizing a literal mental illness and we can talk

Source where its regarded as mental illness?

Literally just search up gender dysphoria twit

Maybe list your sources in your initial response like a grown up where you claim shit so I wont have to ask, you twit.

Well I thought since you’re such an expert, clearly you should know by now

He should list his sources so that you can immediately reply and claim the source is propaganda? Maybe this fren has realized that there is no use arguing with a brick wall, such as yourself.

If transgenderism is real, it is a physical deformity. Your brain doesn't match your body.

Why would nature evolve two sexes and 37 genders, fren? How would that help the survival of a species? Are there any transgender animals? Do silverback gorillas chew off their cocks and try to have babies?

Probably because most of you are mentally ill aspies railing against established science

fella I think it’s totally fine men can fuck men women can fuck women and women can fuck men and women can fuck men and we can all fuck but yeen gotta overthink gender anyone can be a bad bitch so in this case I’m the dude and will say. I abide.


Worked just fine in the 50s. Progress for the sake of progress is usually bad, especially when it goes against our scientific understanding of the world.

And unfortunately, rather than help those frens, our society decides to keep slamming them against the pole over and over again.

How should society help?

That involves the longnose tribe and it is a very big, complicated problem.

I dunno, maybe by helping them come to terms with the gender they are rather than encourage them to mutilate themselves in a hopeless pursuit of becoming something they’re not and never will be?

People with gender dysphoria have a very high rate of suicide, it’s terrible. But for some reason, our society thinks that by egging on their dysphoria and confusing then further, it will help. Spoiler, it doesn’t. Suicide rates for people with gender dysphoria does not drop after ”transition,” typically the process of forcing themselves to become something they’re not makes their condition worse.

Encouraging someone’s gender dysphoria would be like telling someone diagnosed with anxiety that, instead of getting the proper help and medication they need, they should just give in to their condition and hide in a secluded room for the rest of their life. Obviously, that would not help the poor bloke with anxiety, and encouraging people with gender dysphoria to give in to their condition doesn’t help either.

Society should be helping these people come to terms with who they actually are, not leading them on some deluded quest of mental dysphoria.

Source for everything you claimed please


It says it’s a 15 minute read, think you can handle that?

Hehe. Think you can handle providing a more unbiased source?

Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a right-wing think tank. Its stated mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of "free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."

Christ, what a bunch of nitwits... Not sure why I even bother with this

As opposed to the left wing think tank that Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay uncovered that is being awfully suppressed by the media for some reason.

Im sure there are biased sources and think tanks on the left as well. Never claimed otherwise

You base your life on them.

How much does your SRS going to cost you?

How so?

Never heard of SRS

It'll cost him everything in the end.

As opposed to actual scientists and professionals in their field who all say that gender reassignment works. Maybe try actually reading around on the subject if you genuinely care (of course you don't), rather than picking one source that agrees with your bigotry (written by other bigots) and going "Duuhhh yep! This proves I'm right!" Knuckle-dragger.

Maybe try harder not being a preachy narcissist?

Why come here and preach about your mental illness?

Nobody cares.

Why come here and preach about how much you hate people who are different to you? Go ahead and be a dick but using embarrassing baby talk to try to oh-so-subtly persuade other people to come down to your level is absolutely pathetic. The world is laughing at you as your beliefs become more and more fringe and derided.

Why are non-frens so easy to spot?

Non-frens = non-bigot, right? In which case I'm happy to be easy to spot.

Nice retort btw: "There are worse things in the world than me being a bigoted arsehole so by criticising me, you're the real arsehole..." Real top-tier thinking there numb-nuts.

This is why no one listens to you, except when they want a good chuckle.

No a non-fren is usually a bigot like you.

To be honest mate I just love how quickly this whole "frenly" mask slips. It's like when my toddler is playing make-believe but then forgets what she's playing and gets all flustered. Adorable really.

If you need to believe that in order to feel relevant then by all means go ahead. It must be lonely being so hate filled. I'm here if you want to open up about it babe.

Lol. This source is the biggest piece of biased propaganda Ive ever read. Im not sure if youre stupid enough to actually buy this or Im talking with a russian troll here rn.

The idea that trans suicide rates are higher after post op surgery is common knowledge, why does he need sources lmao?

in comparison to the rest of the population

Stop spreading your bullshit

Why does it matter what they compare it to 😂Still doesn’t change the fact that trans people are killing themselves at alarming rates (dissatisfied with post op- sad reality they will never be the opposite gender).

The trans people who display regret towards their surgery are ultimately shunned by trans communities. Its sickening. Theres even subreddits about it.

Fuck off and go read a book or something

Why does it matter what they compare it to

Because it debunks your claim SRS doesn't help



Genuinely laughable that you act like you care. If you actually cared maybe you'd read the absolute fuck-ton of evidence written by professionals in their field that says that gender reassignment works. Or read the testimonies of people going through this who all say that the biggest issue they face is dealing with reactionary morons like you, claiming to care by pushing this whole "just force them to be 'normal', that'll help!" bullshit.

I know you're full of shit because the high suicide rate does fall to normal levels after transitioning. You'd know that if you care as much as you'd like people to believe.

Telling trans people to just "be normal" is like telling someone with spina bifida to just suck it up and walk like a "normal" human being, rather than using all the scientific research and understanding we have to find the most pragmatic and workable treatments and assistance. Why do you think you know better than medical professionals when it comes to treating complicated conditions like this? Or do you think there's some huge conspiracy to push something they know to be bad for patients just to piss off reactionaries like you?

Lot of unfenlyness in this comment section.... weird!

Why does /r/detrans exist?


Oof. Detrans community needs hugs from frens, fren

Or they commit suicide because of discrt?

I’m sure that’s part of it, but people blame discrimination for a lot of things, when in reality, it’s really not that prevalent. Aside from a few extremists here and there, and occasionally some little kids who are too young to have grasped social manners, no one is going to actively bully trans people, the majority of people in this world, despite what the news (and Reddit) tells you, are actually very polite people.

No, while the few and far between cases of real discrimination may account for some of the problem, in reality, it’s the aggravating of a mental illness that drives these poor people to suicide. Rather than help them get the proper treatment, society tells them that they should give in the unfortunate malfunction in their head and let it control them and their life.

I speak bluntly about mental illnesses because I suffer heavily from anxiety, the real kind, diagnosed by a doctor, not the tumblr self diagnosed fraud kind. Anyway, once I found out that I suffered from this condition, I went to work fixing it. I didn’t give in to my illness and lock myself out from the world, because that would make things worse. When society encourages people to become something they’re not, they’re doing exactly that which they should not do, giving in to the illness.

Fix thes frens with Electroconvulsive therapy

As a non fren I can say this is how it feels

This post does not spark frenship


But it does spark truth and sometimes that's more important. Real frens speak up

No it doesnt.

Fuck off subverter

After you

So are you and your numale compadres having a good time “seizing” this sub through downvotes? There are more of us than you

I dont doubt it


Du hører ikke hjemme her.


post is being subverted by TOP MINDS O:


Man i have been seeing too much politics in this sub lately i think we have forgotten to focus on true frenship

Same. I just want to go back to funny pictures of our frens


Same. Although the trampoline yesterday was nice and frenly.


Yeah. The mods should ban political posts.

Make like a sub called r/frenworldpolitics and have all that stuff go there.
(It’ll probably get banned tho)

get out ya clown

While I agree that this sub is just a (very) thinly veiled attempt at pushing reactionary bullshit, calling these sorts of views "political" is generous in the extreme! The idea that the best treatment for trans people is carefully managed transitioning isn't a "political opinion" it's just scientific fact backed by the vast majority of professionals in the field. Framing it as a political opinion is like this whole climate change debate... it's science versus idiots who'd rather deny science because it's inconvenient for their world view/bottom line.

And even if allowing people to transition isn't necessarily the best treatment, how is it anyone else's business? The people pushing this nonsense are the same ones who claim to believe in small government and that no one should be allowed to interfere with people's private business (which is a legitimate political opinion). Until that involves doing something they find "icky"... then we all need to stick our fucking noses in and tell them what we think. Hmmm.

It's more a response to the trans community trying to force their views onto everyone else instead of keeping it to themselves

Right on cue: "They're free to do whatever they want but don't expect me to play along...."

How exactly does it affect you in any way whatsoever? You have to go more out of your way to be a dick to trans people than just to ignore it. So ignore it and go on with your life. Simple!

Going on the internet and making posts about how you disagree with their lifestyle isn't exactly "keeping it to yourself" is it? The hypocrisy of people who claim they hate LGBT issues being shoved down their throat then going out of their way to argue against them is astounding! Seriously, if you don't like it ignore it. I guarantee there are aspects of your life that people don't agree with but they let you get on with it because it's not their fucking business.

how do you not see that everyone’s life impacts society, you’re not an individual with no connection to anyone else, we are all intertwined by our values, beliefs and the choices we make. The fact that you want to encourage mentally ill people to get permanent surgery will not impact me directly but it will impact the rest of society indirectly, by normalizing that kind of destructive behavior. And the biggest problem is the way normalizing degeneracy will affect the most impressionable and naive among us, baby frens.

I've never encouraged anyone to get surgery, it's none of my damn business. I'm happy to leave it up to the individual and medical professionals to decide what's best. But her you are encouraging people to ignore medical evidence because you think the treatment is "degeneracy"... How is that helping society, genius? You think you can just wish away things like gender dysphoria because it makes you feel icky... Sorry bud, not going to happen. So why not let these people decide what is best for them and stay the hell out of it. If you really do care about society as a whole, as opposed to clutching your pearls and screaming "think of the children!!"

Cool, just let the obviously mentally unstable person decide what they want to do, im guessing you don’t disagree with their choice to commit suicide either, just let them do whatever they think is best, would you let an anorexic person not eat because they decided not to? It’s helping by not normalizing it, these people need help not your pity. I can’t wish it away, but therapy can fix it, what doesn’t fix it is letting the problem spread by calling it normal. I’m presenting a possibility for them to cure their mental illness and then become a functional portion of society, by having jobs, children and responsibility, and you’re presenting letting them do whatever they want, which is in most cases either ends with suicide or not having children due to the permanent surgery.

The way you express yourself is cringing me to shit. Nonfren.


Long paragraphs hurt my brain, fren.

Fren, curious about your take on these stories




fren, it sorta seems like this whole trans movement is more than just acting feminine if you feel feminine (I think people have always done that). It sorta seems like the stuff that’s new is precisely the demands on society and people around them.

Jordan Peterson is a charlatan, a hack and a shill - he was completely lying about that whole C-16 thing or whatever it was. Look in to it. r/enoughpetersonspam

You're really going to compare having to tolerate trans people with displaying pornography in public...? I mean you know that's insane, right? If not I don't even know where to start.

“Tolerate” trans people? Not very progressive of you, fren. You should celebrate them!

Haha great retort! You certainly showed me! Almost as much as if you actually had a decent argument to make.

I don’t understand why you’re getting mad, fren. I just said you should be a decent human being and celebrate trans people. How does it affect you to celebrate them?


How is it anyone else business if I want to inject meth in to my pepee fren?


Because it's an alt-right propaganda tool. Glad the normal users finally seem to notice...

shut up dick vaccum

Your parents must be delighted about your personality. Here's hoping your still young and will turn out to be a better person one day.

And i honestly hope that one day you can grow and leave the mental box you gave yourself...


I think off-roading has damaged a few of my former frens. I don't know if I should pity them or just hope that they don't feel too much pain when they eventually sleep. :/

Damn that is deep. Why do you think that?

I watched one man go from an awkward neet who is good at 3D scanning and modeling into a furry bat "girl".

With the rates of self forever sleep among those people being what they are, I know what's coming one unfortunate day.

I don't want more dead friends.

Suicide rates are far higher among trans people before they transition than after. If you genuinely care about your friend the best thing you can do is try to accept them whatever they decide to do or be. How does it hurt you to let them do whatever they feel like they need to do?

Damn that's a sad way to start my day

What does this prove?

That is tragic and I truly hope that person gets the help they need but it tells us nothing about the overall benefit of transitioning. And it certainly doesn't suggest that being supportive of your friends who are going through this is in any way the wrong thing to do.

Chemotherapy doesn't have a 100% success rate either, yet no one's lobbying against it.

This doesn't have any success

Every study done comparing pre-transition and post-transition trans people shows significant success.

Not sure what you mean by success. Chemoterapy is a try to fix something. It's awesome if it works but if not, nothing got worse. So in any case it can just improve someone's life. But your case it's mostly just destroying lives of people

Not sure what you mean by success.

Reducing/eliminating gender dysphoria, improving general mental health, and lowering suicide attempt rates.

It's awesome if it works but if not, nothing got worse.

Sure, but it typically does work, that's the point. All evidence found supports this. We will gain accuracy/precision in diagnosis the more research we do on trans people.

But your case it's mostly just destroying lives of people

Can you provide any studies showing trans people are worse off after transitioning than they were before?

Where's the comparison with pre-transition people? This is saying their lifetime rates of suicide attempts is significantly higher than the general average. I don't deny that. The important piece is when are those attempts taking place, before transitioning or after?

This study isn't evaluating the effectiveness of transition in relation to suicide attempts.

Tbh all trans start with one thing. "Im not happy with my body" some get over it or get it fixed but a lot dont. Its a thing that starts bad...

That's my point. People suffering from gender dysphoria are going to have mental health issues and will be more likely to attempt suicide than those who don't.

That isn't disputed.

Transitioning has shown in the vast majority of cases to improve mental health and reduce suicidal tendencies in gender dysphoric individuals. Repeating that they're suicide risks isn't disproving that, unless your data shows transitioning increases the risk.

Here's a cross study of 50+ studies on the effects of transitioning on the well-being of trans people:


We only give chemotherapy to those that really have cancer.

This is more an argument regarding diagnosis accuracy than treatment effectiveness. Whether or not we can accurately determine if someone is trans is irrelevant to how we help the ones who truly are.

How do we differentiate between a 3 year old boy that likes to wear dresses and a 3 year old trans girl?

My issue is entirely one of diagnosing gender non-conforming life immediately as trans.

It's a perfectly reasonable concern. Especially since it's heavily portrayed in media as "they like girl toys/clothes so they're a girl".

There's a process for evaluating children and it's pretty effective.

The vast majority of children who are evaluated by gender clinics for gender ddysphoric symptoms are found to not meet the criteria for it and do not transition. Roughly 70-85% depending on the study. It's important that we don't have false positives, which is why socially transitioning is very helpful.

For the children who show consistent and persistent gender dysphoria through years of evaluation, they could be given puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy to avoid exacerbating their gender dysphoria by experiencing puberty. Of these children, less than 1% are found to regret the medical intervention.

Doesn't the fact that /r/detrans exist mean that we should slow down on throwing hormone blockers to every kid that feels a little different?

I mentioned this in my other reply, but the vast majority of people who transitioned as children are not the detransitioners. That's more often than not adults who didn't have the same lengthy evaluation, (which is one possible failure point), and also might detransition because they aren't happy with the results. Transitioning as an adult is less likely to be as effective, as they've already undergone puberty, which typically makes their gender dysphoria worse.

I personally know a trans person who detransitioned because of family pressure, as they're very conservative. They still maintained they were trans and a girl, but they didn't feel their family would ever accept them.

This is hardly an objective argument, but I'd also point out that sub has roughly 2,700 subs whereas subs like r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns has over 100,000. Again, that's hardly a controlled experiment lol, but the existence of people who were incorrectly diagnosed or who detransitioned for other reasons are a very small percentage as it is.

Do you apply the same logic to a fren who takes up heroin?

You sound like a longnose to me.

Being trans is the same as being a heroine addict... get a load of big-brain over here!

Yes, the patterns of behavior are similarly destructive. If one keeps searching for higher degrees of dopamine stimulation through either substance abuse or deviant behavior, this pattern will generally lead to a path of self destruction.

"Deviant behaviour".... that's completely subjective. What if I decide you're a deviant? Can I start poking my nose in your business and shaming you?

Dress it up however you want, it's just plain old fashioned bigotry. You don't agree with someone's lifestyle so you think it's your place to judge them for trying to find ways to cope.

Let's say you did have a friend with a heroin addiction - what do you think is more helpful; telling them how deviant and shameful their addiction is, or supporting whatever treatment they think will help them come off it? You're far more interested in trying to get people to live the life you think they should than actually supporting someone through a difficult situation.

Fren, if you helped a heroin addict like you "help" trans people, you'd be showing them where to get fent from.

Encouraging an illness doesn't cure it. You don't help a psychotic by encouraging the delusions.

Yes, addiction and gender dysphoria are both mental illnesses.

trans are radical centrists or something

Why this comment was downvoted you fucking spergs, I'm mocking trannies




This is not a frenly post

Can we lay off of politics?

How long have you been in fren world

Obviously longer than you if you think this is a supposed to be a political sub.

You're not one of us.

Looking through post history is super cringe bro

lol ur history is even worse my man


I've been here since before the frenelection so you must be full of shit.

So you should know just as well as me that this sub is wayyyy more politically now focused than ever before

Nonfren detected.

But it's not tho



fren pls. lay off for a bit

Wtf is this sub lmao

too overt fren, dial it down

So your problem isn't the disgusting transphobia, it's that they made it too obvious? You're a scum bag.

(oi, dingus, shush)

What, it's just a helpful visual aid to teach frens how science works

lol REE



Frens I regret my choice can I choose other path



You can pretend whatever you want, fren!

I went right fren :)

before your parents even had sex. Its determined by meiosis in the testicles.


sometimes you make the wrong turn

i can’t tell if this is transphobic or not.

Sorry fren, but transition isn't actually possible. Only imitation.

that’s gonna be a yikes from me 😔 enjoy your time here frens, i must go.

A big yikes indeed fren, but sometimes the biggest yikes are the most truthful.

Yikes, sweaty! *chugs soylent

Where are the other 613,5 paths, fren??

Gone, reduced to atoms

Sex is bimodal, meaning yes, chromosomes strongly correlate to sex, but they do not determine sex itself. That's why there are intersex people.

The 23rd pair of chromosomes define if male or female... That's kinda it. There are special cases with double x in men or women but those are so rare that they're defined as disorders.

We can’t just choose our sex? Non frenly :(

You can act like the other sex if it makes you feel better. And maybe if people acted like you really are you won't think how you can naturally never be that. But you still can't make people act against their will just because you are insecure about it. As much as you think you know how it is, everyone else does too. Its ok to have different opinions but its not ok to force your opinon on someone.

Guess I always need to add /s huh.

Honestly... In this age and time... We really gotta be clear with each other what we want and what we're saying. After seeing everything you expect anything from people nowdays.

Sorry for missinterpreting your comment. I hope mine still makes sense for you.

Especially in text form. It's getting harder to distinguish between satire and reality so, idk man. /s tag used more liberally?

Just use it when you're really sarcastic somewhere

what do you mean? Arent hermaphrodites a mutation?

this isn't frenly. whats with all the political stuff here

Since when science is politics?

top minds here we go frens!

Hmmm. Lots of people who never post here saying this post isnt frenly 🤔

Your post history speaks for itself

Its epic

Frens, it's not political, it's scientific! When a person is gestating in the womb, certain parts of the DNA develop before the chromosomes choose XY or XX. Because of this, some things are the useless on men/women. Nipples on men being the most known example.

We all start our as women but some continue to be women and some have the Y chromosome to develop further as men.


Go to the center and become both

That's a disorder

Great ill just kill myself now



My man 💙

swipe right, fren, swipe right

But you went straight and bopped your head :D

Fren, I’m very nervous. Somebody told me this is “hates peach,” but I thought that everyone liked peaches!

Peach are good, fren.

It's very rare, and is a disorder

1) being intersex is statistically more likely than having red-hairs and 2% of the population is not that rare since it's very likely that you will encounter someone intersex in your life 2) it's not a disorder, a disorder can be cured and prevents you from having a normal life, being intersex is a genetic syndrome, that means it cannot be "cured" and that even if we had the chance to cure it a person could still live a normal life without "curing" it 3) all of the above doesn't change that the "meme" is just factually incorrect

Okay, mabye I used the wrong wording. Not exactly a disorder, more like a condition.

"its more common than another rare thing therefore it isnt rare."

It's still rare. Just because it isnt all that rare does not make it not rare.

3) Well the meme is correct, normally you either are a Male or a female, unless something is off

Well the problem is that you are conflating the term normal with likely/non rare: only because something is rare that doesn't make it not normal, having red hair, for example, is rare but you would never call someone with red hair not normal, even though having red hair is a genetic mutation ( you could say "something is off"). In the same way being intersex does not make you not normal, unless it prevents you from having a normal life (Which it often doesn't), so saying "you're either male or female" it's as wrong as saying "there are four hair colors (black, brown, blonde and grey)", both are at least incorrect because they do not take in account a part of the population, even if small.

Since when does significant mean you are likely to meet one in your lifetime? You are probably gonna meet almost every ttoe of person in your lifetime. And it's still a large abnormality, in normal circumstances this doesnt happen. Assuming the meme is ment to be a normal circumstance, it doesnt happen.

Also this is just a meme ment to mock transgenders, I dont see why it would involve intersex people

1) well 2% is a very significant part of the population nonetheless, the likely hood of how meeting an intersex person was just an example to make understand how it's actually a pretty large amount of people, and 2% mean that you have a pretty high chance of encountering an intersex person daily (if you see 25 different people every day you will see about 15 intersex people per month, and more than 180 every year), not one in your lifetime.

2) abnormality is more a social than a scientific term, just because something is unlikely doesn't make it abnormal, you would never say "owning a turtle as a pet makes you abnormal" despite the % of the population owning it, usually people define someone as normal if the life they live is "standard" in the place they live in, and plenty of intersex people are able to live a standard life. Another way that people use the word normal is good/bad, for example you would not say that going to jail is normal despite the % of the population that goes to jail during their life time, and being intersex is not inherently worse/better than being male/female.

3) this is a meme made to mock transgenders, but it specifically says that DNA is either male or female, which is just untrue

abnormality is a social thing and that just because something isny common doesnt make it not objectively normal

???? what? It is a litteral abnormality, as in humans were specifically made to be either Male or Female, and that Intersex isnt exactly supposed to be either.

When did I mention anything about intersex people living worse lives or being worse than normal people? All I'm saying is that it makes sense that he wouldnt include intersex people, as this is a meme made to mock transgenders, where its saying you are born Male or female (because under objectively NORMAL circumstances where the person being born does not have a physically abnormal condition) and implying that you cannot choose later in life.

"humans were specifically made to be either male or female" no one "made" humans, humans are just derived by a genetic mutation (you might call it an abnormality) from the previous species, so saying "humans are supposed to be this or that" is just an expectation that we have and if someone doesn't fullfil that expectation that does not necessarily make it abnormal (depending on how you define it)

Plus abnormality can literally mean 7 different things

"Abnormality has been defined in a number of ways, including: unusual behaviour that is different from the norm; behaviour that doesnot conform to social expectations or demands; statistical infrequency; failure to function adequately; presence of pronounced psychological suffering or distress; deviation from ideal..." and outside the scientific field is generally used as a way of saying "failure to function adequately" or "behavior that doesn't conform to social expectations or demands" so when I talked about intersex people having a "normal" life that was what I was referring to.

I can tell that probably you are referring to "statistical infrequency" but it being unlikely doesn't make it not real, so saying "you are either male or female" it's just incorrect, you could say "you are usually(or normally) either male or female" and not be incorrect but that just wasn't what the meme was saying.

I'm not talking about statistical infrequently, altough I will admit that plays a part of it. I am saying it is abnormal as in that isnt supposed to happen, on a biological level.

God you sound so much like you are trying to be smart, turning what could have been a few sentences into an entire lecture, and overanalyzing a fucking meme on r/frenworld about how transgenderism is unnatural by criticizing it for not including you're rare condition

What do you mean is supposed to happen? Nothing is supposed to happen in nature you realize that right? Things just happen, some things happen more frequently than others so we expect it to happen again in the same way, but that's just not how nature works. Plus I've never overanalyzed the meme, the meme just said "there's either A or B" and I said "well, there is also C" and sorry if I'm being too long it's just that English isn't my primary language and I'm trying to explain myself best as I can

Not really, as some stuff are ment to be certian ways. The entire reason men and women exist on a biological level is for reproduction, and someone who has both is very obviously a sort of physical "deformity" I guess you could say, I cant really think if the correct word. Their DNA, or chromosomes or whatever is just messed up.

I get what you are trying to say, that there is a C, but the C isnt exactly supposed to happen, and the meme gas nothing to do with it, other than implying there is inkt an A and B

Easy mode or hard mode? 🤔

Right in the middle

Frens are always born with the gender their chromosomes decided. A nonfren removing a frens dick doesn't make him a woman

i find it ironic seeing this post at this time because im currently thinking about how i would tell my parents im trans

You can pretend to be whatever you want to be, fren. Do what makes you happy. Just don’t be upset if your parents or others don’t want to play along.

dna is a nofren


Isn't rhis a bit too mu...


no u

Yes. Thats exactly what I meant. You are very smart !

But it is, fren. These people are lost, trapped within their own minds. Just below the surface of conscious thought, they see that their existence is hollow.

Unable to silence their internal cries of inadequacy, they seek to shield themselves from them by becoming what society pities. To protect themselves from the harshness of normal life by becoming a perpetual dependent of others. A protected class.

But they will never be satisfied with what they find. Cursed to forever wander a barren path, they will seek their false god until it claims them. Forever lost.

It's very rare, and is a disorder


Peach are good, fren.


It's a perfectly reasonable concern. Especially since it's heavily portrayed in media as "they like girl toys/clothes so they're a girl".

There's a process for evaluating children and it's pretty effective.

The vast majority of children who are evaluated by gender clinics for gender ddysphoric symptoms are found to not meet the criteria for it and do not transition. Roughly 70-85% depending on the study. It's important that we don't have false positives, which is why socially transitioning is very helpful.

For the children who show consistent and persistent gender dysphoria through years of evaluation, they could be given puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy to avoid exacerbating their gender dysphoria by experiencing puberty. Of these children, less than 1% are found to regret the medical intervention.

Your post history speaks for itself

I have to strongly disagree with you there fren. Firstly it costs almost nothing for you mental to accommodate these situations. How much mental energy does it take for you to call someone by a different name? Do you not have any frens with nicknames? And this small point of debate actually has widely reaching utilitarian prospects.

Gender is a social construct built around social and cultural norms. It is fundamentally different to sex. It's pretty easy to show that there is a difference, since all that you need to do is show that the same person in two different societies is the same sex but is seen as having a different/abnormal gender. Take a woman with short hair and wearing pants and a button down shirt and show them to someone from a few hundred years ago and they assume she is a man. Take a baby swaddled in pink and show them to someone from today and someone from a hundred years ago, and they'll both assume different genders. But the person's sex has stayed the same the entire time. Therefore, it can be seen that gender and sex are indeed separate. That sex is determined by biological factors, while gender is determined by social and cultural factors.

Once you accept this truth fren, things start to change. It's not a difficult task to call someone the right pronouns or the right name, because that is how they express and hence what their actual gender is. You don't have to bend over backwards to reach that point, rather, it is just how things are. And this has wide-reaching implications on improving things for everyfren as well. Gender is a social construct, so why does child custody default to favouring women? Why are we ok with men dying in the front lines but not women? Why are men assumed to be better workers than women? Why is it that being a stay at home mum is more respectable than being a stay at home dad?

Suddenly, you realise there's a lot of issues that can be fixed here. Accepting trans frens is simply the smallest and easiest step. They make it clear for you what gender they express as, they correct you if you're wrong (usually politely), and as you said yourself fren, they are a minority so you're unlikely to encounter the issue very much. But understand that being frenly is always the best option, and that this is a small microcosm that reflect a larger reality that your utilitarian ideology can surely understand the impact of. Noone is asking for social treatment or extra rights fren, they're only asking you to treat them exactly as you'd treat anyone else: By calling them by their name and referring to them as the right gender.