The teacher said there were a bunch of balls in here but there’s only two. Am I missing something here? There’s only two, right frens?

252  2019-06-12 by ser-of-cannabis


I only see two, fren. Why not bounce the big orange one around?

I don’t know fren, I’ve seen a lot of nonfrens using that ball...

just because nonfrens do something it doesnt make it bad. nonfrens like to imitate frens.

I think you're some kind of alt, fren! You're acting funny...

How so fren?


There are only two balls. Not a spectrum of balls or balls that change from one to the other. The football can't pretend to be a basketball or vice versa. They are what they are from the start and can't be changed with surgery or language.

Whoa great analogy fren!

Very subtle fren, I feel like I’m missing something

My teacher said that a basketball can be a football and a football can be a basketball! That's just silly. Everyone knows you can't shoot hoops with a football!

You can try but it will never actually work. Footballs and basketballs are created differently. They were never meant to be interchanged. You’ll just look foolish if you try.

Don't worry fren. Play with the basketball. Teachers will try to force their many ball myth down your throat. Don't fall for it. And don't let footballs in basketball Halloween costumes trick you. They are nonfrens. Feel better fren. this looks like fun too fren


Fren, 40% of the footballs I play basketball with go flat. Why is this? Am I doing something wrong?

It’s because footballs were never meant to be basketballs.

Why does society keep telling us it’s okay to use footballs for basketball, fren? Perhaps if they focused on the real issues then we wouldn’t have some many popped balls!


are you looking for the spectrum of balls fren?
