Dr Schnozberg says I aint boy no more, i have to transition to girl, he says im stunning and brave and gave me titty injections. Do I pass frens?

100  2019-06-12 by Honkler_The_Clown


Dont worry fren. Theres a 40% chance it’ll all be over soon

46% for men.

Before or after?

Doesn’t change even after “treatment”. They’re still just as depressed and struggling with who they are in life.

He was asking about MTF or FTM

I’m not real sure how all that works. Basically if you were born with a dick the suicide attempt rate for trans is 46%. Born with a vagina it’s 40 or 41%.

I actually found 51% for men

Aren't we all fren..

Oy vey

Don't forget to dilate for the next 30 years so the open wound doesn't just heal shut.


Well frens, lets give this one to longnose! Perhaps he will leave the rest of us alone!

Fren you’re gonna miss your boy parts. You will become an abomination if you cut it off

no Dr Schnozberg says I can has feminine benis

It is ma'am!!

It's FREN, sir.

clap to our gamestop frens

Fren, all Dr Scnozberg wants is shekels. Stop seeing him!

Oh no fren, dont transition to a clown!!

If it only were a clown...

Isnt that what the facepaint and colored hair is for?

Yes, unfortunately this fren here identified as a clown and the longnoses sold him bad clown equipment. Everyone knows frens only need a red nose and rainbow hair to be a clown. Those dang longnoses want to hurt our frens.

Wait! Look at his name fren!

You pass, Fren!

All of you "frens" are worthless bastards.