Money troubles are over, frens. I found a place I can live completely RENT FREE!

3554  2019-06-12 by SONNEN_RADICAL


Fren(t) free?

Even my librarian frens hate that place

Its a studio apartment fren....Rooooomyyy !!!

That’s great fren! I’m still hunting for new place..still no luck fren

You should try negareddit my fren

What's that fren

The place I've been living my fren.

Fren I imagine they are still salty about starting a war with a 9,000 fren strong sub, getting us enough attention to bump up to 60,000 frens and then losing the war they started.

All because they cannot stand to see wholesome Apu memes. Sad!

Ok, first off guys, you aren't fooling anyone with this white supremecist patriarchal anti-cis-polar-kin dog whistling. Clearly the "9000 frens" refers to the power level of "over 9000," and we at top minds know that "power level" is a term used to describe rank within the 4th Reich.

Secondly, if you thought you were going to get past our crack team of investigators with your little "bump up to 60,000 frens" quip, think again. We aren't retarded, and can see you removed the extra five zeroes from the holocaust total death count. Have you no shame? People are literally going to die from this!




Breaking the roleplay,I can't even,lmfao.

I'm just...who hurt...swea....can't even right now, fren!

Yikes! Let's unpack this.

This is not a good look.

Big oof from me chief.

This is problematic.

That’s a no from me dawg

Not roleplay fren, serious fren matters only.

I am sorry fren, it's just that I cannot take internet seriously fren.I have been called a not-see and many other things.

Buddy, I've got Reichs you've never even heard of! 4th Reich? TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!

I can't tell if the reich joke was satire or not.they'll use that against r/frenworld though,remember that....

If you can't tell if a joke is satire or not, this says well more about you than it does about the joke. When you are dealing with humorless people, it is an error to think that if you make "Safe jokes" they won't find something else to whine bout. They whine because they are developmentally disabled and/or malnourished, and they whine because they wish they felt differently, but cannot change themselves, so they seek to dominate frens and ruin our frenly good times.


Hes right you know

They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.

Literally shaking.

Holy molly, anti-cis... what the hell, fren. Makes me think about who is really role playing, except that it’s in real life. No crack team of investigators needed to see the irony there, fren.

We need a reddit shit medal for comments like this. Not even going to tack on the obligatory fren. Save your updoots.

They will lose every war they start fren


I heard that the more frenlier you are, the longer you can stay. Never get tired of winning fren!

You deplorables have weaponized frenliness!!

How many frens can we squeeze in? I hope there is lots of space to play with my new frens.

I think there's space for all of us in there fren!


is twitter for normies?

no its a platform for failed journalists to tweet about shit they dont like

Twitter is for cucks.

twitter has a fairly large group of frens there.

And faggoty frens.

No it's a place for non frens who injects soy directly into the veins.

Twitter is for dumpster people.

Twitter is for garbage human beings that need a platform to spew their misery and hatred without being suspended.

I got my account locked because I replied to a lil duval tweet and SJW’s absolutely brigaded me saying hateful shit. I talked back to them and I got my account locked, but all of them “didn’t violate twitter rules”

I hate that fucking website.

Just looked up Lil Duval, because I live in Duval county.

"Born in Jacksonville, Florida"

For a supposed comedian he's pretty unoriginal, taking the name of the county he was born in.

Any rapper with “Lil” in their name is usually pretty uninspired lol

Ay that song he did with snoop dogg is a banger

'Platform to spew their misery and hatred without being suspended'

Wow you're so close to realizing that's exactly what this place and multiple other subs are.


Don't you have a smug, self-satisfied comment and sassy drag queen gif to tweet at someone you don't like or something?

nop thats a bop

Says the person posting in TopMinds and TCT all the time.

I don't see how you can hate from outside of the club

You can't even get in.......bop!

Misery and hatred on fucking frenworld? That’s hilarious. Why are you here?

This sub does sometimes attract far righters (and far leftists looking for arguments) but in general they seem to delete hateful posts and ban hateful users on both sides.

Besides that, Reddit is a unique platform with multiple other platforms within it. Twitter is one singular thing where everyone who isn’t a liberal isn’t welcome. At least on reddit you can find somewhere you belong. Unfortunately, even normal human beings aren’t welcome in a lot of subreddits on here such as the far left subs that hate absolutely everyone, including centrists who see the issues both sides of extremists pose.



'Platform to spew their misery and hatred without being suspended'

ahhh, posts on topminds. of course.

Nosefren spotted. BOP!


Just take a look at the memes they use there


It's nice to be thought about. :)

Wow! Can I come over fren?

It's very spacious in here fren! Plenty of room for everybody!

Fren! I've been doing this for years! I'm an American Fren, my European frens let me live in their head rent free as well!

And its infinitely big!!

That place seems kinda empty fren! Might want to invest in some furniture to make it comfy. But lots of space for more frens to play!

Ah i am truly among frens. If only r/politics could see the truth...

Rent FREEEEEEEEEE!!111!!!!!

That be a good sub name


Fren, check to see if it's wheelchair accessible for retarded frens like yourself.

Looks like a room just opened up, thanks fren!

Welcome fren. You'll enjoy the views here. Much better than your parent's basement. And we won't yell at you when you dont shower.

Don't forget to save your money fren!

So you’ll have more money for sips!

Can I have some sips, fren?



r/brainlet would like to be frens.


Wow so spacious!

The acoustics are terrible in here, fren. It's very echoey.


that fren look like he need a therapy fren

You guys are the best frens!!

God I love being subbed to both of these subs its like a contest of who can outautistic eachother

>Implying anyone could ever out autism us.

Fren, pls



Fren pls put those peanuts away I’m allergic

Looks cozy

How did you turn into a concept, I want to not pay rent as well

Looks cozy, could fit 500 pounds of tendies

Well frens, we did it. Rent is no more!

Woo frickin hoo!

I'm a little late hearing about this wonderful knowledge, but looking in the comments section below, I'm glad to see I can get a whole penthouse suite for free!

Lol I love how pathetic this whole sub makes you guys look. Keep it up

You got triggered by a cartoon frog and became so insanely ass blasted that you had to post a comment to validate your own meager existence and sense of superiority.

But yeah...we're the ones looking pathetic XD

Happy Hanuka!

Your mental gymnastics are outstanding. But nice try little bud

Who hurt you?

Wait, which one of us is triggered?

Clearly you

Get a life, neckbeard non fren

Another rent free home? Thanks, fren!

At this rate, non-frens will solve Britain's housing problem!



Yikes! Let's unpack this, nonfren.

you played Smite, how big of a faggot are you?

Looks like a room just opened up, thanks fren!

Another rent free home? Thanks, fren!

You got triggered by a cartoon frog and became so insanely ass blasted that you had to post a comment to validate your own meager existence and sense of superiority.

But yeah...we're the ones looking pathetic XD

Happy Hanuka!


>Implying anyone could ever out autism us.

Fren, pls




Yikes! Let's unpack this, nonfren.

you played Smite, how big of a faggot are you?