Frens i am really sad and depressed... I was studying really really hard for my exams and I'm doing bad. I haven't eaten in 36 hours, i sleep like 4 hours every day and my gains are gone. Life seems boring without meaning and painful. I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, life is eating me alive

127  2019-06-11 by LordRade


Get something to eat, fren. Your body can’t run without fuel. Are you done taking your exams?

I just started my exams yesterday, but i was studying super hard and i probably failed cuz i got what i didn't study for. I was teaching kids the subject and i got nothing from that... In about 15 hours it's the other exam.

Well hopefully you did ok. Try to snack on something light to keep yummy from getting upset on top of everything else. It’ll be over soon tho. Hang in there fren ❤️

I usually have no appetite when I have anxiety, and really I fix it by just waiting until I get hungry, but if I really need to eat I find bananas (or other fruit) is really good. Easy to swallow if you have no appetite and gives a good amount of energy.

Just take care of yourself fren, good grades wont do you good if they kill you :)

make a smoothie and gulp it down, doesn't take much effort

Fren sometimes you need to eat even when you don't have an appetite. Have you ever tried tendies? Maybe don't take so many thinking pills so you can eat some tendies. A frens brain needs glucose and protein to work well. Exams aren't frenly but longnose makes frens take them if they want to have lots of tendies.

Thanks fren i just ate after like two days. I'm doing better and I should start enjoying life a little.

Fren don't worry about your gains, you can get them back a lot easier after you first get them. Take a break and get some food and sleep fren. Everybody has challenges it's how we grow as frens! I'll say a prayer for you fren :)

Thanks fren, i just burst into tears what a sad little guy i am huh...

Crying is sometimes good fren. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" :) Stay strong fren, you'll make it!

You sound like a humble person, thank you a lot!

That is a smart fren, OP fren! I agree 100% with them! And yes, get sleep and eat because you won't do good on exams if you don't be good to yourself! I will also be praying for you, and I wish you all the best of luck on your exams ♡

Fern I’m sending you fwee chicken nuggets as food!

Wow, fren, you're being kinda hard on yourself. I'm giving you permission to take a break of no less than eight hours. =) Even if you can't sleep, try to lie down in the dark and just rest. No celly, no books, just rest. Try to eat something simple, even if you don't feel like it.

fren, check your chat section on reddit.

This too shall pass, Fren. You need to practice self-care and stay hydrated and fed. Get a good meal in you and drink some water. You’ll get through this.

Oh fren i love you 🤗🤗

Your health is more important than an exam fren. Retaking a class is better than getting a stroke


The world is hard on us, fren. We have to find a reason to live and stay frenly. Nobody can tell you what your reason is. It’s a journey of self-discovery. I believe in you, fren. I know the taste of that barrel. There are good reasons not to give up.

Stay strong fren, sending memes and dreams, eat, sleep, and drink water, those are the most important things the body needs

dm me if shit gets worse

1.) eat, perhaps treat yourself with something opulent 2.) sleep with book and class notes under pillow so that learning by osmosis can take place (natural explanations probably exist, but are not publicly known) 3.) look at situation again

(Not a doctor, but I discourage drugs, be that legal ones or illegal ones. The last thing you need now is extra irritation.)

Didn't see this thread earlier, hope you're doing better now :)

Your brain needs food and sleep to perform. Binge studying and neglecting those things will only hurt you.

Maybe you guys should start showing other groups the compassion that you ask for here. Hope things get better for you. Remember: hard work is a crutch for people with no talent.

Everyone is nice here, i love this subreddit to share what bothers me in my life, and i am here to listen when other people open just like i did. I assure you this subreddit will give love to other groups. I didn't said i have no talent or anything like that, i am just super disappointed in myself. Why am i disappointed? I'm underperforming in everything...

Don’t worry fren. The world is going to collapse and we all get to be part of the greatest generation of frens ever. What we do will echo throughout eternity, more than any group of frens has or ever will in history.

Get your gains back fren. We need them for the longnose war.

In 15 days i will get back into diet and gym,I'm a little hyped 😊

Eat, sleep, study, repeat. Keep your eyes on the prize, it will be worth it in the long run and you will be so happy you did it. And also, muscles are much easier to get back if you've already had them before.