All my nonfrens left abruptly and I’m at a loss. Help, frens? 😰

0  2019-06-10 by typeosteele


Buy new ones

I’ll head over to TopMinds and see if they enjoy labor, but with free housing!


I don’t think they will go for it

Looks pretty cold there!

Which is why I now need help from frens! It gets cold without cotton, fren.

Cigars are bad for you fren!

Dont downvote him, cigars are sold by nonfrens to slowly bop you over a long time

Offer them a hot and steamy session of handholding, fren. They will come right back


I hear Dindu has some experience with this sort of thing, maybe try “axe-ing” him for help

I asked, but they demanded reparations and my hands are clean. Still at a loss, fren :(