I dont know how I got in but now I cant get out, call the fire fighters fren

214  2019-06-09 by Determined_pie


Fren I will help you. We are going to need a super hot oven

Fren be careful! That looks like a gas chamber the not sees used! Get out!!

Even has the wooden doors. Scary

That smoke stack is also definitely high enough

It’s ok, fren. I’m in the way with a ladder and ropes to help get you out. Just stay calm and frenly!

I'll fetch the jaws of life

Can you squeeze through the window fren?

I hope you take your shoes off before you got in fren

Well, are you a botato fren? Are you?

We can help fren! Just sit still and don't eat the botatoes! Otherwise you'll be too heavy to lift out.

Fren I just noticed there’s a window to your right! Use that! Also right in front of you!