Go bed fren and get good rest

3097  2019-06-09 by shacklefordcommarus


That's right fren! Thanks for reminding me to go to bed early, I'll say a prayer for you tomorrow at church fren :) 🙏✝️

Rest is good for our bodies, frens.

you seem like a smart fren, going bed now night

Frens, it might be too late for bed. I think I'm not gonna sleep. I might not make it till tomorrow, gib luck, frens. Even tho I'm not well rested,i will still go to church


Go to church in order to avoid becoming part of this clown world we live in.

Unfortunately many of the churches have been honked.

This is true but it can’t stop our frenlyness

Paganfrens rise up

Eastern Orthodox Frens rise up

Catholic frens rise up

Presbyterian/ deist frens rise up

We are all Godesfrens, "Frens of God" in Old English. God is your only Mediator, Advocate and Judge.

Good point fren :)



Pick one

Those aren't mutually exclusive fren. Anyone can be a fren.

Fren, some frens are trying to infiltrate and fix the corrupted institution. God bless their heart for at least making the effort, but I'm afraid it may be too late.

It’s never too late fren, history is never preordained. Day of reckoning will come one way or another fren :)

But I’m still at work 😥

Does The Church of Iron count?

No but the Mosque of Muscles does

Great work, fren. It's important to involve oneself in the wider community. Let your fren-light shine!

If more frens did this we wouldn’t have 🤡🌎

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!


Tommy loves the little children 🎶

That's not frenly

I put on my big church hat and I'm goin to church. Thanks for the reminder to go to bed, fren. I tell FrenHusband now.

Shoot I almost forgot, thanks fren!

No matter how much nonfrens screech “SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND GUBERMENT,” this nation (USA) and the Constitution was found with Christian morals and values in mind. The Founding Fathers used Judeo-Christianity to set the backbone of this great nation. Losing thise morals is what caused our world to go down onto this path of nonfrenly degeneracy. Always stay on the moral high ground, frens. Whether you’re a believer or not, it doesn’t take much to stay sane and right.


Erm... maybe more just "Christian" than "Judeo"... those are two vastly different value sets.

I'm rebuilding the brickwork on a Christian church about 20 minutes outside my city limits. They used to have a much larger congregation until all the younger generation moved to the big city. I'm doing it for cost of materials because it's a beautiful building and they simply don't have the money and have resorted calling next of kin for those buried in their cemetery. My city (and province) is very young and it would be a shame to see a part of its history fall into disrepair, even though it's not my exact denomination. Stay frenly.

God bless you my French, proud of your hard work and kindness

Sky fren bless you

Thank you fren!!


i watched the new Gojira and it ended at 1:00 i’m so tired but can’t sleep

There is? Damn I didn't know.

Insomnia 😭

I’m an atheist

Bed go

I was a teenager once too fren!

I dint find out how frenly Jesus really is until I was almost 30! Always thought he was fake fren then he saved me when I needed him!

Personally, I'm agnostic, fren

tips frendora

mom is that u

I’ll stop and shut off my phone now

You are right

I would, but all the churches near me are absolutely honked.

Fren I don’t like that Jewsus guy.

The nosefrens didn't like him either...

He could walk on water, heal the sick, raise the dead, but once he cut into the moneychangers profits at the temple, they had him whacked.

He likes u fren :)

I dont think God fren real so I wont go but have fun at church frens

I didnt sleep this night at all

Are you okay, fren? Sleep is very important.

just a bit tired,im all hood fren

Why does the universe do this to me frens just saw this at 3:53AM.

Go to an evening service fren, it's ok, lots of young people at those maybe you'll make a fren

I'm trying fren I'm getting over a sick and it's hard to breathe

Praying for you fren. Hope you recover quick

I CAN’T :’(

There do I find Bed Church?

But I’m not a Christian fren

Frens I’m sad because I was gonna go to church with my grandma today but she was busy

Go by yourself and make frens with someone there! God bless.

Thanks fren

Honestly, I have only found badfrens at church.


Thanks friend just went to church today

cant do that tonight, ive got a vore date

Cant go to church frens cancer treatment means i have to stay home.

Gotta sing in frenly choir frens!

What if I don’t believe in god fren?

That's okay fren, sleeping early is still good for you and even if you don't believe in God fren He still loves you <3

Please post this every Saturday fren, It helps

I went to midnight Mass frens

The church manslaughtered me 4 years ago and then tried to blame it on my "lack of faith", so heck no, I ain't going to church tomorrow. Nope. Not happening. No way, José.

Many thank fren. Church time.😎

Thanks for the reminder fren. I got good rest and ate a big breakfast.

Gas all religious people, they are nonfrens

Church on 6/9 hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

At the church I go to, there was a guest who came from the Holy Lands, ie. Bethlehem, and it turns out Christians are prosecuted by Israel, and the number of Christians have decreased from 30% ten years ago to 1.5%. Israel wont protect them from the war they started with neighboring countries.

I used to go to church, but I quit when the nonfren rabbi bit off my foreskin. Spooky stuff. Stay safe if you go there!

Y'all need Jesus, frends.


I dint find out how frenly Jesus really is until I was almost 30! Always thought he was fake fren then he saved me when I needed him!

There is? Damn I didn't know.