Frens, I want to be a real pirate

55  2019-06-09 by blessmedude


fellow pirate fren, i suggest you torrent The Magicians, season 4. its very good! good pirating, fren!

But freeen... I want to be a pirate, not a magician

Pirating is illegal fren. Don't get caught.

Okay fren, I'll be careful

You are, ma fren, you are

Fren, you are also ma fren

what i ment to say is that you are a pirate, fren

It's not true, fren... I'm not a real pirate, real pirates don't have lame hats like mine

Let’s sail the seven seas, frens!

Let's get some cool hats first and maybe some eye patches

I’m da captain now fren!!

Haha fren, maybe we should all be captains

Move to Minnesota, fren. I hear alot of pirates have settled there.

I don't know, fren. I can't leave my hometown, all my frens are here. I can't be a pirate without frens

Good job fren, we really need more hats in this hat subreddit.

Move to Somalia fren plenty of pirates there.

I hear minnesomalia is another good option :)

Can I find tendies in Somalia?

Set sail for one piece fren

We can't leave yet for one piece, fren. We need a crew

what i ment to say is that you are a pirate, fren