Frens, the flashlight I ordered from Amazon doesn't take any batteries I have

562  2019-06-08 by SONNEN_RADICAL


Fren! I told you to read carefully before shopping online!!

Oh god oh fuck oh god


It’s a vase.

If you already tried sticking in all the batteries maybe see what else you could stick in to make it work.

USB charger? Smart idea fren!

If not that, then try one of those Apple charger. I hope this works fren.

I got yer USB charger right here grabs crotch

that's not very frenly

Fren, maybe the batteries go in that pink hole.

You have a nice bedroom fren

You put your ween in there!

That's a very dirty thought fren! I suggest you go to church tomorrow to cleanse yourself

Fren why would you do this

To see at night when go fishin

Fren nooooooooo -w-

Stick it peen in it fren

Stick your peen in it fren

Watch out, it's a longnose device that will make you depressed fren!

Fren I think it takes a different type of battery. Like one you were born with or with out.

Stick your little fren in it

its a finger massage machine, put your fingers in and turn it on, it makes your fingers fell good fren.

Put it in your butt

oh noes frens! Its a top mines frien! Soonon Radical is a nooot sea refrence!

Fren thatss no flashlight, its an adult flashlight. You might want to put it at the bottem of your trashbin or put it away until you become an adult

Hey fren did you buy that flashlight from Fren Rogan? I heard him talking about it with a fren on his podcast.

Cool posters fren

I hope you ordered that flashlight "new"

D should work

It looks like it wants to give kisses, very frenly