Why is every one so mean to us frens?

73  2019-06-08 by Dogeinic


They dont kno the power of frens ship

They know the power, they are afraid of frens, the nonfrens know that the only way for them to control frens is to make us forget the awesome power of frenship.

The nonfrens know the power of frenship, they know their only chance is if they teach us to be nonfrens, against our true nature. The nonfren is a nonfren by nature, the fren is a fren by nature, so the only way for a fren to lose his power is to become a nonfren.

Frens must stick together , or we'll fall to their overwhelmingly nonfrenly nature, then

The world must have balance. We have such high levels of frenly love it only makes sense that the nonfrens are filled with equal and opposite levels of hate.

Fren, don't let the nonfrens get in your head

I try not to fren but they are all so mean to me

Oh fren, I'm getting angry just by thinking about non frens. I just want to bop them all

They hate us because we tell the truth.

We won't play yahtzee with them or something.