Nonfrens banned me. But I hate the right wing. Frens, im confusion.

0  2019-06-08 by Thinkblu3


Just to clarify, be Right Wing I mean people who are set in their mindest and dont want to change. The concept of being conservative confuses me too, but as long as youre doing others no harm and are purely stating your opinion, I'm absolutely fine with that

r/Fuckthealtright apparently isnt though.

Anime, vidya and German? No wife/gf and no kids? Good goy! Mr. Longnose likes you very much!

Bop fren, that's no way to make new frens.


I appreciate that you clarify your position fren, but sadly non-frens don't really care about that at all. If you like to make jokes and post frogs they will probably call you a notsee regardless of your politics. There's no use in trying to appease them, it's better to be honest with your frens than trying please non-frens who hate you.

The left is not open to dialogue. Frens believe in being frenly and accepting. Frens also believe in family values which the progressive left seems to hate for some reason. You don’t have to be right wing or left wing to be frenly. Those people sound like they’re full of hate. Frenworld is about love. That’s why they ban anyone who posts here.

My favorite answer. Only question I have is why are people downvoting the post.

Because we’ve seen the exact same post hundreds of times. Every gets banned from there and then posts this same screenshot. Don’t take it personally. It’s not something we’re going to help push to the top with upvotes though.

Oh ok, didn’t know that. You guys are doing a good job as well, didn’t know this was a thing everyone got.

Nonfrens Hurt them selves in confusion.

The truth is many people on here are hateful, of course there is the rare non-political affiliated but if you want to participate in frenworld they have other places that aren't so full of white nationalism.

Which are?


Why do you hate right wing fren?

Already explained it

I just think everyone’s frenly. Doesn’t mean I think literally EVERYONE can go wherever, I just think rational thinking is required when making decisions, which both right and left apparently cannot do. I’d rather do things without putting my thoughts into certain shapes/labeling them as something. I just do whatever i think is good.

Nowadays it’s important to be open minded and as aware of our world than ever. And the right wing is NOT doing that. Quite the contrary, the AfD, Germany’s most voted right wing party is doubting climate change. Something we all (hopefully) can agree on, is incredibly ridiculous.

I too got banned by those hypocrites. I tried messaging the mod by he chose not to listen to me. The icing on this is the fact that I'm not even white....

Which are?