:( you are mean...

0  2019-06-08 by Paxoxujy


r u lost nonfren? Here, have a hug and be on your way *HUGS*

Why are trans people nonfrens? They were born that way :(

No they were born whatever gender that they are. Then the clownish "society" we live in fucked them up and got them confused and made them think they're something they arent.

So you hate trans people.

Your idiotic baby talk doesn’t work.

Aha! Exposed top mind! Nice try.


I hate the people who turned our society into such a clown show that it creates trans people.

Checkmate biggot! (And between you and me i don't give a shit about trans people, but probably more than 9/10 of the entire humanity hates trans people, and no amount of censorship can change that. Just accept that you chose a way of life that the majority of the world disapprove and don't be a bitch about it)


So you guys are a hate sub masquerading as a funny meme sub :(

BOP is for this post, mods should bop it, it doesn’t belong here

Take this attention seeking shit somewhere else. If you want to be a fren just post fren memes and be frenly.

You can be trans. Just don't expect everyone and everywhere to accept it. Don't try and force others to accept it. This is not one of those places. I hope you find peace with yourself though. You can post top quality MS Paint fren memes though. We all like those.