Just got my first job, frens!

116  2019-06-08 by big_slaanesh_energy


Tendie time for celebrating fren!

Good job, fren! Work is freedom!

You are one step ahead of the top minds. Very few top minds have ever gotten their first jobs.

They may have to soon, blue hair dye and 4 uber eats orders a day is getting expensive and their parents are running out of money.

Way to go, fren!

Yay FREN!!!

Good for you fren!

Vroom vroom soon fren.

Work hard, and be competent. Also don't let anyone fuck you around.

What's your new job fren? I got a job as an electrician last week.

Good job!

What’s the gig fren?

McDonald's fren! They pay well for a summer job.

Oh yeah I hear