Her name was Ebba Akerlund. (I know this is a day late, frens)

163  2019-06-08 by abigguyinthesky


Never forget

It's a day late for her birthday but it's never too late to remember her fren, thank you for posting this.

It’s always good to give some attention to sweet Ebba. She didn’t deserve what that evil did to her. The evil must be stopped.

What happened, frens?

Evil people from an evil religion, attacked a frenly place, and killed an 11 year old little girl walking home from school in their attack.

that's right, but she was also deaf and didn't hear the truck coming. FalconTheGoodDoggo, it was not an accident.

As a technically nonfren, what happened to Ebba is one of the greatest injustices in this whole immigration shit, not even her name or memory lasts in the minds of the masses, which you know would’ve happened if she was a nonfren. Rest in peace.

We must never forget nor forgive what the nonfrens did to our fren