Visiting my family in Argentina. Hope all my frens are Having a good weekend too

431  2019-06-08 by WakaTXranger


That’s a very cool looking house fren.

That’s a beautiful part of the world. I’ve never been personally but I think my uncle lived there for awhile. Either way, the pictures I’ve seen make it look awesome.

I had an uncle that lived there too fren, I also heard there are lots of clown non-frens over there trying to bop his buddies.

I wonder if your uncles were frens with my gran fren

It is beautiful but nonfrens destroyed its economy for envy.

Laughs in weather

My uncle Otto had a place like that. They say the long nose got him.

Fren, the color scheme of your shirt doesn’t look very frenly.

Fren is that the scary fashtag symbol on your shirt?

If you can’t see what is on my shirt, you must be a not see. You should visit the eye doctor fren

I am sorry fren,but a lot of non frens roam here and I want to make sure all my frens are safe from them.

It's just for a frenly game of tic-tac-toe.

It's just for a frenly game of tic-tac-toe.

Very nice, fren

Why are you wearing the fashtag fren ? What are the Argentinians going to think of you.

Fash stands for fashion fren, he is just stylish

Nice glasses fren, they make you look very sophisticated.

Thanks fren. I can not see without them

Frens are very stupid. Most people prefer the long nose to frens

Well, that’s because most people are long noses or are under their spell.

What are long noses?



On today's Frenworld nature walk, we've found a common small pp'd NonFren out of his natural habitat. You can tell from it's helpless, impotent whining that it doesn't belong here so we must b o p it away for it's own good.

Most people prefer Pop Music to Opera


Very cool. My grand dad Petr moved to Argentina after the Great War. Said it was a wonderful place. Always got postcards back. I wonder if you’ve ran into him.

Your grand dad sounds like a hero. I wish I had the pleasure of meeting him

Pinochet did nothing wrong fren.

I get it

My uncle and great grandad would have lived there, sadly they didn't make it out of nonfrengrad

If you come by Buenos Aires i can treat you to an asado boludo fren

¡Ay qué rico!

Woah my gf just went to Argentina that’s wild

Very fashionable shirt fren!


Say hi to our uncle!

Have a good time fren!

Those German non-frens can't win a war to save their lives! They need training from the Americans.

