Frens, I'd like to join you in a moment of silence remembering the heinous attack on the USS liberty that happened 52 years ago to this day. Nonfrens (our "greatest ally") killed 34 young frens and wounded 171. Later the US government was complicit in the cover up. Frens lives could have been saved.

2695  2019-06-08 by lapisram_


F frens

Never forgive


Never forget

Y not forgive fren? Maybe thEy can redeem then self to us and apologize!

It's been 52 years fren, my mama said to apologize when you hurt someone on accident. Maybe not an accident

How could our greatest fren do this is!? maybe they don’t want to be our fren anymore ... ☹️

They were never our fren


I kinda liked Palestine better anyway, they supported my frens in Ireland

My question is, how did they repay the US? (Or was the US govt's cheque to Israel just $6M lower that year?)

13 million dollars.

13 years later they added another $6M, yeah. The question still stands though.

6 gorillion

That’s a whole bunch, fren

It was like 6 million dollars total. Which is only $170 000 per dead person. Pretty cheap, and that’s not even accounting for the medical costs of those injured and the actual cost of the vessel. It took them 13 years to pay.

13 years before:

Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone

13 years then 52 years, fren?


Spoken like a true fren

Real frens don't forgive nonfrens who hurt their frens

*"The torpedo boats then closed in and strafed the ship's hull with their cannons and machine guns.[citation needed] According to some crewmen, the torpedo boats fired at damage control parties and sailors preparing life rafts for launch."

They did apologize fren. They did pay over $6 million (in 1969 dollars) and said it was their fault.


What about the pilots? What happened to them?

Here's my theory: US was doing some shady stuff, Isreal didin't like it. US didn't want the world to find out what that shady stuff was and Isreal didn't want the world or US to get mad at them for messing with the US, so they both agreed to call it an accident.

Who touch my spageht

Support Israel and they bite you...

F for all the heroes.

To be fair they were at war with practically the entire middle east at the time with the soviets threatening to get involved. If they’d realised it was a US research ship it would have been fine, you make it sound like they intentionally committed what was essentially an act of war against the US.

They knew

Because what anyone does when they’re surrounded by enemies and with a superpower threatening to join their enemies does is intentionally provoke another superpower.

Do your homework. In the middle of it all there was radio interception. They knew and continued firing.

If you research the event, the israeli pilots recognized the vessel as a USA ship. They reported to their commander that the ship was a clearly an ally vessel, yet we're still ordered to attack against their better judgement. The only reason the attack stopped was because an actual Russian frigate show up to aid the crippled USS Liberty.

Damn, good guy Russia. I know they catch alot of shit but do you think Russia government is frenlier then the us? They seem to be allies with countries simply subjugated to us/isreal impearialism

Russia is frenlier than the US, but that doesn’t make them good frens. They still fell to the nonfren oligarchies and are still run by them today.

Russia is very nonfren to all of Eastern Europe so let's not go too far

The Russian people per se

No they didn't. Early in the morning a patrol aircraft recognized the ship and it was reported as US. Eventually the ship was disregarded as non-important information and they took its marker off the map. Later on, aircraft confirmed the existence of the ship from a distance, as approaching what was (erroneously) believed to be a hostile destroyer would be absolutely moronic. Did you actually read any of the witness testimony or investigation reports?

Furthermore, the ships radio array was damaged in the start of the attack, and they were incapable of getting out a distress signal. When the radio operator alleged that their attackers were jamming the signal, it coincided with each pass of the aircraft. Wanna know what causes interference in radiowaves? Guided missiles that were in use at the time, and aircraft radar.

I could go on, but there's a dozen holes in this conspiracy theory. Criminal neglect was the cause of this. There is no motivation for anybody to be stupid enough to attack us.

They don't care about facts dude, doesn't suit their agenda.

Ever heard of the Lavon affair? False flags are a thing, and that country had already been caught attempting to perpetrate one in order to draw in US military support.

The pilots kept radioing.back to try to halt the attack and were told to continue. You could go on, but uou would just be repeating an official line.

Draw in US support by blowing up a ship? Yeah dude, that makes total sense. Don't let my facts get in the way of your stupid conspiracies.

Because the baathists and the Nassar government were totally not recieving money and arms from the Soviets, and LBJ admin wouod NEVER coneone a false flag incident like the Gulf of tonkin right?

Now now he makes a lot of good points fren. One must always self reflect on their beliefs. Don’t let pride or wrath prevent you from seeing the truth. I’m not saying he’s right but he does make some good points.

I have heard the audio, those isreali pilots sound distressed as can be as they attempt stall the attack and warn HQ of the terrible mistake command was making. They were ordered to continue. Could this have been done through incompetence or stupidity? Sure its possible. But probably not.

There is no motivation for anybody to be stupid enough to attack us.

Cool it with the anti-Semitism.

Wrong. There are tapes from the fighter that attacked them saying that it "recognised it as an American ship". It opened fire nonetheless.

The motive for the attack was because the USS Liberty was a spy ship. The Israelis didn't want it to intercept any information and relay it back to the Americans.

Watch this documentary, its very good:

Ah yes, I'm sure this is a totally unbiased, truthful report, especially since it's funded by an Islamic government that has a history of hating Israel. Uh-huh.

for someone who claims false flagging at a lot of bullshit its retarded that you cannot see israels mossad ops intetionally trying to false flag and bring america into the war


The response from the American government was to cover it up.


The Johnson Administration discussed winking the Liberty so it couldn't be photographed. Survivors were threatened by the Navy if they spoke out and NSA camped outside their homes.

Israel planted pro-israel stories in the press and media, and threatened to accuse anyone who leaked to the media with cries of anti-semetism and blood libel.

Read the frog and the scorpion

Man... It just keeps coming back to frogs.

One fusion nuke is all I ask, fren

WTF. Why does no one talk about this? Deserves its own god damn holiday

It's almost like the non-frens are trying to suppress it. Makes frens do a big think

Whatcha doin rabbi?

It seems like a (((((non fren))))) made this comment

The infamous nature of the attack is that it was strictly intentional. Never mistake that.

Nice try mr longnose


Kim Jong Un would also be our “greatest ally” if we paid him billions of dollars a year.

Never forget the lives stolen from us

frens > tendies

Did you know that Donald Trump made a sex tape with a 16 year old girl named Rachel Lavon then paid her family millions to cover it up?

Google the "Lavon Affair"

Are you sure that wasn't a man named Michael Lavon Robinson?

Nothing to do with Trump.


I'm sorry fren, Reddit is so terrible when it comes to Trumpbullshit It's gotten to me.

It’s ok fren


Did you hear trump had sex with multiple underage Israeli hookers, and then they all died in a car accident a week later?

Google it, the “dancing Israelis”


Do you understand the concept of bait?

Did you know that Alexandra Ocasio Cortez made porn as a college student? Her stage name was Ruby Ridge, google it!

You're amazing and you know what fren? - I love you.

Thanks fren. Love you lots :DDD


This isn't true, it's a way for these weird creeps to get people to Google the ruby ridge massacre for some reason


Holy shit they shot the mother while she was holding a TEN MONTH OLD CHILD!

I know fren.

Yet no amount of googling produces anything but variations on this rumor. I don't think she did, man. There aren't any videos I can find at all. Where's he proof?


Finally after 51 years they admit they carried out a false flag attack. I can't wait until 2052 to find out what really happened that September morning.

Also I found this very interesting that I never knew before.

Wasn't there a law in the usa that made the cia declassify documents after 50 years? This is pretty much the same thing.


They (CIA, dunno about Israel) don't declassify everything though, so that's a turn off.

Waw, thanks for sharing.

Wasn't the Israeli minister of defense investigated and forced to resign because of this? Doesn't seem like something agreed upon by the Israeli government, this operation.

Someone had to take the fall when they got caught

I'm sure not every single Israeli government employee was aware of this top secret operation

Why did the Israeli government honor the perpetrators when they were released from prison?

That’s literally the same basis for a Tom Clancy book.

Did you hear a doctor in Alabama has been caught giving women abortions and then reporting them to police in order to get them jailed? Look up “Dr Baruch Goldstein”

Damn, I wish a cougar would have banged me at 16 then paid me millions on top of it to keep quite.. 😕

Thanks for sharing this tragic story, fren.

Press "F" to pay respects.




Ay Tone, if they’re our greatest allies how come they didn’t recognize our ship?

Oh they did recognize it, fren

With the US flag clearly displayed from the mast. What fuggin gives?

Ay Tone, you mean to tell me our “greatest allies” didn’t recognize the US flag?

Sopranos posting is peak aesthetic


Oh they did

So Sal, you are gonna sit there and tell me that if the I in AIPAC was Italy we could get away that? If we did that within a week badda boom! FBI at the door with a fuggin RICO statue warrant.

They did, israeli command said continue the attack.

Do you know why? Why would our eastern frens do this?

They did it to lure America into the war on behalf of the Israelis. America+Israel vs Arab countries would have been a piece of cake. Luckily, America didn't take the bait.

I've never hear a good explanation. It was a sigint ship, so presumably there were communications they didn't want eavesdropped on, but no one knows. The pilots told command it was absolutely an American ship. Israeli Command said sink it.


😔 this is terrible fren. I wish more people recognized it.

If this was intentional, why? What did they gain?

To blame it on someone else, fren. Had the Liberty not been able to get their transmissions successfully out to the fleet, would the attack been blamed on the Egyptians?

This occurred during the Six Day War between Egypt and Israel, so your reasoning does make some sense because it could have been an attempt to draw the US into the conflict on the side of the Israelis.

But I don't know if what you say can withstand further scrutiny because, since this occurred during a war, Egypt would just say "We thought it was an Israeli ship" just as Israel said "We thought it was an Egyptian ship." There's no way the US would attack Egypt on the basis of a spy ship being mistakenly targeted during a war. (I'm also assuming that, since it was a spy ship, it was not signaling that it was an American ship.)

So while what you say makes sense on first impression, I don't think it holds up when you look at it closely, and I'm sure the Israelis looked at it closely and would not have taken a chance that had such a small chance of a positive outcome.

You're presupposing that the American government wasn't full of Zionists who wanted an excuse to help Israel

I am assuming that, but I'm also assuming that other improbable things weren't probable.

I will go further and say that even if the US had become convinced that it was Egypt that attacked the USS Liberty, the US would have done nothing, because the spy ship was in a war zone and Egypt would have claimed, first, that it didn't do it and, second, that if it did do it it was because the it believed the ship was Israeli.

I believe the Israelis would have reasoned similarly, and would not have attacked the ship of an ally which action had virtually no possibility of a positive outcome.

Kind of like how the North Vietnamese claimed they didn't attack US warships in the Gulf of Tonkin and how Spain claimed it didn't blow up an American warship in a Cuban harbor?

I see what you're saying, that it could have been used to justify a military response, but I already addressed as to why that wouldn't have occurred with my "I will go further...."

Well to be fair fren bigno... Nonfrens knew the USS liberty was spying on them and sending troop intel to our other frens. Maybe US shouldn’t have put frens in compromising situations with non frens?

Even if that were the case, it wouldn’t justify the murder of innocent frens by said nonfrens would it?

We were putting their frens in danger too goyim fren. And it isn’t like Israel didn’t give us a bunch of tendies for our troubles.

No amount of money can bring back the lives lost. If it could it, in my opinion, one human soul is at least worth an infinite amount of tendies

Consider it payback for the 11 bagillion


No amount of tendies can compensate for the loss of a fren, fren.

It was so generous of them to pay us back a fraction of we give them in foreign aid after they murdered our sons

They gave us back the tendies we gave them so we could give them the tendies back again a year later

"Why do people question Zionists' loyalty to America?"

Hello CuckHouse nonfren

im pretty sure our greatest allies are japan korea and (sort of) britian you know

Korea? I'm pretty sure you meant to switch Britain and Korea

Probably. Im talking in actual relations rather than how much money we give them

We dont really give money to israel because we solely love them and they’re immensely helpful but just because we dont want them to get taken over by the other countries

Also no idea why people are downvoting me but whatever

Mate you gave japan so much fucking money

Japan is our greatest ally in the same way a eunuch slave is your best friend.

4th largest economy...who cares if they have no military lol we have military bases on their soil in a great geopolitical spot. Definitely a great ally.

'cover up' lol


Yes the kavon affair is super relevant to this lol

much bigger mistakes were committed ir, it would make no sense


fren dont forget they stole uranium for nukes and sent 5 nonfrens over to video record 9-11

Skyfren will Judge them.

They killed his son

But he rose from the dead. They are nothing. Their father the devil (Satan, the accuser) has been cast down:

"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." (Revelation 12:10)

Their only power is lies and accusations. They attempt to prevent us from entering into the Kingdom of God, so that they can enslave us with debt. God's Kingdom has no money, only love and frenship.


Satan (baphomet, earlier Pan) is a fren too.

Do not dishonor the name of the dark prince you chickenfucker fash or you will drown with your own blood.

1) not frenly

2) you dishonor the name by calling him other than his original, Pan.

They killed one of their own



I love when these posts lead to people dropping information such as this one.

Is believing in god part of the fren mask or are you actually just really stupid?

Don't be hateful, that's not how we make more frens

With all the thinly veiled racism in this thread, I don’t think questioning belief in God is the hateful thing here.

No racism here, fren. We believe that all frens are created equal.

Non-frens though? Not so much. Maybe they can be frenly, and then they can be equal 🙂



Non-Frens payed 9.32 million dollars to both the governemt and fren's families for the attack. Thats 274,117 dollars per dead fren! Imagine if there had been 6 million frens! Could you imagine paying more than market rate for that many frens? Oh wait, you already have...

Waw, thanks for remembering us that. Very sad so few frens know about it.

Shit happens fren. Our frens already apologized and paid compensation to the familes of the 34 killed. Not sure why anyone would refer to such a case of frenly fire as "heinous," unless they were sneaky trying to be unfrenly.

you cant apologize to your frens for one bad thing when you've been a nonfren for the entire frenship


I forgive them because frens forgive frens. It was an accident caused by a lot of negligence.

Fren forgot the 3 parentheses. (((Fren)))???


Topminds are accusing Frenworld of dog whistles. This here, this is a blood-curdling howl resonating through the air for miles around, fren.

Also don't forget 9/11

They did it as a raw display of dominance, and they will never have my forgiveness.


I think we should forgive frens for mistakes. If we don't, how much better are we then them?


big salute





Imagine your government covering what your puppet master do instead of fighting for your own people. US is the 2nd most cucked country after sweden.



Thanks for all the feedback frens! I sincerely hope you all spread this to your frens and family. It’s really disheartening that 52 years later these men that went through this massacre haven’t gotten the recognition or valor they deserve. Instead they’ve been disregarded at best and called kooks or anti semites at worst. Never forget, never forgive.


They need to pay reservations.... Remember the 666dead in uss liberty frens..

RIP great men. We live to honor your sacrifice and pray that we can do right by your memory and example.

They killed his son

The Russian people per se

13 million dollars.

Because the baathists and the Nassar government were totally not recieving money and arms from the Soviets, and LBJ admin wouod NEVER coneone a false flag incident like the Gulf of tonkin right?

6 gorillion

Is believing in god part of the fren mask or are you actually just really stupid?

Don't be hateful, that's not how we make more frens

It was like 6 million dollars total. Which is only $170 000 per dead person. Pretty cheap, and that’s not even accounting for the medical costs of those injured and the actual cost of the vessel. It took them 13 years to pay.