Got a new shirt frens

3101  2019-06-07 by nobodysbusiness77897


Did you bring one for the whole class?

In sorry I can’t afford to bring one to all my frens but I wish I could

Now we're sad.

Sorry ;(

At least you’re not a commie :)

I’m 100% capitalist 🇺🇸🇺🇸 no commies allowed here

Do you like our frensident?

Of the frenworld community or of America?

Of America :)

Personally I don’t think he acts very presidential but his economic influences and militarism is actually the best it’s been in a long time. But with the revolving door of immigrant and 40% entering through planes and 60% returning home, I feel that a wall wouldn’t help that much and instead we should do more work from the inside like refuse health care or jobs without American citizenship unless authorized by a particular person. That would save us billions and literally make us more money and lower the tax rate. Aside from that idea, unemployment rate is very low! If our president acted more professional I feel like there would be less controversy

so he should be more frendly

Kind of

less word save much time!

When from Rus, use few word, glory to motherland, long live Arstotszka.

I agree with some things you said and disgree with others, but mostly agree. For the sake of not getting BOPPED from fren world, is best to not to go into detail and long discussion. We can talks more about it in the future though fren!

I have many frens with many differing opinions! It’s good to have a broad range of opinions from frens, definitely we can discuss

Very very true fren

If the commies are frenly of course they’re allowed in frenworld fren!

What if a commie wants to be a fren?

They must first be frenly to the capitalists

Very true fren

I got bronchitis, healthcare is to expensive but my health insurance can cover so much

I personally prefer America’s health system. I know that’s VERY strange but I know many people out of country who had to wait months to get a checkup or a surgery. One guy almost died from the long wait so he went to the US. In terms of emergency care, US is best, and in regular care Europe is better since it’s free but still you might need to wait for months on end and pay higher taxes

I’m sorry fren! Please get better

Just got banned for talking about healthcare

I got banned from shotacops for saying pedophilia is bad

Better dead than red amirite

All good fren, Im glad you have a cool shirt.

Thank you!

Even for us XL 2 frens?

for all frens :)

I’m 3XL. I’m big fren

lol im young fren to im 14

I’m almost 30 RIP

Turns out there's only one shirt, but we're happy our Fren has nice things.

welp, you can always do what a teacher does: split it into 20 pieces for the whole class

Nah, couldn't do it.

wowsers thats actually a really cool shirt how much

I was about to ask where it came from, thanks fren

No problem fren!

Not available in canada.... 😭

Time to invest in a vpn fren

VPN doesn't help with shipping Fren.

My VPNs from China, it doesn’t help trust me

That sucks I’m sorry!

Just ordered one lol.

Good decision!

some non-fren is making mean reviews to the seller :(


That’s awful!

They are mentally Ill fren.

Kool top fren


mellow furniture choice fren

Thank you I like to keep it simple

Cmon fren offer tendies first.

This post wasn’t meant to be sexual :/ but I get where you’re coming from

you just make me feel bad now :(

Sorry fren, I don’t mean to

Wasn’t meant to be sexual? Give me a fucking break. You’ve got your tits thrust out, and the shirt cinched around your waist. If you weren’t doing this for the fap karma, you would have just posted the shirt.

Who cares what the high school kid did. She posts in here all the time. Relax fren

Maybe it looks that way to you because I took a picture from a high angle so I don’t show my phone in the mirror, but I’m not showing any skin at all except for my arm. If I wanted “fap karma” I wouldn’t have posted in this sub. Honestly didn’t expect this reaction from this sub. Maybe I shouldn’t have actually worn the shirt but I didn’t think people would react like this... I really wasn’t trying to be sexual and I thought that was obvious.

Skin tight leggings don’t show skin either, but everyone considers them slutty and immodest. Maybe these horny losers in here buy your innocent act, but I don’t. You knew you’d get this reaction. That’s why you posed like that, pinned the shirt tight around your waist, and took this photo 26 times before choosing the one that looked hottest.


Get out of here, you unfrenly creep

I didn’t pin anything it’s just the angle, and I’m wearing a skort that I wore to work. Have you even seen this sub before? I didn’t think a person like you would even exist on it other than for an ironic reason. My pose is literally just me standing. Not pushing my bust up, literally nothing. And I took ONE photo

What exactly is a person like me?

An Impolite person on a subreddit about being nice to each other


grills don't exist on the internet fren

Looking good fren 👌

Fanks fren

Imma rock the fuck outta shirt. Thanks, frens.

Too late fren I karma farmer all up around here. 😭

Nice work, fren!


gamer girl???

Yeah I play a lot

Wanna b-be my gf? My grammy gram says I'm handsome

Th-thanks, y-you too!

Uh I’d like to get to know you better before I do that

Lol but his Grammy gram

She’s wants to know his Grammy gram too

Hehe 69 upvotes. Thats the sex number

Top kek fren


Top kek fren


But are you transfrender?

No I was born a whaman

This is beyond science fren

Wear can get gamer girl pee?

We live in a society. Rise up.


Those are man boobs, don't be fooled

The only gamer pee I see is red

Nice shirt fren!

You look healthy too fren, good job!

Thanks fren I try to be!

Hey you're that fren I talked to about healthy tendies, did ya end up making them?

Oh yeah I remember you! I did but I didn’t have all the ingredients and baked them in the oven. I could only bake them in flour and seasoning but they were verrry good! I completely forgot about sending you a picture or telling you but thanks bud! Do you have any more recipes like that?

I have lots of recipes, I'll send you some!

Cool! I’ll send u a pic next time, I just made it a while after so I didn’t think you were still expecting one

Can you send me some too please fren?

Of course fren!

Born to feel? They certainly are fren!

I mean Tendies are a delicious snack.

“Born to fren” but close!

It looks great on you fren! But what does "nroB nerF oT" mean? Is that some kind of secret notsee code!?!?

It’s a picture from a mirror lol, it says “born to fren”

I know fren I'm just bopping around :)

Ah I see 😂

no you not see

I laffed out loud reading dis fren. Thx.

Secret whistle for dogs? We not see?


nroB nerF oT stands for kill all minorities fren. I would know I’m from topfrensofreddit

lole topfrensofreddit

Me sense a gender shape shifting non-fren. Does my long nose deceive me?

I’m sorry but I’m definitely not a shape shifter. Why did you think that?

There's nothing wrong about you he spends too much time online

Thank you for reassuring me


Ooh a ladyfren. Nice jugs I mean nice shirt

Remember not to be a nonfrenbeard fren

That is lust, repent

User name checks out

Is that really a girl fren??

Do I look non-girl like? :|

Everyfren knows there are no girls on the internet

Ah I see- my bad l

You must be a nonfren. Get out of here as soon as possible

Why? I’m 100% fren

Do you think I’m stoopid. Girlfrens are just a myth. Only crazy people believe in them.

Looks good fren

Nice chest, fren

Thank you it’s from my dad who got it in Columbia

Cool, your other chest is nice too

I bet he smuggled cocaine in there lol. “Gold” 😉

That’s be awfully hard to ship

That is a very unfrenly thing to say

Ok this is epic

An adult girl fren suscribed to shotacops... 🙁

Sorry for the unfrenlines but I gotta call 911

ShotaCOPS not shota

I’m subscribed to r/AraAra so...

Nothing wrong with that as long as you don’t do it in real life

Thanks fren. I just hope the Non-frens at the FBI don’t come to my door one day.

The point of hentai is to be unrealistic, so as long as you stay on that and stir away from child pornography with real children then I think your ok with the FBI

Not after commiting tax fraud Im not ;-;

Yeah that’s a whole other case

I like your shirt fren! But I can't help to see that chest behind you, is it filled with tendies by chance?

It’s filled with a bullet proof vest and a cowboy hat, but the dues would be nice too

Good, keep yourself safe from nonfrens and look cool while doing it :)

Be careful wearing this in public fren. Their are lot of non frens that will call you a not see.

Yeah but I thought it might be a conversation starter for college

That you will definitely get. Hopefully you go to BYU or Hillsdale and not Berkeley.

I’m going to Texas Tech to study computer engineering 👍

Wreck ‘em fren!!! I’m going there to study mechanical engineering!!!


I can't see all the frens in that sub :( it says I can't view that community. Why?

That’s Reddit-language for “doesn’t exist”.

Ah! Thanks fren!

Hey I study mechanical engineering too fren!

It’s a good field fren!

Awsome!!! Let’s study hard together!

No I just finished my first year

Oh I see, how was it?

Absolutely amazing I loved it!its a great school filled with frenly people!!

I’m so happy to hear you say that!

Lol why? Were you nervous

No I met many great people at orientation but I just wanted to hear it from someone who goes there

You should smash


Oh boy! We have a bunch of communists at mine who have their tent set up in the legit MIDDLE of the square between all my classes. This sounds like a great idea! Gon bop them with wholesomeness

You should’ve seen the protesters in my school, they did the same thing

Frens aren't not sees,they're frens. Change my mind

nothing to change there fren

I wear this shirt for that same reason, fren!

I wanna get the Sam Hyde shirt that Soph wears too.

That’s a nice shirt! Great conversation starter!

No, actually reddit is only a few million people in the world. Not as many people are ACTIVE as there are unused accounts that are registered.

The reviews people left lmao

That's a nice shirt fren 👍

Thank you👍

tits or gtfren out.

That's not very frenly, fren.


You don’t have to upvote this, I was just showing off a shirt for people to know i like this community, I didn’t know that there were so little girl frens, please don’t feel pressured to do such a thing because I’m a girl

This fren has tits???

Awesome shirt fren


One review says it runs small. Is this true fren? I want one but Im a fat lard and dont want to buy something that wont fit

Trust me it was pretty big and I got a small I, and it kinda stretched when I pulled on it. Keep in mind this is a womans, the men’s are supposed to be bigger

Cool beans thanks fren 👍

No trouble 👍

Hey fren! Nice pair! Can I rape and violate you?

Please don’t :( that sounds really scary

If so, why are you posting your rack for everyone to see, fren? You should know it may rile some of us up!


Shut up please. If a girl posts a shirt you most likely will see some. I'm a guy btw.

Yeah I can’t really help that aspect of my body, it’s not like I’m showing much skin at all

Exactly fren.

Shut the fren up, how dare you have a healthy female body!!!

It’s not like I can make my breasts disappear, they will always be there. I just wanted to show a cool shirt not my boobs, im not showing cleavage or anything, just the design.

deebly unfrenly


Nice try fren but girls don’t exist.



Hey fren thank you for posting! I will be buying one for myself very soon now!

Awesome decision!

you know that one picture where it is how girls show things on social media vs guys?


Haha so true

Female fren

Nice pillow fren.

Thank you it’s Sante Fe style, where I’m from

does it fit true to size fren I kinda want to cop

It does, maybe a little bigger l

Please take the tradpill though. Don’t be a degenerate.

Retard if you don’t realise all women are degenerate

But that quote belongs to my fren wojack.:(

Incoming nice tits comments


Better check for brain tumor Fren, very swollen head!

What do you mean? ;(

Your head is bending reality Fren, it looks like you're on a t-shirt... a t-shirt on a female fren.

Maybe because I took the picture downward lol. I thought you meant that I was arrogant or something

Shirt looks good, probably cause shirt is on you, Fren.

Awh thanks but the shirt is what I’m tryin to show off

Woah is girl fren. Hallo 👋🏻

Hallo 👋

But mr longnose told me all frens were notsee in sells?

Don’t trust him!

grill posting is back!

That is such a frenly shirt, it deserves a great big hug.

I’d love a hug!

Well you definitely deserve one fren!

Thanks! We all deserve a hug

We must secure a future for our frens

I’m on it!

How can you frens do this? You only upvoted and commented because she's a girl. For shame. The nonfrens are right!


Like I said before, nobody needs to upvote me just because I’m a Whaman, I’m just sharing my love for my community and I’m not expecting any karma in exchange!

You have my karma, fren

Yes but a girl is a girl to us virgin frens! I can see through your ruse you troublemaker nonfren. You best watch yourself from now on or you may have an unfortunate encounter with Mr.Longnose.

I didn’t realize I had such a powerful effect.. sorry

I'm glad to see there's one fren on here with a little common sense

Thank you Fren!

I updooted for the cool shirt fren :(

Frens have titties too

Frens come in all shapes and sizes :)

gib milkies

Are you vitamin D deficient? If so then I recommend regular milk

no im not im perfectly healthy thank you for asking i just want to get married to you and have babies with you

neckbeard alert

no im not im perfectly healthy thank you for asking i just want to get married to you and have babies with you

Wow fren, really pulling that off! Hope you had a great day fren

I had a long and stressful day! Thanks for saying that! How was your day?

It was pretty good but wasn’t as active as I hoped:( hopefully soon I’m going to be the kind of fren defending others! Next week I’m being enlisted in the army!

Air force fren here! Welcome to the military fren!

That’s awesome fren! I talked to USAF and Army recruiters but chose Army (although I still got a place in my heart for AF:)) I have MEPS nexts Wednesday after my birthday!

Happy birthday fren! Make sure to have tendies before you go cuz you won't get them for a while!

I’m definitely going to try! I also gotta drink some water for the pee test, let’s hope I can hold it and for every other fren who needs to hold it

I don't think I had to pee test for meps, but that was 14 years ago

Wwwwooooaaaahhh, you’re so lucky, I’m super nervous for everything, I don’t want to mess up.

And did you at least do the duckwalks?


Epic, fren

You can't mess up if you don't do the drugs, fren! :)

Then I have nothing to worry about, I am a holy fren

Nugs not drugs, fren :D

Thank you for your service fren! I’m proud of you 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Thank you fren! You are a good fren, that shirt fits you.

Thank you! I appreciate that

Woah that’s awesome! Thank you for serving us!

Woah fren not yet lol, hopefully next year I’ll be able to protect you fren!

Well your ABOUT to serve us, I’ll be counting on you to secure our freedom!

Lol well thank you fren! I’ll do my best

A female fren? Impossible

According to leftist subreddits, you're not supposed to exist.


Tfw no qt 3.14 frenpilled gf

Nice chest

No, behind you. In the floor. I wonder what's inside.

A bullet proof vest and a cowboy hat

Sounds like you know how to party

Try not to get carried away

I’ll try not to fren, I use the bullet proof vest sometimes for extra weight when working out

Very cool, never thought about doing that.

You inspired me to wear my shorts today

Those are super cool shorts! Is that perhaps you in the picture?

Thank you, and yes it is me.

Super healthy 👍

👍 thank you, and you too

I could definitely stand to gain a few pounds, but I have the metabolism of a hummingbird

I eat enough for two but struggle to not lose pounds lol.

Speaking of which I should order a pizza, pizza sounds good right now

It just means that your young, I gain weight super quickly on the other hand so I need to lay off the pizza

I'd never guessed from the photo you shared, but I'll take your word for it.

Pizza I cannot resist. Perhaps it's a blessing. A pizza blessing.

You make me really want pizza

I'm a terrible influence on people

Grill fren?

I wish my girl had as high of a power level as me. Nice shirt fren.


Np, seems some frens are confused by what I meant lol.

love u fren

Love u too, fren

Came here to sort by controversial and see cringefrens

Username checks... hang on.

You seem like a really good fren. Best of luck in all you do fren!

Thanks so much fren! To you as well

I like it, fren! Tendies for everyone!


The pepe on that shirt from that angle looks like he's melting and it's hilarious.

Yeah 😅 sorry

Why are you apologizing? It adds to the picture, makes it better. 😂

Lol I guess :)

You look v v frenly

You mean very frenly? Thanks!

Fren I'm worried about your arm, where did it go

I never went to college, tell me how it feels fren

Stressful but it really fun to meet new frens

I wish you best of luck on your college education! Make a lot of frens, eat lots of tendies and keep clear of these non frens ❤️

I will thank you so much for your support fren 💗

Nice cans fren

Didn't realize there were girlfrens



Doesn’t ship to Sweden, this is a sad day for me my frens, I won’t be able to show our frenly image to the outsiders :/. But at least one fren can do it :)

You should be proud that you come from pewdiepie homeland! Otherwise I’m sorry fren, that sucks!


Thanks for the condolences, fren! <3

What a great shirt fren!


Stunning and brave fren


Cool shirt.


Where can i buy one?

I put a link in the earlier comments

Woah cool shirt


awesome tshirt fren!

Thanks fren!

nice astroturfing. lack of critical comments makes me wonder if the mods are in on this

Fren representation! Looking good fren!

Thanks fren!

ooh where did you get the shirt from fren?

I put the link in some of the earlier comments, if you still can’t find it I’ll resend it to you

Fortunate fren starts playing

I bought one as well fren, but the size ran small. I gave it to my daughter who wheres it with pride

That’s so cute! I’m sorry it was too small but I’m glad your daughter enjoyed it! What a good dad

Post benis!!

Born to bop would be better fren

fit fren

Thank you I try to exercise a lot!

Gotta have strong and attractive frens!

It’s important to be healthy and happy!

and yet they want to genocide us fren, the big bop

What a nice shirt fren! I hope you enjoy it!

I did! It’s very comfy!

You’re a true fren

Thanks fren

How does one get to know qt-meme-frens? 🤔🤔


A femanon friendo?! I M P O S S I B L E


baste female fren

I forgot female frens existed lol

Hey fren why are your eyes too big

All we need is that fren shirt fren.

I put the link in some of earlier comments :D

Fanks fren.

After the tradthots were outted, they just became frenthots.

I’m not a thot :(

Your rack is good enough that I doubt

gib milkies

RIP inbox, fren

RIP dm messages too

It’s above my face, I didn’t want my phone to block the t-shirt so I just put it outside the veils if vision and shot it at a downwards angle. No need to worry but I appreciate it!


Hello fren - is this the slate color or heather slate? Thanks in advance for bringing this shirt to our attention!

This is skate, and no problem!

What a nice shirt!


Nice shirt! Btw, are you a girl? I thought girls didn't exist! The nonfrens lied to me!

Yes I am and thank you!

You look like you might be mixed race. And female. Are you a r/lostredditor

No I’m defiantly white but my grandma is Native American

So...not white. And not male...which still makes me wonder why you’re hanging in a sub that believes in an ethnostate and that a woman’s place is serving men. Guess you’re one of those red pill wives.

I AM white and that’s not the point of this sub


Wanna b-be my gf? My grammy gram says I'm handsome

Th-thanks, y-you too!

for all frens :)

Hallo 👋

I’m 3XL. I’m big fren

Not after commiting tax fraud Im not ;-;

I’m on it!

Yeah that’s a whole other case

But are you transfrender?

Turns out there's only one shirt, but we're happy our Fren has nice things.

Then I have nothing to worry about, I am a holy fren

Ah! Thanks fren!

Wear can get gamer girl pee?

Thanks so much fren! To you as well

Thank you, and yes it is me.

Do you think I’m stoopid. Girlfrens are just a myth. Only crazy people believe in them.

So...not white. And not male...which still makes me wonder why you’re hanging in a sub that believes in an ethnostate and that a woman’s place is serving men. Guess you’re one of those red pill wives.