It's her birthday todays frens, she would have been 14. But the non-frens decided otherwise. Happy birthday Ebba.

1144  2019-06-07 by CafeCreme69


Truck of peace isn’t very frenly, frens

Trucks are supposed to bring ice cream and amazon gifts :(

Shit idk why, but that one stung. Sorry for not being in character lol, but yeah - trucks are supposed to bring ice cream and amazon gifts. Hope you’re doing well fren

Peace and a good birthday to you, Ebba. The world is much less without you in it.

Very sad. She seems like such a sweet young fren.

I doubt it. She probably would've been holding a refugees-welcome sign.

This comment makes me very angry fren, in fact it makes me want to say some very unfrenly things about you. I won't because this is a frenly place, but you should really think long and hard before you say stupid things like that.

what did the fren say? Only curious fren

He said that Ebba wasn't a sweet fren because she would have grown up to be supportive of immigration.

Mean fren

sadly that is likely to be the truth.

She deserved the chance to grow up.

Don’t be so blatant, fren

No, that makes me mad.

Shut up faggot cunt

Go back to r/the_donald

Go back to the ADL

Go back to r/TopMindsOfReddit.

Like I’d go to that cesspool of commies, nazi

Go back to Israel.

Found the non fren

Go back to r/yiff furfag

You’re an angry little thing, that’s adorable

Whatever animal fucker

fucking kek, you’re also incredibly clever! I bet it took you forever to come up with something so original. LiStEn HeRe SwEeTiE, my pronouns are actually fren and tendie lover



You’re a fucking mongrel and should be hunted like one

It should be legal to hunt fur fags like this

We are not being frenly, its a nonfren but still, BE BETTER

no. raping animals is not okay period frenliness stops when doge comes under attack

I didnt say that

Got booped non fren

you're not only an animal fucker but a gay one, how fucking disgusting do the world a favor and end your miserable life faggot.

Sorry, but you must have replied to the wrong person. I’m neither gay nor miserable, but thank you for the laughs

”I’m not owned I’m not owned” I continue to insist as I slowly shrink and transform in to a corn cob

Dril tweets are literary masterpieces

He’s a modern Shakespeare

Oh it’s apparent you’re miserable):

Please be well.

furries aren't animal fuckers fren there is no evidence to it fren, furries also aren't sexual deviants fren, facts show prove that fren.




Get bopped furfag

>complains about people not listening to facts

>refuses to acknowledge that fact that proximity + diversity = conflict

>refuses to acknowledge race realism


blood are you sure you wanna talk about listening to facts

Honestly, I'm pretty sure you got bopped because you're a furfag, and really, we just don't want that degenerate filth around here.

Even when talking to a nonfren this is unacceptable, BOP


This guy is a huge bundle of sticks but dont encourage suicide

wow, all pretense of being friendly frenly dropped is it?

You can’t come at someone for being angry while being angry enough to comment under this thread telling OP to go back to TD. What is it about mourning a young girl (who was murdered) that angers you so much?

Because he murdered her himself




Your mother should’ve bopped you in the womb

Piss off saracen. Or is it rabbi?

Get crucified prick

Imagine being happy about a little girl’s murder.

Die in a fire.

Happy birthday fren, we will never forget you.


Who was she fens? :(

She was a young swedish gril who was killed by a non-fren invader two years ago.

“non-fren invader” lmao.

hundreds of thousands of people die, zzz i sleep

one child dies who’s life is worth no more than anyone else’s on earth, but shes young and I can use that as political propaganda to pull on people’s heart strings so they hate brown people yeeEET

Answer the phone fren, your wife's bull is calling.


mfw socially inept teenagers who’ve never had a serious relationship spend their time online calling people cucks

Lmao, whatever makes you feel better about yourself buddy. I’m sure the reason your single and lonely is because of how bad and “cucked” all the woman are. Whateeeeever helps you buddy

Wow edgelord you are so edgy and hip, what with your nihilistic lack of empathy and complete disdain for demographic political social reality. Brah, you are so cool dude, i fucking wish i could be even half as cool as someone like you!

I’m not a nihilist you fucking moron lmao.

I just don’t base my political opinions off of anecdotal feelings. You people are such cancer. Please, what the fuck is your thought process here? How do you unironcally think it’s a good idea to base your political opinions off of hearing a sad story? You are literally the kind of person this shit panders to.

Please, for the love of fuck, just watch this.

Double bop


Her name is Ebba Åkerlund.

She was killed by a truck of peace driving jihadi imported by useful idiots and traitors. She was torn in half.

Her name is Ebba Åkerlund

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Her name is Ebba Åkerlund

They’re just Swedes with better food, you bigot. My kingdom for some kebabs!

He is memeing you dips

I got your sarcasm fren.

Cruesade imminent

I'm not saying I'll start a crusade, but if you guys come by my house, ring the door bell and I'll get my chainmail and large metal crucifix on a pole, and we'll see how things go fren...

Her name is Ebba Åkerlund.

Serbia strong plays in the distance


“Ebbas death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer.”

This really makes me want to cry at mass graves in France

Why won’t somebody do something?

Why won’t somebody do something?

Why won’t somebody do something?

I used to think the same.


Sippin on some sizzurp

why not me?




"Gradually, I began to hate them..."

Anyone who destroys a child is an enemy.

They are nonfrens and must be stopped.

Sippin on some sizzurp

Including anyone who destroys a child of a nonfren

I agree. A child is never a nonfren.


Sippin on some sizzurp


This resonates very deeply with me fren.



Quoting mass murderers isn’t very frenly, fren.

His actions were horrible and i will never condone the slaughter of children as it is deeply hypocritical, but thats just it, these are reactions to slaughter after slaughter, and he is not wrong in his statements. There is a tipping point coming, and fren, i am not happy about it, in fact i am deeply worried, and if you are not, you need to pay attention.

where’s your evidence? you know objectively global mortality and crime rates have been decreasing steadily for a hundred someodd years, right?

Quick thought experiment for you. Were there trucks of peace in Sweden 40 years ago? How about rape gangs in Egnland?

Or how about listening to enoch Powells river of blood speech ya disingenious cunt

rape and murder rates were much higher 40 years ago. it is objectively safer to walk outside now than it was 40 years ago.

also islamist terrorism isn’t a new phenomenon either? 9/11 was almost 20 years ago and we were fighting terrorists long before that. the severity and quantity of terrorist attacks have actually gone down as well. i think you’re cherrypicking events to support your agenda instead of looking at raw numbers, something im guilty of on occasion as well.

a lot of your impression on this stuff is caused by media sensationalism and isn’t founded in reality.

Bullshit. Really there were a bunch of acid attacks right? And funny you mention 9/11. 3/11, truck attacks, like Nice. Mass sexual assaults were the norm in Germany a 20 years ago right?
Sweden has had a skyrocketing rape rate particularly in violent stranger rapes, directly attributable to foreign invaders, like the ones who killed Ebba.

You also didnt answer. Here i will do it for you. No there were not rape gangs of pakistanis 40 years ago. Nor were there truck attacks.

Objectively safer..... i am sure malmo is objectively safer since the tsunami of adherents to islam have deluged the city. God man, your lies reek.

please show me a single empirical study that shows “skyrocketing” rape rates in countries that accept immigrants.

also: shifting forms of violence don’t dispute my larger point at all. objectively, rape rates have been on the decline for a long time and long term trends look the same.

Sure thing. From the swedish governments own stats.

In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2016, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.

Or how about 93% of violent stranger rapes were carried out by invaders.

Hey buddy do you remember when mass barson and grenade attacks were the norm in malamo in the 1980s? Oh what! It was no existant? And is a direct result of importing people that are incompatible to the host culture? No way!

Ok asshole, but now billy and Jim are less likely to get in a bar fight now. So let them in 😍

What is your daughter being torn in half by a jihadi truck, your wife raped by a gang of malnourished somalilanders and the occasional grenade attack to all that vIbRAnT CuLtRe!

its all so tiresome jpeg

You can Google 'rape in Europe's. There are litterally thousands of them

The study, which took several months to compile, indicated that a whopping 95.6 percent of rapes and 90 percent of group rapes had been committed by men of foreign descent. Men from the Middle East and Africans were particularly overrepresented in various forms of sexual offences.

Additionally, two out of three rapes with aggravating circumstances were reportedly committed by asylum seekers or men who had been recently granted residence permits. By contrast, the proportion of Swedes convicted of sex-related crimes, has decreased sharply since 2013.

yes now they're increasing

i read the whole speech. i understand the identity crisis that can come with diversity, but that can be handled quite easily (see: canada, usa, germany, etc.), but i don’t understand how having more immigrants in an area threatens the future of the people who already live there. economic data is clear, immigration is a net benefit for any society.

i dont get why people claim immigration is bad; i’ve never seen any significant empirical data to support that conclusion.

Are you fucking with me right now? Is this an elaborate slow roll troll? Because if you read that and still do not see how prescient it was and are still wearing these rose coloured glass i feel like you are just messijg with me.

Please go to malmo and tell me the somalis have improved it. I also just showed evidence is orders of more magnitude of violent rape a net benefit to society? How about the report that 80 some % of migrants are unemployed?

Lol, Canada is ripping itself apart politically because of forced diversity. Just because you don't read about it in the media (big surprise), doesn't mean it isn't happening.

The 90% white town my dad grew up in is now 90% brown. Let that sink in, and imagine how you would feel if they took your culture, your history and your community from you and have you endless shit imported directly from the third world in exchange.

That's how real Canadians feel right now...most of us are just too afraid to say anything, because our government levies massive fines for complaining about immigration or calling a man a man.

Yeah canada got scary real fucking quick

Your government keeps you ignorant mongrels in your place where you belong 😊

Lol, fuck off faggot.

Traitors get the rope.

Lol the only people you artists will ever hang are yourselves. You actually intimidate me less than the Chapos do.

i don’t understand how having more immigrants in an area threatens the future of the people who already live there.

Ask the American Indians how that worked out for them.


The evidence is the entirety of human history. Diversity + proximity = war.

you know the internet, globalization, and global convergence of culture didn’t exist for the entirety of human history, right? we live in a brave new world with near instantaneous information transfer across state lines and multinational corporations.

past performance does not predict future results. the us is the most diverse country on earth and it’s also the worlds dominant superpower. if diversity inherently causes war, pax americana would not exist.

Up until 1965 the US was 90% white, and even in the 1980s it was still in the 80% you really are a bundle of sticks.

Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it






He was a partisan

The great masses of the people will more easily believe a big lie, than a small one

He was operating in a legitimate theater of war, and he says as much in his essay. That is why they've blacked it out, he knows what he is doing, and they're terrified of more men waking up and asserting dominance over the corporate whores.

In which timeline is New Zealand a “theater of war”?

It's under a de facto state of invasion due to the occupying Government (we could look at this from the perspective of First Nations Studies, Postcolonial theory, or even from the point of view of the objective interest of the European settlers) having opened the borders to invasion by individuals who do not share European/First Nations values.

Islam is utterly incompatible with everything except Islam. It is a totalitarian theocracy, and people who are Islamists are de jure inadmissible, but the de facto Government is giving them landing permits even though their profession of Islam makes them belligerent combatants against the primary European/Aboriginal Value: FREEDOM.

Islam destroys freedom. That is its purpose. Islam means submission, and submission is the opposite of freedom, or, rather, submission implies one is not manumitted, nor freeborn, one is a slave, and a slave is not free.


Fren, that quote is from me personally, and predates anyone elses use of the phrase. He must have taken it from me.

Sippin on some sizzurp

  • Crusader T





Remember what they took from you

they took away our future :(

No. The future belong to me. And you, but we do have to ensure a future for us and children like Ebba. Abd that will take a lot of work, but living a decent life, having kids with a person you love and trying to make at least your neck of the woods just a bit better could dramatically change things if enough of us did it





Eternal rest, grant unto her O Lord,

And let perpetual light shine upon her.

May she rest in peace.




Her grave keeps getting vandalized by non frens :( Heart breaking! We have to make sure frenliness wins!

It's Friday fren, why you gotta make me hekin mad.

Why can't people all be frens?? Ohhh heck I'm mad

What happened to ebba?

They runned with a truck over her body in the name of a certain "Allah"

Allah must be really popular, a bunch of funky frens seem to do a lot of stuff to make him happy

They all say he is great before killing frens but nobody has ever seen him

Hmmmmmmmmmmm but we could say the same about geezus

the worst thing typical christian nonfrens do is shout about gay frens being bad. not good, but much better then KILLING our fellow frens.

This is true, but there are nonfrenly Christians that wear pointy hats and dress as ghosts and try to hurt the darker frens and the gay frens

ah, point made fren.


If you actually wanna start that, there’s historical records of Jesus and his miracles even by secular sources


what you call funky frens we call non frens

this is a funky fren

these are non frens

non frens like to say not all non frens are like that, but it's a lie. most of them, very few aren't.

I haven’t met any frens of allah that are like that, but I haven’t met very many because I live in a part of America where there is Spanish frens mostly

i have, they even stand there telling other frens how we are filthy for not using the right hand to wipe our frenly bums and for not using a wet cloth repeatedly and that toilet paper is haram etc (done in a car parts company in australia). ive also met lady non frens who wont even touch my hand when they give me money because I'm unclean, they throw it at my hand (7-11 petrol/gas station australia), they are evil non frens.

"Allah" wouldn't be proud of them, fren. It's just plain when people think they're killing others behold of a religion.

So sad, she is all of our fren

Thank you for sharing this fren

You're welcome fren. I translated what she is singing to english.

The sky is so innocent and blue

Just like the eyes of the youth

Can't place blame on the stars

When rain and teardrops fall

Darling I know that it hurts

When bridges to safety are burned

Even though time is chasing us two

The sky is so innocent and blue

That is a beautiful song fren. Thank you.

For ebba

Happy birthday fren.

I am not sad this fren is gone. I am sad she was taken by non frens in a place where non frens don't belong. If non frens stayed in nonfreninstan where they belong, she could still enjoy tendies.

Can I just leave this here, please?. Her mother wants you to stop. Please stop.



Frens, can someone who this fren Ebba is?

11 year old girl killed in the terrorist attack in stockholm, sweden, 2017. ebba åkerlund was her name. hope that helps, fren. an rip ebba

We'll never forget you, Ebba.

Frens are mad

I'm mad too fren



Happy Birthday Ebba, we will never forget you, nor will we forget who is responsible

Åkerlerian Crusade when?

I am conflicted frens. On one hand I want sand non-frens to be purged from society but on the other hand I want sand non-frens to throw gender shape shifting non-frens off buildings. What to do?

Let them do that in their own sand boxes.

We must become our own strong nation of frens-only.


Fren why did you reawaken this rage inside of me

It’s a good sign you have rage fren. It shows you’re human

Happy birthday Ebba. I'll always be your fren ♥️

That’s pretty non finely I have to say, but maybe it can be attributed to how they are raised?I don’t know much about Islam but my understanding is the parents have iron hands and take the religion very seriously

my muslim friend hasnt killed anyone. despite his parents being more orthodox muslim than many others.

nature is innate and no matter how you are raised your inner violence will always be a latent beast waiting to escape its cage


I thought I felt already felt sad but then you show me this.

wasnt her birthday ages ago?

The frens will remember u, happy birthday

USS liberty and Ebba today? This is our day of mourning and our day to call action. We own this day. Official Fren Day.

Mahmudiyah rape and killings

The Mahmudiyah rape and killings were war crimes involving the gang-rape and murder of 14-year-old Iraqi girl Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi and the murder of her family by United States Army soldiers on March 12, 2006. It occurred in the family's house to the southwest of Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq. Others of al-Janabi's family murdered included her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and 6-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza Al-Janabi. The two remaining survivors of the family, 9-year-old brother Ahmed and 11-year-old brother Mohammed, who were at school during the massacre, were orphaned by the event.

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Do you unironically think that "we" are in favor of the destruction of the middle-east?

Fren fuel cant melt frenbeams. No need to worry!

Thefren rightfren canfren memefren

Like I’d go to that cesspool of commies, nazi

You're welcome fren. I translated what she is singing to english.

The sky is so innocent and blue

Just like the eyes of the youth

Can't place blame on the stars

When rain and teardrops fall

Darling I know that it hurts

When bridges to safety are burned

Even though time is chasing us two

The sky is so innocent and blue

Because he murdered her himself

you know the internet, globalization, and global convergence of culture didn’t exist for the entirety of human history, right? we live in a brave new world with near instantaneous information transfer across state lines and multinational corporations.

past performance does not predict future results. the us is the most diverse country on earth and it’s also the worlds dominant superpower. if diversity inherently causes war, pax americana would not exist.
