Frens my papaw got diagnosed with stage four lung cancer today it’s terminal and I could really use some cheering up

3291  2019-06-07 by carllent


Sorry fren :( Make sure you spend time with him - ask him to tell you stories, listen, and be there for him.

Personally, I'd record it all too. The good stuff. My dad was in a car accident back in 2013, went into a coma with not much chance for life.

He woke up a different man and still hasn't been the same. In a way, I've forgotten who my old/"real" dad was, what he sounds like.

He talks differently, he looks different because of facial paralysis, he has a different personality. I wish i had something to remember the person that kinda died.

I’m really sorry to hear that Xxcunt_crusher69xX

Those are some kind words from i_eat_cats_for_lulz.

I’ll always be here for you fren

And i for you, fren

r/RimJobSteve ?

Not the time, fren

Fair enough, fren, I’ll leave

Don’t go, fren

Ok, will stay, fren

My great grandmother, who knew she would soon die from breast cancer, did this. She with the help of some of my family that I don’t know as well recorded her basically telling her life story. How she grew up, how she met her husband, the struggles from when they first married, all about her kids and how they were.

It was nice not only to have that recorded so we can preserve it for her sake, but her son, my mom’s dad, died very suddenly last February. She told stories of him as a child too, which is nice to have.

That's heart warming 🥰

I would help but I’m not good with emotions, I am only one fren... I hope others can comfort you in your time of sadness...

Spend time with all your family, fren. You all need each other right now.

Passing on from this world is part of all our journey. Be glad for the frens that go before so they can help you when it’s your turn. There’s a frenly place we all meet at in the end. I believe it. Some call it heaven. Some call it the men’s restroom at the abandoned McDonalds in Post, Texas. Just make sure you know the passwords, fren. It’s going to be a party with all the frens we lost along the way. Hang in there fren.

Love you my fren, sometimes life is hard so you need to look at the positives and enjoy what you can. Try not to get too down my fren, we are here.

I love you both

I’m so sorry! My dad got cancer too but he got better! It’s possible for your dad to! Have hope!

Mate, it’s lung cancer. It’s stage four. The diagnosis is: terminal. It’s a nice sentiment you’re expressing, but misplaced here.

That’s not true, you should never give up hope even if the chances of survival is 5%. My grandma got stage 4 lung cancer from smoking and died, but even while she had it, it was her wish that we have hope together. Luckily my dad beat his but he said even if he wasn’t going too, he would want us to never give up hope for him

This argument is in incredibly poor taste.

Apologies to OP.

Alex Trebeck is diagnosed with PANCREATIC CANCER...the tumors are SHRINKING. Never Give up, Never surrender!

Thanks fren all I can really hope for is for a lack of pain while he lives the rest of his life I appreciate it though I’m glad your dad is ok fren make sure he knows how much you love him

I am a strong believer in the ability of time to heal wounds. Take your time, fren. Grieve, cry, mourn, lament, and sorrow. Let it out.

Tears are just sadness leaving your body.

Give him a kiss

sorry fren just enjoy the time you have with him, remember him with how much love he gave you. be well fren

Tell Grand-Fren to stay strong and to BOP that cancer right out of himself! He's got it! (:

Stay strong fren

Im sorry to hear that fren. You are strong and I’m sure he’s proud to have you as his little apustaja. Much love, if you want a fren to talk to im always here.

Thanks fren I will remember that I love you fren

Please spend time with him

Things will get better, fren.

Thanks fren it means a lot it’s been a tough day I knew my frens could help me

Thanks to all my frens im tearing up reading all the responses I love you all thanks for being there for me

So sorry, Fren. I know this is scary and horrible. It will get better. Just cherish your time with him. I often pray in times like these and it brings me comfort. Maybe that’s for you, maybe not. But it’s been helpful for me and I recommend it.

Make sure to spend as much time with him as possible, and as the other frens said, record things he says to keep with you. Keep God wit you and treasure you Papaw while he's here!!!

he might not die, my gf's dad has had s4 lung cancer for over a year now and is still getting treatment. look in to clinical trial studies and you may find something he can get in to which helps him out

You’re both going to get through this together. It’ll be hard, but he’s so lucky to have you and I know you’ll be strong for him. And when you’re together remember it’s okay to cry.

Love you fren and don’t worry, you’re not the only one going through this as, about a 2 months ago, my dad got diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer.. so we can all support each other and talk about our experiences fren.

I’m sorry about your dad fren I’ll have him in my heart with my papaw I hope you get to spend as much time with him as possible stomach cancer is super rough fren I know that I’m gonna spend my last time with my papaw making sure he knows me and my son love him I’m the only one of his grandkids with kids so I’m sure I can at least make his time truly special feel free to message me anytime fren we can help each other get thru this

Thanks a lot fren, and I’m sure your papaw knows you and your son love him, but I guess it couldn’t hurt for you two to show him that you guys love him extensively. Feel free to message me as well if you need to talk fren.

I will fren thank you !

Hope your okay fren, he raised you to be an amazing frend so he has done something pretty amazing in life, it's your job now to make sure that you project all of that to all the other frens in the world

I will fren my papaw was something truly special he’s been playing dnd for 40 years at least he used to dress up as a wizard and shoot fireballs with flash paper while larping with his friends in the 70s / 80s his wizard name was nemesis he taught me everything I know basically since my dad wasn’t around but I’m holding up ok thanks to these comments and this sub reddit

Woah! What a kewl pawps! I've been playing since I was in 3rd grade and haven't stopped. It's like Frenworld with lots of unfren invaders you have to chase out. We could use a wizard around here.

dang fren that sucks am srry for ur loss fren

Thank you fren

Thessalonians 4:14 ESV - For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.

Do not fear the death my fren. As it is just another chapter in our journey. He may be abandoning our world, but maybe, just maybe he will still be there looking after you. For now, spend the remaining time with him, and try to make it easier for him in those last moments. Stay strong fren.

And that the Lord will all bring us to a party with all the lost frens and we can all party and eat all the tendies we want!!!

I'm so sorry fren. Make sure to hug him real tight everyday and spend time with him whenever you can. I hope you can get through this fren, we are here if you need frens to talk to.


I’m sorry, You need to spend as much time as possible with him and show him you care.

I dont think being cheered up is possible right now fren, just remember sunlight comes after rain

My pawpaw smoked for over 40 years and when got cancer twice. He made it. Don't give up hope fren! Give hugs! We're all praying for you.


Look into stem cell cancer therapy fren and also medical cannabis for cancer, theirs stem cell clinics in Mexico all the best fren :)

I from Reddit fren I say be at peace fren.

Sorry to hear that fren. Wishing you the best!!

Sorry to hear fren. you want to hug?

If you want someone to just talk to fren message me I’m here

Sad to hear fren :,(

It's going to be ok fren. r/eyebleach could help you out with some cuteness. Spend time with him, it may make the impact big, but the impact will be more memories to remember him by.

Forget about everything don't do what I did go talk to him

you’re frens are here for you fren, we love you

Stay strong fren :(

The thing you forget first are frens' voices. Ask him to record you a message so you don't forgot fren.

This is a good idea. Get him to tell some stories as well

Be happy for the time you got to have with him. This is his end but he will always live on through you and your future offspring. Do his name honor so when you meet him again he will say "thank you, I love you son".

Very sorry to hear it, one of my grandfathers died of cancer as well.

Fren I am sorry :( but make sure you get a recording and/or video of your dads voice

Sorry to hear about you papaw fren. He will be in a better place ♥️

Spend time with him whenever you can fren. Get those memories stuck in your brain, and remember he knows you love him fren.

Stay strong fren, we are here for you!

Hang in there fren, be there for him.

Hey buddy, I'm sorry about your paw. We love you fren:)

Spend time with him fren, and bring him extra tendies

Take a lot of pictures with him and maybe write some things down about him or common used sentences ir stories for later. Spend time with him and the rest of your family. ❤

Fren I am so sorry to hear that. But just remember, even when he may not be here on Earth, you’ll always have a Fren watching out from above❤️.


Sorry, man. That's terrible.

I'm sorry fren when he passes remember him for the joy in life and not the loss of him

Spend as much time as you can with him. Heck, take some time off from school or work (just honestly tell them your full situation, and if they refuse then they're just nonfrens). My own dad passed away suddenly without any warning but I had the luck that I had spend a lot of time with him a little earlier.

I wish you luck fren and I will pray with all my heart that he will make it through.

Spend time with people that are most important to you.

Fren my auntie died of lukemia i know the feeling at first it will be hard but eventually you will move on

I know it sucks fren, but at least you've been able to make memories this far with him

It will be ok fren! He will always be with you even when he’s not on this mortal coil. He will always love you! Cherish the days you have left with him, and always live your life to the fullest as you never know when it will be your time to go.

This world is honkable but life is not. Take from this a new cherishing of it.


Spend as much time with him as possible. Bring him gifts. Record all of it. Make it absolutely sure he’ll be missed when he’s gone

Fren, my grandma died of brain cancer at the end of 2017. I know how you feel and I want you to know you’ve got all of us behind you to cheer you up!

And if you wanna talk, can DM me at citi#0001

Spend time with him bud, video tape it if you can. And make sure to promise him that you'll never forget him, resolve all conflicts with him, and be with him as much as you can. Just know that we all love you fren, and we're always going to be by your side to help

Yes lots of story time. Will help both of you feel better in this hard time

Lol, get fucked, if you hadn't have been a bigot, maybe god wouldn't be punishing you

If it makes you feel better, cancer treatment has gotten a lot better in the past years. Survival rate is waaay higher than it was even 10 years ago. Hope he makes it, fren.

Hang in there fren! God will make you stronger than we ever will!

Sorry fren

hey fren, please cheer up! you have many good frens supporting you!! I hope you spend lots of time with your papaw and enjoy listening and hanging out with him. make and remember happy memories. life always works out in the end

I know it's late fren however keep your head up I love you fren

I'm sorry fren. My grandma passed of cancer two weeks ago

Have an upvote!

Rick and morty has a new season to look forward too.

Glad your excited for that fren I hope you enjoy it



Very sad to hear this fren. Know that you and your papaw are in my thoughts, and that everyone here loves you. Be sure to spend lots of time with him and all of your family. Best wishes

I'm very sorry to hear it fren. Just try to make the best of the time you have left with him, and be sure to record all the happy memories that you can with him.

Even though it may hurt to know that he may pass soon, his love will always be with you in your heart and mind to give you hope and motivation in the coming years. We're all here for you fren.

I pray for you

It’s gonna be okay fren, try your best to spend time with him and make sure he knows you love and care for him :)

Fren this happened to me in 2017 and i cant stress enough that you need to make the most of your time with him and make amends with him if there is anything to amend. My biggest regret is not getting to know my dad when before cancer took him from this world, so spend as much time as possible with him. Even if its just something small like watching a movie or something. Its not an easy path for anyone and sorry to say it doesn't get better, I'm still crying myself to sleep on occasion 6 months after, but you just have to make the most out of the garbage and terrible situation that you have been presented with

Thanks I will take this advice to heart I’m probably going to move in and make his last few months as good as possible for the man who taught me how to be a man

He'll meet the great Fren in the sky.

Sorry to hear fren, best wishes :(

Fren I’m really sorry make sure you spend time with your papaw to ease his time


say goodbye to him fren, and hold his hands

Im sorry to hear that, fren. Lung cancer got my Mom and other cancers got my grandpa and mother in law. Its a terrible thing. But be strong, and spend as much time as possible with your pa. Learn everything you can from him while you have the time. I still wish I would have learned my mom’s recipes. No one makes macaroni salad like she did.

Make every moment count, fren! Record what you can without being obnoxious. The one regret I never want to have is my parents not knowing how much I live them. However much time you guys have, it's enough for that.

One size doesn't fit all though, people look at death differently especially based on their age. But you and yours are in the best position to really help him through this.

Wishing you all the best. Life throws curveballs at us, and we can only hope to give them the best bop we've got!

Thanks fren I appreciate it have a good day fren

Fren I’m so sorry!!

My pawpaw got emphysema back in 2010, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through.


Eat some tendies and do some things you enjoy fren. Just remember there is a new day that comes each morning and it will gradually get easier, your frens are also here for you whenever you need us.

Spend as much time as you can with him, and try and make him and yourself happy, because the last thing anyone wants is to go out on a bad note

Im sorry Fren. Spend as much time as possible with him and make some memories with him. We're here for you fren

That hurts fren, I’m sorry. Spend time with your papaw and listen to some of his stories.

this whole thread is the exact opposite of what they want you to believe this sub is. Good stuff .

I know it's not easy, fren. But be brave, brother. Be there for him and more than that be there for your mother and other family members. Sadness cuts in half when there's someone to share with.

Fuck dude. Reading this and seeing sad teddy genuinely has me teary eyes fren. You and frenmly are in my prayers dude. This hurts to hear. Honestly I'm gonna definitely have a cry for you. I can't imagine how I'd deal with any of this sort if it happen to my papaw. I wish I could this fren some plat or gold.

On second thought fren, do you play games on PC? If so let's exchange some user names and I'll play games with you!

When something like this happens you should forget any past you have with him and make memories now. Be with him

Be with him fren, talk about his life, and your childhood, I’m sure he’d like to remember that fren

Sorry to hear fren :((( Everything’s gonna be alright and I bet you and him will both be okay :)))

I love you Fren, just understand that. We all are here for you.

Sorry to hear about that fren. Spend plenty of time with your father and cherish every moment of it.

Sorry fren. This is one of the hardest things to go through. Please know you're not alone. Many frens travel this same terrible path with you. I lost my uncle and grandpa to stage 4 lung cancer (damn yummy smoke sticks). My only shimmer of thankfulness was that cancer does give you a chance to say goodbye and enough time to get everything in order.

Cancer suck. Bop cancer. With you fren.

Good riddance, one less redcap. Maybe kill yourself next?


Sorry, fren. That’s a tough cookie. I hope that he makes a splendid recovery.

I hope the same happens to you

What the actual fuck is wrong with you, asshole?


That sucks man, in the end god has the final say and we can only do so mutch

I am catching so much hate and harassment from non frens it’s kind of sad that they think it’s appropriate to tell me to kill self and to taunt me about my papaw


Go throw firecrackers at pregnant women!!! Hope this helps fren!!

Fren, may the peace of the Lord Jesus, the Eternal Fren be with you. Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, just remember the good times you had with your papaw and enjoy what time you have remaining with him. And if you believe in the afterlife, he's going to a much better place than here. And if you don't, as sad as it is to think about, once his oxygen is gone, his suffering is over within a few seconds, that's all it takes for the brain to stop experiencing pain---I had a relative whose heart stopped for a minute, it was like she wasn't there, then she was when they started her heart again. Death is painless once it comes. Dying is difficult, so do your best to help him die with dignity and love.

Give your daddy a hug. He could use it. Spend time with him. Tell him how you feel NOW. Help him get his affairs in order.

Good luck & God Bless you & yours!

Oh noe fren. My grandpa had leukemia and he passed away near December last year. I know how it feels too. Sadly I wasn’t there in time to say goodbye one last time so I hope you do

At least his mind will soon no longer exist in clown world fren. In some respects, we should be jealous of your father.

Remember fren some people never have known pawpaw.just remember the good times

Sorry to hear that fren. Hug Everything will be ok

Stay strong, fren.

Time heals all woons fren. Your pa might be gone, but his love will not be forgotten

This argument is in incredibly poor taste.

Apologies to OP.

Glad your excited for that fren I hope you enjoy it

Thanks fren I appreciate it have a good day fren