It's pride month! Wave your flag, frens!

25  2019-06-07 by Skeletontoaster




I support gay rights but I ain’t gay so I’ll support but I’m not raising any flags

Well you don't have to comment no, fren!



All frens are welcome

Lol I love it fren!

Normal pride! I represent the 97%!

Normal pride?

Yep! It’s OK to be normal!

What I mean was the 97 percent. What is that for? Everyone is normal!

Incorrect. There’s 97% of the population that is normal. 3% is abnormal. That’s fine too. I’m part of the 97%. Don’t hate on me, fren.

I'm not hating, but what do you mean by abnormal, fren?

I’m not hating either. Abnormal is everything except normal. What the abnormal frens do is their business. I’m just a normal fren celebrating normality. We can all celebrate!

Oooh your talking about people who aren't straight I get it now. But calling it abnormal? That's kind of a stretch there fren. Everyone, straight and not straight, is normal in my eyes.

That’s a stretch, fren. There’s 97% of the population that is normal and then there’s 3% that’s abnormal. I wouldn’t call the 3% normal. If it was normal there would be no more frens.

That doesn't make sense

97% is majority. 3% can be counted as a defect, as it can prevent passing on your bloodline. What he was saying is that the 3% is abnormal because that is true. They are not the same as the 97% meaning they are abnormal. However, what he was saying was frenly, because he doesn’t say abnormal is bad, it just means they differ from the common person.

Being gay is abnormal

Anti human nonfrens

Nobody is preaching for Capital punishment for straight people though... There is no country where it is illegal to be straight...

What does that have to do with anything? Where do you live? Sounds like a terrible place.

Earth you troglodyte.


How does having pride parades solve that

That's not how it works, you homophobe! The amount doesn't matter. It's normal that 3% of the population is queer.

Example: The atmosphere is "normal" and only 0.000004% of it is Ozone*, but Ozone is just as "normal" and plays a vital role in the "normal" world we live in.

Try again.



Every person can be a fren <3! Celebrate what you love.

Hello fellow bi fren!

That’s my flag too, fren!




Being gay is actually wrong and gay marriage should still be illegal. I will not support it, wave a flag, or even pretend to be okay with it.

Get the fuck off my post, homophobe.

Get the fuck off our subreddit, homosexual.

Um bi, libtard

I don’t care, libtard poopoo nigga

Idc, your the libtard you shit covered giraffe fetus

Guess what i dont care that you think that you poopoo peepee man

At least I'm not a homophobe.


It's just psychology, accept it or just go with the flow, fren. Some people don't want to be gay and wants to diagnose their sexuality. Also, skeleton. People who don't accept your views is not a homophobe dude.


I’m not hating either. Abnormal is everything except normal. What the abnormal frens do is their business. I’m just a normal fren celebrating normality. We can all celebrate!

Being gay is abnormal