Hey frens, if we can can we raid topmind? If so spam with frens to show that we are just hummble frens and not natzs

0  2019-06-07 by copykirby


I got banned from topminds. They hate me. They also “borrowed” my tendies

Attacking them would just make us look bad, plus I'm sure they've banned like 90% of us for being "evil not sees"

Careful, that's brigading. Reddit mods will reeee at you.

Reddit admins don’t care if they brigade us but they would probably get mad if we brigaded them.

Anyways I got banned for defending my posts their.

Brigading is not very frenly, dont do it frens

That's the ways of the nonfren! We stay frenly here :)

Nah, it's enough that I don't think about them at all

No fren, we will not stoop to non-fren levels.

We must stay peaceful and frenly. None of this unfrenly aggression.

No, fren! We are here just for ourselves and make sure we keep it frenly. Lead by example!

Take your downvotes!

Bopped for encouraging brigading.