A video for all frens to see.

88  2019-06-06 by FoxDieEeE


As the rest of reddit has become a cesspool of people wanting anything they disagree with removed or banned, remember, they aren't very smart.

Or very frenly :(

The US might’ve avoided many of today’s problems if JFK hadn’t been bopped

We all know who bopped him. He wasn’t playing along with their schemes.

Yeah and his successor made many fatal decisions for this country, especially the one in 1965

Strange how Ted Kennedy signed that bullshit. Was he being (((blackmailed))) or was he always a traitor?

Absolute fucking insanity that I had to come to fucking Frenworld to see something like this, and the rabid insanely far left bolshevik subs like r/politics want to have videos like this purged.

Absolute fucking insanity.

Absolute fucking insanity.

Its coming soon, and it is going to fucking fucking horrific isn't it frens?

Nothing will be able to stop the pendulum from swinging.

It's going to be glorious

Fren I think your overacting I <3 you and all but this is just a subreddit about frenly frogs there's no reason to get worked up here.

We’re witnessing some crazy shit happening before the 2020 elections. The powers that be do not want to repeat the 2016 fuck up. Watch out for the “it’s a private company, they can do what they want, their platform their rules” shills. They know that these powerful social media companies ( google, twitter, FB) are de facto political platforms. If you are not on twitter as a politician, you might as well go home. Silicon Valley tech activists know they are basically owning political discourse not only in the USA, but basically everywhere in the western world. It makes sense that Russia has their own FB equivalent (VK).

Big Business and Big Government decided to stop fighting each other and work together to control the people.

Let’s be real. Should our fren Trump get re-elected, the non-frens will up their bopping game to an unprecedented amount.

Game was bopped from the beginning, fren. :(

Be prepared frens.

it’s truly horrifying, yet there’s nothing we can do to stop it. That’s the scariest part.

That awkward moment when you don’t realize how far right you are when you get triggered at a center left at most sub Reddit.


What does this have to do with frens my fren?

I think well recently a lot of frens on youtube have been getting bopped, and frens in general are worried that top minds and champos around the internet will bop any frens who don't agree with everything they believe! I think that's the point anyways fren

its important knowledge

JFK was bopped by the long noses.

John Fren Kennedy wanted to stop non-frens from aquiring big booms.

Google it frens!

The non-frenly press will have it's lying mouth shut for them.

Non-fren top-minds shot him :(

One of the biggest problem of the Reddit is that most of the subs are stopping the freedom of speech because of the mods, i think that the biggest problem is that if they disagree with you they simply bann you from the sub, so tell me frens do you think that it would be better to allow everyone to say anything and simply let other people argue with them to explain why are they wrong?

1791 makes great content, been supporting them for a couple years now

Only good president after WWII and he got bopped by non frens

Dont diss my homie Eisenhower! >:(