Do frens like Poookaaman?

39  2019-06-06 by iLoveROPE2025


The one on the right looks scary fren!

that's a nosefren. He is capable of convincing others to be culturally enriched, there food is so good!!!!

all very tough decisions. but you know who facilitates the others, fren

I can only speak for myself, but I think I do.

Work your way from right to left.

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Just remember that fire will not destroy the Nose Pokémon on the right

do you suggest Smog, Poison gas or Toxic?

poison gas should do the trick

It’s a steel type, sorry

It’s steel and rock, neither will work.

Maybe get the furry to use Aura sphere? Y’know, that furry.

how about a money related attack?

Good idea. He’s also 4x resistant, which might be good if you want to milk the bastard for all it’s worth (and you have leppa berries).

Middle one, psychic types are never good as they’re always changing how they appear to others and manipulating minds.


These aren’t nonfrens, they’re just similar. The one on the right isn’t a longnose, but rather probpiss. Poison won’t work and it usually keeps to itself, hovering and pointing the nose to the north. The one in the middle isn’t black, it’s a jeex. Jeex are incomprehensible, icy cold, and sapient. I dunno how they exist. One on left is mista mein. Mista mein is a frog, but heavily mutated by the virus Toxoplasma lgbtwtfbbq to the point of genetic alteration. Now it kills the virus.

Now, just use that ball on a longnose. Those wanna hurt frens.



Can someone explain the mime one

may i pick two?

best post i have seen today. i chalk one up for your creativity and sneakyness, fren.