frens, does this make sense to you?

482  2019-06-05 by filipanton


no no no dont make sense to me fren, maybe some mathmaticiernan can help us?

hey it's me, a mathmortician, and I can confirm our fren who posted might be on to something but may need help from another mathmartini.

Mathmartini here, despite 13 making up 26% of 50, I cannot conclude that the math is indeed accurate. We may need a third mathmagician to give their expert opinion.

Mathmagician here, by my conclusion, this means the top nonfrens are going to come call us not see's :(

What’s not frenly about helping a fren with their math class?

Nothing, but the nonfrens seem to hate this for some reason.

They don’t want frens to be educated or be able to critically look at numbers themselves. Nonfrens want to give us numbers and make us believe it.

Mathpetition here, 13 makes up a percentage of fifty so math works

By my calculations, top non frens need to see my new glasses. I can see, frens!

you forgot to factor in the bn constant fren

It is part of an ancient prophesy.

Those numbers are making my head hurt, fren. Why would something so small equal something so much?

Fren I think that it is actually 52!

Holy heck fren. That maths bad news!

Ez now fren, those are some problematic numbers.



This makes no sense fren. Modulus operators need a number after them, not an equals sign! 13%10=3 and 13%3=1. Hope this helps!

It's so nice to have smart frens :)

I too, read Harry Potter, fren.


Not really, the left number is much smaller in reality

Yes yes, i hear someone say something about how its only 3-3.5% that = 50%

I heard that only 2-3.5% actually = 52%!


13% of nice frens make up 50% of hugs

I think that's a disproportion fren

It's 1:15. I would assume p.m. since he's at school.

Good observation fren

It could've been 1:50pm, which in 24-hour time would be 13:50.

Hey Fren i dont get the 1:15 reference...

I don't get it either. I guess it's just a randomly chosen time.

I was told at one point but eh oh well. Carry on fren

This is why people think you’re a hate sub

But fren, how can numbers be hate ? Do non-frens hate numbers because they reflect an unpleasant truth ?

If you don’t know why this could be considered hateful then your are surely ignorant

Something being considered hateful is a thing, but being in fact hateful is an other. And numbers are not hate. Sure, you can consider them as you want, doesnt change the fact that it's not hate. And screaming hate at every number and fact is not really frenly

Was really rooting for this sub. Its people in the minority like you that are ruining it for everyone else.

Don't you non frens think that stuff like this is usually done to ruffle up the feathers of non frens like you.

I dunno, fren. The downvotes seem to indicate that your opinion is in the minority here.

your are

That's a combo I have never seen before

I’m familiar with the statistic that 13% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime, I wrote my undergrad thesis on a related topic. That statistic is usually only brought up to justify some prejudice or bias against that 13%. Not arguing against the validity of the statistic, just explaining how bringing it up will ruffle some feathers.

Yeah i know, and in fact using it to justify prejudice is not frenly as well, but some people refuse to acknowledge reality and prefer depicting everything that doesnt fit their narrative as hate.

Or most people made it through statistics in high school and know not to work with absolute numbers.

Yep, never refused to acknowledge it, it’s an unfortunately accurate statistic. Thanks for your sanity in this sub.

Thank you for your rational and frenly conversation !

It’s actually “homicides”, and not “violent crimes”.

fren, it's very interesting how the percentages of 13 do 50 seem very similar in other lily ponds across the world. Methinks that there might be a simpler solution : )

WhItE SuPrEmAcIsT tAlKiNg pOiNt

someone always takes the bait

i would love this sub without all "hate bait". this was almost a wholesome sub. "Subtlety" or not it ruined this sub, well it was always ruined.


Bop delivered


I don't even wear a hat anymore : (

13 mod 27 = 50 mod 6

13 mod 27 means one 27 and three 1's, or 30 (decimal).

50 mod 6 means five 6's and no 1's, or 30 (decimal).

Top minds will have a field day with this. I don't see how it's frenly.

well fren its just numbers. Making an external assumption about statistics would be non-frenly and presumptive

Good point fren!


Why you bop me fren?

Idk how a fren exploring numbers is unfrenly uet you think hes being some kind of nonfren

Good point fren I'll take my bop like a grownfren

why do non frens only make up 13% of all frens, but is 50% of the grounded frens? Why do non frens get grounded more by mommy?

Gives perfect sense

Another interesting thing is that 2% of all nonfrens make up 40% of billionaires...

Thank you mr longnose very cool.


holy fucking shit. this sub just gets worse and worse

what do you mean

Fren is that better or worse than the 2%=40%?

Very confusing fren


is this a fren-calling? It looks like it.

Fren plez no

What’s not frenly about helping a fren with their math class?

Mathpetition here, 13 makes up a percentage of fifty so math works


Yeah i know, and in fact using it to justify prejudice is not frenly as well, but some people refuse to acknowledge reality and prefer depicting everything that doesnt fit their narrative as hate.

Or most people made it through statistics in high school and know not to work with absolute numbers.

It’s actually “homicides”, and not “violent crimes”.

well fren its just numbers. Making an external assumption about statistics would be non-frenly and presumptive


Good point fren I'll take my bop like a grownfren

By my calculations, top non frens need to see my new glasses. I can see, frens!

fren, it's very interesting how the percentages of 13 do 50 seem very similar in other lily ponds across the world. Methinks that there might be a simpler solution : )

Yep, never refused to acknowledge it, it’s an unfortunately accurate statistic. Thanks for your sanity in this sub.