Frens i need emotional support;[

5  2019-06-05 by WamuuTheSecretFurry

Please tell me i will eventually find a female fren to hug me ;[


Fren you gotta learn to be frenly yourself before you can epect others to be frenly to you. Also we are all gonna make it fren

Focus on making yourself into the best you can be. Get in good shape and save money.

Fren, i dont think its ok that the only way i can stop crying myself to sleep while hugging the air is by improving myself while 99% of fefrens dont need to do anything to cure their lonelyness ;[

Are you in good physical shape? Are you financially stable?

fren if you dont stop being weird I will have to bop you

If you don't love you, no one else will either. Self improvement means being ok with who you are fren, not just what you look like. Crying yourself to sleep is something you need to put a stop to. Just stop it. No one wants a pathetic crybaby in their life. You have to put a stop to your negative behavior, and become someone people want to be around. Learn to have a sense of humor, memorize jokes, be frenly to people around you in a way that isn't saccharine. Change who you are, and don't think twice about it.

U don't need a girlfren fren. U got us :)) U should come round for Netflix and tendies fren!

be kind and lower your physical standards, you'll eventually find someone. Good luck fren :)

My physical standards are:

Dont weigh more than me, which is 99% of the female population because im 6"4 and kinda fat

Dont be a victim of a peaceful acid attack

Dont be hideously deformed, mild and kinda weird deformities are ok

A pulse.

Well then there are a lot of ladyfrens who fit the bill. Remember to value yourself fren!

Don’t lose hope fren! I’m sure you’re a great person but always consider what you may be doing wrong with your lifestyle choices. Nonfrencels will tell you it’s all women’s fault but this is to make you angry, be frenly and work on self improvement!

Fren, being a furry is not frenly! I think you should stop that and watching the unfrenly videos and sites. Read the Gospel according to St. John fren!

Post frog

Fren, I don't like where this is going. We are your frens, it wouldn't be frenly for us to give you emotional support because you can't find a girlfren. With that menality you will never find one. I think you should stop being a little babyfren and listen to what Tucker Carlfren said about ladyfrens.

The ominous music made Tucker Carlfren seem like he was being a non fren and that's just not true.

That's true fren, I just couldn't find a video of what he said that wasn't made by non-frens. I think what he said about female frens has a lot of truth to it, even if did sound a bit unfrenly.

I can't comment on your situation, since I don't know anything about you. Maybe if you keep consuming plenty of leftist propaganda you will be convinced that 300+ pound women are just as beautiful as all the others. If your looks and personality aren't too great, you might still have a chance then.

Three tips to meeting a female fren: lower your expectations, up your enthusiasm, improve your logistics.