I’m taking a trip to Africa this summer, frens! I can’t wait to see all the animals in their natural habitat!

250  2019-06-05 by ser-of-cannabis


I'm also going to Paris this Summer!

Wish me luck.

Some invasive species have recently been propping up in paris fren, you should be extra careful!

What kinds of species fren?

Maybe this is it fren. As you can see, it is not supposed to be in Europe, but was introduced from the east.

watch out for rakinwoofers fren. They act like a woof, but are really rakin.

I have absolutely no idea what this means fren.

Oh now I get it. Thank you for the information fren.

No worries. That's one of my favorite documentaries, fren.


Around dangerous animals never relax!

Fren, France is no longer France

Nonsense. Wir schaffen das!

That seems worse fren!

Good luck fren

I hear that some of the creatures in Africa are almost as intelligent as humans. Should be a good time fren

That would be amazing!

Be careful tho, certain African creatures are easily angered and prone to violence

Don’t talk about our pork-abstaining frens like that!

What do you mean fren? Haven't you heard about chimpanzees?

Mostly in packs though. Keep you webbed feet inside the vehicle at all times, fren!

I’m going to Sweden too, fren

You mean the northern east?

be careful with no-go zones fren!

Careful fren, anywhere in the Freniphate is dangerous for a fren.

just b carful of ma lay reee-a

Be careful fren, I had a fren who went to africa as a member of the peace corps, she was attacked by dangerous animals!

Lions, hyenas, and gorillas! Be very careful!

Just be careful fren, you know most animals are not civilised like us.

What part of Africa tho? There's a world's difference between going to Morocco, going to Ethiopia and going to South Africa.

Ah yes because of the different variety of lethal animals right fren

Yes, fren. They have different zip codes I heard.

Be careful and don’t carry to much money with you. Also carry a small weapon and insect repellant

Hopefully you're traveling alone, fren. I heard that you shouldn't bring lady-frens because the native animals have gangs that want to bop frens and scrape ladyfrens.

Careful, fren. I hear fren genocide is a problem there!


Can these African animals be domesticated and taken back to USA?

NOOOOO! That’s the worst thing we could possibly do! They need to stay wild and free in Africa!

Good point fren, we want to keep them in their natural habitats. Running wild happily across Africa.

Our ancestors already made that mistake and that’s why we have so many crowded zoos all over the place. We shouldn’t have ever brought them here.

But the economic growth of tourism to zoos boosted the nations economy

It didn't

A zoo based economy retarded the economic growth of the region that was dependent on zoos because zoo animals make poor consumers and innovators.

Of course that's not entirely the fault of the zoo animals. If you don't pay your zoo animals they can't exactly buy things, now can they?

But zoo animals work for free, would the zoo managers not gain from that?

Only a small portion of the population owned zoos

Overall it retarded the South's economic development. That's why most of the industry and banks were in the North.

Bad idea. They have no natural known predator in the USA, and will probably overbreed, causing problems for the native species.

i you dont get aids fren

stay safe fren

Or Ebola monkaS

But those animals are here friend?!

They need to be released back into their natural habitat, fren. It's just the right thing to do.

I think every thing in South Africa is a fren

Have a nice trip fren! Be careful around those wild ones, don't relax!

Haha yea fren be careful around those blacks. Keep your wallet tucked and out if sight.

Fren moment but Botswana is unironically really good.

Most of West Africa is quite good.

Safe travels and don’t be afraid to bop any wild animals there that come too close!

Make sure to use lots of sunblock/bug spray, those nonfren mosquitos are real nuisances!

Africa is a beautiful place! You will find very frenly and lively frens! They might look like non frens, but no, they are happy frens and do not satisfy 13 = 52.

Believe it or not some of the ones over there actually murder each other at slightly lower rates than the ones over here, despite generally having more impoverished living conditions.

The theory behind this is that when left alone to live among their own kind they're not exactly peaceful but they don't feel as frustrated and aggrieved at not being able to compete with more successful groups.

But I dunno, maybe some of those places just aren't as meticulous in collecting data for statistical analysis.

Nice fren, hope you some silverback gorillas!

I'm in Europe right now fren. Lot's of animals here too, but not in their natural habitat.