
183  2019-06-04 by ScuffedRomanReigns


we are't not sees just because we are green

Can we stop doing political posts? I know there are problems like this but I came here for wholesome Pepes eating cookies and not this shit.

Don’t worry fren, I still like eating cookies, 6 million of them to be exact

Fren please stop


but how did you make so many in such little time?

Don't ask questions about the cookies, fren

Fren I don’t think it’s possible to eat 6 million cookies

Sounds like you'd need a choo choo to transport that many cookies. Even better, a frenocoaster.

If you want to see less political stuff stop sorting by ‘new’. The stuff that makes it top is usually very wholesome. Any sub you go to sorting by new is going to show you the most extreme stuff. You’re doing this to yourself.

I’m sorting by rising

Do whatever you like. If you come across a post you don’t care for downvote and keep scrolling. The best stuff will make it into ‘hot’. Sorting by new and even rising is going to show you the most edgy content that may or may not even catch on.

Why dont you make some posts then and stop trying to control your other frens

Nope, if you don’t like it ignore it

Build up some karma and contribute to the sub by creating content.


Your account is 13 days old. We've been hear for months. No one cares what you want.

Why do you guys get so triggered when people point out how this is blatantly a political subreddit?


Yay, I am innocent.


This ain't too frenly there fren idk bout this one
