Frens we should make a subreddit called r/topfrensofreddit

45  2019-06-04 by genericmoron913


We already defeated the Top Minds. They’re leaving frenworld alone now.

Top Minds? More like Stop Minds am i right fren

How did you slightly defeat them, the moderators just made an announcement saying not to post about this shitty cesspool anymore.

Because you lacked the courage to continue your fight.

b o p

Instead of pretentiously point out "top minds," Top Frens could do the opposite and have a subreddit dedicated to frenly stuff found on reddit.

Sounds like a great idea, fren!

Good idea fren, I will make it tommarow morning!

Can I be admin fren?

Absolutely fren!

This sounds like a absolutely frenly idea frenz, I would lik to help in any way I can.

This sounds like a absolutely frenly idea frenz, I would lik to help in any way I can.