Is ChapoNonfrenHouse month over yet, frens?

189  2019-06-03 by ScuffedRomanReigns


They will never leave us frens alone in our frenworld, fren. All we can do is keep boppin' invaders.

killing fascists is good!

I never acknowledge it in the first place, fren.

They do not leave *USS Liberty.*

USS Liberty

Goy, I...

No, it’s still mental illness month

Fren why would you say such a mean thing?

He’s spreading awareness. People who are sick shouldn’t be told to love their diseases.


Not yet fren, stay on the lookout, it's looking grim :(

Can some fren explain what chapohouse is sposed to mean, I know it is unfrenly but can I get a quick rundown of what goes on there

I just came to ask that, fren. It looks like they are some strange shifting conglomerate of socially left libertarianism, socialism/communism, and straight anarchism whose camaraderie is derived largely from a nihilistic criticism of mainstream geopolitical paradigms. The formula works well enough, nihilism being an enviable element to dank meme making, and it seems to attract audiences slightly beyond its intended scope. But the discourse that, if left unmolested, would be inevitable in such a concoction of different ideas never catalyzes, likely due to pressure from the regulars and mod intervention.

Kinda fun to vacation to, fren. But don’t stay too long.

Fren, it’s a hate sub filled with clowns and non-teens, stay away

Fren did you buy a new thesaurus? That’s my favourite dino :) i am jealous but in a happy way

I sound like an asshole, fren. I know. I’m sorry.

Don’t be sorry my fren you are not bad

Big words scre me sometimes :(


It's a sub full of people who think they're nihilist edgelord revolutionaries, but actually they're more like church ladies that caught a case of the vapors. They're literally foot-soldiers of the establishment. Any dissenting opinion is banned and (empty) threats of violence against their political opponents run rampant. Avoid at all costs, fren.


I'm scared fren. I've been in hiding for three weeks now and I'm beginning to run out of Caprisun packets.

in the UK Chapononfrenhouse month last 4 months.... that nearly half a year of nonfrendliness

Fren why would you say such a mean thing?