Hi. Can I be a fren? I want to go to frenworld to make a happy life for myself, in a place with less nonfrens. I have all my dock you men's right here frens.

22  2019-06-03 by Lil_bob_skywalker


Ok fren, but is it just you, or hundreds of your distant friends and family coming along?

No. Only one fren, and that's me. No nonfrens coming with. Only a few new frens at one time. So our frens can be sure everyone coming is frenly.

Are you a hardworking fren who seeks to contribute to existing society and culture?

Yes fren. I want to eat tendies and be frenly with frens. We need less nonfrens coming to frenworld but not being frenly

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the fact that there are nonfrens in frenworld and frens that are not in frenworld

remember lads, not every redditor has good intentions.

You can come to frenworld if you’re willing to assimilate into frenly culture and are able to support yourself.


You’ll have to pass some strict health screenings. Can’t have people bringing diseases into frenworld

Don't go boomboom on the street, ok fren?

Sure fren just be nice.