Good news frens! The top of the top minds has ordered a retreat. Victory may soon be on he horizon.

71  2019-06-01 by WhenISayNYouSayIgger


I’m not tired of winning frens

Now is the time to execute order hashtag


Go away topmind

Bad French

There subreddit isn't awesome.

Such non frens.

we did it Frens! ##BestFrens

I fight not for the medals or the tendies; I fight for the Frens in the foxhole with me. It’s an honor, Frens.


You can still view the posts on

We won frens! Free tendies and water for all frens! Tonight we celebrate

A lot of Top Minds will be crying and licking penis when presented with these facts. They can’t keep getting away with it.

You see how the subs are beautiful when they don't mix with eachother?


They fought us over here so they didn't have to fight us over there. As usual, it didn't work out very well 😊

just as kek promised to the chosen frogs

Hurah! We have defeated the nonfrens!