The Top Minds are starting to realize that all their sub has become is frenworld reposts. Even their mods are tired of it. We are irresistible to a Top Mind. Keep up the frenliness, frens!

960  2019-05-31 by ser-of-cannabis


The thing that makes a nonfren most angry is the innocent, happy laughter of frens enjoying life.

They destroyed tradition, cultural identity (oppressive!), marriage, family (they hate children), humor and laugh (it is offensive).

No wonder they are perpetually on antidepressants, killing themselves, injecting themselves hormones to be different, hating those who do love and laugh in life.

They are not nonfrens. They are pure antifrenship. They are antichrist, antilife and antifrenship.

I bet in ye olden days the frens lived by rivers, and if the nonfrens came to ruin our frenly frenship, we would bop them.

Then they ended up finding other sources of water, like lakes, and they got sick from drinking the lake water. Sad.

to be fair, some of them really love children.

More like sometimes their degenerate fetishes and their hate for children happen to coincide.

I didn’t know biden was on reddit.

Yes, yes, with a little bit of food on the side. A "frenly" dinner of bread triangles with tomato sauce and cheese.

Tbh I think nonfrens bopping themselves from earth is a good thing fren.

Death is never good

Death is a part of life. It's neither good nor bad

Nobody deserves death

You sound like a quivering pussy

You sound like a nonfren


Double Bob

Sometimes it is the nicest thing thing can do for everyone else.


The best revenge is a good honk

Honk if ya got 'em.

they hate themselves and want frens to be as miserable as they are

They don't understand that the pain they feel is simply nature's way of telling them that they're garbage people. They think it's that the entire universe is wrong and they're these little special pockets of "right." The entire universe is what is making them feel miserable, they contend with nothing less than everything but themselves and their degenerate, pus-leaking front holes.




They exist to be upset and offended, so they have to feel that way, else they have to deal with reality, and their realities are all sad and depressing, because they dont have love in their lives.

frenliness will conquer all

Fren derangement syndrome


My favorite part of that thread is the nonfren mod telling the OP that maybe he shouldn’t come in and criticize the reddit and instead actually contribute something, since he’s new and all.

Boy, it’s almost allegorical, is t it?

Nonfrens need us to be their “villains” to keep them from eating each other.

*crab dance*

🦀topminds are losing it🦀

🦀$45 dollars🦀



They banned me years ago. Fuckers.

No cussies please :(

Top Minds is literally just everyone eating the Onion all the time. It's such a fucking joke of a subreddit.

Not a very frenly expression on the face of this fren :(


Fren is laughing tho

But kinda looks like when an angry nonfren laugh :(

No nvm very frenly

Sorry what

He said: “”

Ah thanks

Fren > non fren


The topMayos do seem obsessed with frens

We are living rent free inside their mind,rejoice fren for we have found a new home.

death to frenslam

👌🐸👌 Keep it up frens

For supposed top minds fren they sure are dumb dumbs. Top minds very gullible fren.

No cussies please :(