"A journalist wrote it so it must be credible"

3109  2019-05-31 by FoxDieEeE


Mod appreciates good music

A fellow mozza fan I see, even though apparently I’m a not see.

Yeah but he wore a pin that supported a conservative party on an American late night show!!! He had an opinion and now the top non-frens are going to say you hate everyone.

They even just banned his music from the oldest record store in the world.

It's a great song though!

record stores are private companies, fren. they can choose to sell and not sell whatever they want.

That doesn't have anything to do with what I said, fren.

It's always good to see communists defending private enterprise, fren

not your fren, incel

God bless that flaming gay hero to us all!

Is this a frend pill, fren?

game journalists said Dark Souls was too hard frens, why are they such liars

r/politics: CNN is a credible respected news source

frens im a twitter journalist pls gib me blue check mark


frens im am a instogram news influancer pls do my paytrion

ok fren do i get preemium instogram with purchase of paytrion

Frens, you are awesome

Oh wow, I’m imbressed fren. Here, have my hard erned money

Daily reminder that if even Joe "Blockhead" Bernstein, who will never write for the New York Times And writes the mental equivalent of popcorn for Buzzfeed Need, can be a """journalist""", then basically anyone can.

Remember to kill a white man on your way to work tomorrow.

  • joe blockhead

Bluecheckmarked and doxxes and threatens 14 year old girls because of course


Fren, there is no such thing as journalists only activists

Journalist is just another name for activist in 2019.

Enemies of the frens

Journalists are all non-frens

Their lies echo in eternity and one day they will have to face judgement from the allfrenly creator, afren.

Afren, be praised 🙏


Even “fren” journalists only make cringe arguments that get frens straw-manned

Sorry fren, what is straw manning?

I think is implying not true thing, tactic for arguments, I am not of much NOLETCH fren

Straw Manning was a quarterback for Indianapolis Colts whose brother Eli Manning ran for governor of New Mexico but turned into conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura who also kills babies and hates collared shirts (poor polos) so therefore your argument is WRONG!

This made me laugh fren :)

The 5th colfren.

Enemies of the democratic people's republic of frens.

The activist media will have it's lying mouth shut for them.

Will they learn if your peaceful ways by force?

Activist is such a stupid word. Everyone who isn't a nonfren is "inactive", nonfrens think only themselves active, the nonfren is so prejudiced that it thinks of the fren as an inactive animal, a thing to be used.

activist with a blue dot by their twitter name*

and they seem to give them to anyone on the left.

Journalism is dead. It’s all clickbait and lies that gets spread by useful idiots

I seen u before but I swear it was in a different sub

That’s nice

It's the same as it ever was.

The only thing worse than someone who read newspaper is someone who reads nothing but newspapers, I think that may have been attributed to Arch-Nonfren Abraham Lincoln.

I don’t know about that. It used to be possible to find news articles, now everything is just opinion pieces.

Seriously, try to find a current article that is not an opinion piece. It’s very difficult.

Tucker Carlson always has the facts 🤵

Good joke, fren. Gave me a giggles 😄

Not a joke, fren. You must not watch it

Tucker has his own bias, although he is more upfront about it. He is better then liberals and more rooted facts, but that is not a hard ask.

Very good point Fren.

journalist/ˈdʒəːn(ə)lɪst/ nounnoun: journalist; plural noun: journalists

  1. a professional liar

That’s also the definition of politician fren!

No fren, Politicians aren't liars, they're reptoids, fren!

The bad kind tho, not like us. The kind that can change their appearance and citizenship on a whim.

I don’t even bother watching the “news” anymore.

Me neither news is for )e.... nonfrens


Here's what the "news" sounds like. They're nothing more than a bunch of mindless drones all regurgitating the same propaganda. https://youtu.be/6d1az5jnIsM


Some people just arnt born to critically think.

They don’t teach you to think critically in school. why would they, if they need npc instead of individuals

Why would they need to teach you? Its depressing how little people are able to do it on their own


people can critically think. you guys greatly overestimate the plague on intelectualism in our modern time.

on average americans have less of an attention span then goldfish. people can critically think they just lack the attention required to read more than the healing and lack the attention to delve deeper into what could be important.

theodore and linkola were right.

😂 bro, that’s you turds. You’re the ones who can’t think critically. The lack of self-awareness is incredible.

Get bopped nonfren

Oh how times have changed. Now traditionalists are anti establishment and you rebel commie nonfrens are standing up tall for establishment propaganda and government corruption.

If I could sticky someone else's comment it would be this one. Well said Fren.

Aww thanks fren! Means a lot comin from an extra green fren 🤗


So woke


Rude :(


Owned 😳💯💯

Frens i am bluecheckmark, that means im speaking truth

Donate to my patreon

Can i have tabasco for this frens?

"But the newspapers do fact checks" - Many people where I live

Opinion pieces are (cannot think of a negative enough description).


Bring me tendies!

Its fine fren we all make mistakes

Here you go fren


Oh thank you fren. You have brought me tendies and I am in your debt!

What we need is good honest journalist frens to replace the evil enemies

Unfortunately those tend to be prosecuted under the espionage act

Are they non frens? I'm not sure I just want to be frens with everyone.

Die lugenpresse frens.

Too many journalists these days are non-frens

Even journalists can be frens

Of course they can, if they’re good and honest ones.
A shame none of those exist

You don't think a single journalist is a fren? Not one? Thats some unfrenly thinking, fren.

Can you link one, fren?

>clicks first image
Never mind fren, you’re right
>clicks second image
A shame he’s gone


But mister shekelgoldbergstein said it was so

Whooo boy




uwu sieg heiwl fwens lugenpwesse bad fwens :3

Chapo posters out.

Little dick warrior.

i do da bop to da non fwens uwu :3 teehee


Frens some non frens called me a not see..what do?should i cry to my tendies?

wow what's with the notseeing, fren?

You realize that when you call people with perfectly clear vision not sees, no one takes you seriously anymore right?

Honestly, I think the only people that take accusations of not sees seriously anymore are nonfrens and their journalist allies, and that's mostly because they want an excuse to commit violence and then run away.

You guys should have kept your powder dry. But then again, it's clear that you never learned any childhood proverbs like "the boy who cried wolf", and definitely not "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"...

I assume that's because you were all raised by single mothers too busy blowing nonfrens while you ate dinner out of a can, but I could be wrong and it could also just be because they didn't love you.

I hope you all die in a fire.

The tolerant left everybody....

Yup :) I'll blow your ducking head off :D

Overt threats of death. Where is your mind, child?

No mercy for cults. Even if you hide behind baby talk

Your threats of death on others, regardless, using your baby talk emojis and frat girl “biiiiiiiii 🙃” indicates you are a child, my friend. It’s overtly immature and ridiculous. Find your mind cause you’re out of it.

But I like Rick and Morty and Game Grumps just like you fren :(

It's okay, you can still come to staff night at your camps :)

Jesus, dude....you’re gone.

Still here fren :) we always will be


Faggot alert y'all bop this boy


With what since you non frens want to shit on the 2A? Unless you mean blow his cock head

", he said kneeling, as the bull opposite him disrobed and revealed his throbbing, black erection. "This'll be the best you've ever had, big boy! This is my apology for being white..."

Journalists do not = frens

Tim Pool is a Whyte Supreacicst yatzee!

How have you fried cuck-balls not been banned?


We need direct democracy frens

A direct democracy would be even worse fren.

People are dumb, why do you think propaganda is so effective and “journalists” still in business?

Oh no fren, there seems to be something wrong with your brain! You're spouting out complete nonsense!

If every single major news publication slandered him and when the full footage came out didn’t admit they were wrong, how do you expect me to trust them.

u/nwordcountbot u/FoxDieEeE

Fucking weirdo.

Pls die "frens" :) k thx biiii

What was the point? Why?


I don't think these kind of posts are anyway related to the theme of the subreddit even if you use the first picture of Apu you can find on google search.


I like this one. So true. Journalists are no longer good fren. They wanna hurt frens. Be careful you all.

Thank for dis eye openin picure fren, now I no how to idenfy nonfrens.

Journalists are nonfrens of the people

Frens I've been actively avoiding all the drama from that one garbage subreddit and just see the occasional friendly posts here. Did someone actually attempt to use that in an argument?

journalists? More like idiots hahahaha got em


death to frenslam

Stay away from the soy fren

A YouTuber said it so it must be credible

More credible than randos on the internet.

oh look a chapo cracker

go back there, little dick warrior

Ya'll are very hostile for a sub that's an ironic mispelling of friend world.


Oh. It's that kind of sub is it. Guess ya'll are forced to migrate a lot huh.

And it's ya'll. Yall is just ignorant.

y’all are ignorant non fren

Hmm y'all does seem better. Ya isn't a word.

Oh YIKES y'all sweet summer children!

See, I split the difference between speaking like a black person and speaking like a southern person to give the impression that I'm a """culturally sensitive, average American""" with many years of life experience, even though I'm an over sensitive college aged white girl who lives in a 98% white suburb in Connecticut, would never dare use the word "y'all" in the real world, and yet--incredibly--still think I know about the plight of the negro in the inner cities and how everything they're going through is the fault of white racism and the patriarchal capitalist system! That's what my professors said, anyway!

Y'all need to be more tolerant! I had $350 tickets to a Snoop Dog concert in Fairfield County once, so I think I know a thing or two about life, okay?

I'm not even from the US dumbass. It's just an easy way to address a group of people. Couldn't care less about the cultural implications you give to a fucking word.

Who hurt y'all, sweaty?

Y'all got enough vaseline for this giant circlejerk of a sub?

Raw dawg, fren.

No, more like


What the fuck is "friend world"?

Not anymore.

Still is. People didn't stop trusting journalists. They stopped trusting journalists that write about what they don't want to hear.

I don’t think you remember that kid who smirked and got slandered for a month.

It's almost like theres a centrist approach to this argument where someone both acknowledges the wrongdoings and declining quality of journalism while accepting the fact that journalism isn't an evil profession thought up by Satan himself. Almost.


Of course journalism isn't evil, but journalism implies journalistic ethics, which very few of these hacks seem to have, so why should they be respected as journalists?

Like, I don't think it's a stretch to say that the """journalism""" the US News Media has been practicing over the past 36 months has made life worse for everyone. I sincerely doubt everyone would be at each other's throats if they hadn't pushed a complete hoax of a story, predicated on a fake dossier that was commissioned by a firm that worked for the Democratic Party!

Like, you understand that when you claim to be presenting the truth but are actually lying constantly, it's incredibly damaging, right? They have a right to do it, but it's not exactly "ethical".

Everyone is sick of these liars. They've been caught lying so many goddamn times. Respect is earned; not automatically given because you're on TV, and now they're throwing a temper tantrum because they torched their own reputation and no one except the sheepiest of sheep is listening to them anymore.

I do. He didn't deserve that. Doesn't mean all journos are bad.

If anything, where else are you gonna get your news?

I just read the titles of New York Times and use it to justify my political stance/s

No, I'm pretty sure we stopped trusting journalists when we realized they weren't telling us the truth.

Like when that nice Catholic boy had that Indian nonfren walk right up to him and bang a drum in his face. That was the smirk of white privilege remember? Of course, we aren't reliant on CNN or MSNBC for our news, so we all saw the extended video and what really happened within hours of the story breaking, but """journalists""" decided that they were going to continue lying to us for political gain, and then quietly stop mentioning it when it was clear that continuing would make them completely incredible, even to their most loyal adherents.

But you didn't hear the real story from them. You heard it from alternative media. Why? Because journalists aren't interested in the truth, and now we have the tools to prove it.

There are literally hundreds of stories that have played out exactly like this in the last 3 years. A story breaks, journalists lie about it, someone shows up with the real story. The Kavanaugh Rape Hoax. Jussie Smollett. Covington Catholic. Any number of President Trump's statements...

Tell me, why should I believe journalists when they seem to actually have a worse track record than random people on the internet?

But the journalists working for the alternative media are just fine and dandy right? And let me guess, you get to decide who's mainstream and who's alternative, right? Who is trustworthy, and who is always lying.

Like I said: People like you didn't stop trusting journalists. They stopped trusting journalists if they wrote things they don't like.

The people that are trustworthy are the people that aren't verifiably lying to me constantly.

Why is this such a hard concept for you? There is only one truth. I am interested in journalists that can discover the truth and communicate it to me in an effective way. Network news has clearly become completely incapable of doing so, and I'm sick of them pissing on my head and telling me it's raining, so they won't get my viewership.

Why are you so antagonistic toward the idea of calling liars liars?

Me neither news is for )e.... nonfrens


Here's what the "news" sounds like. They're nothing more than a bunch of mindless drones all regurgitating the same propaganda. https://youtu.be/6d1az5jnIsM

frens im am a instogram news influancer pls do my paytrion

Who hurt y'all, sweaty?

Y'all got enough vaseline for this giant circlejerk of a sub?